Examples of the the word, printer , in a Sentence Context

The word ( printer ), is the 3590 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Input, and several games made use of available adaptors that plugged into the, printer ,socket, providing two additional 9-pin joystick ports. Atari initially used
  2. Fathers of the United States. A noted polymath, Franklin was a leading author, printer , political theorist, politician,postmaster, scientist,musician, inventor
  3. This includes typewriters, tele printer s,non-graphic computer terminals, printer ,separators, in early computer networking (e.g., BBSes ), e-mail,and Usenet
  4. English chivalry ". Adams believes this view was shared at the time by the, printer ,William Caxton, who enjoyed sponsorship from Edward IV and Richard III. Nine
  5. Progress through the manufacturing system, if 10,000 books are to be made,the, printer ,will print between 10,500 and 11,000 copies so that subsequent spoilage will
  6. Plus a large expansion unit containing 32 KB of RAM,48 KB of ROM, a Centroids, printer ,port and a modem. The ROM firmware provided dial-up communications facilities.
  7. Total charge (Q +1). A Braille embosser is a printer , necessarily an impact, printer , that renders text as tactile Braille cells. Using Braille translation software
  8. 1467. Dürer's godfather was Anton Berger, who left Goldsmith to become a, printer ,and publisher in the year of Dürer's birth. He quickly became the most
  9. b. 1681) *1790 – Benjamin Franklin, American inventor, diplomat,and, printer ,(b. 1706) *1799 – Richard Jump, English architect (b. 1728) *1843 – Samuel
  10. With Kurosawa is the wipe. This is an effect created through an optical, printer , in which, when a scene ends, a line or bar appears to move across the screen
  11. SID's). Each object represents a single entity—whether a user, a computer,a, printer , or a group—and its attributes. Certain objects can contain other objects. An
  12. Sound synthesis, also used for floppy signalling, serial control output and, printer ,parallel port. **HD6301V1" Hitachi keyboard processor"—Used for keyboard
  13. MIDI in/out (with 'out-thru' ),RS-232 serial, Centronics parallel (, printer ,), monitor (RGB or Composite Video color and mono,13-pin DIN),extra disk
  14. While at the same time firing the person who started the review – an optical, printer ,was used to make the whole screen appear in focus (visually layering one piece
  15. Texts from Joseph Smith to today. Differences between the original and, printer ,'s manuscript, the 1830 printed version, and modern versions of the Book of
  16. Had no difficulty in understanding what was going on if he had visited a book, printer ,in 1900. Gutenberg’s invention was the use of movable metal types, assembled
  17. Drives, composite video (NTSC or PAL),serial interfaces for modem and, printer , and a port usable by either a joystick or mouse. Unlike previous Apple II
  18. And codified the Gulf Stream, he did not actually discover it: No longer a, printer ,In 1743,Franklin founded the American Philosophical Society to help scientific
  19. Of backing a newspaper to be empty, Franklin worked as a typesetter in a, printer ,'s shop in what is now the Church of St Bartholomew-the-Great in the Smithfield
  20. Punched card. Paper tape 'full' mode allowed lower case. Output was to a line, printer , 'BEGIN' 'WRITE TEXT' (" HELLO WORLD" ); 'END' ALGOL 68 ALGOL 68 code was
  21. Seeking a new start in a new city. When he first arrived he worked in several, printer ,shops around town. However, he was not satisfied by the immediate prospects.
  22. Beech am, British conductor (d. 1961) *1882 – H. N. Workman, Dutch artist and, printer ,(d. 1945) *1885 – Ego Erwin Kitsch, Czech journalist and author (d. 1948)
  23. With PC input and output devices, the most common being the mouse, keyboard and, printer , *Transfer of files, contact details, calendar appointments, and reminders
  24. Was computer system supporting magnetic tape, card reader/punches and a line, printer , In time, Burroughs was selling more than adding machines, including
  25. English-born writer (b. 1887) * 1945 – H. N. Workman, Dutch artist and, printer ,(b. 1882) *1954 – August Lumiere, French film executive (b. 1862) * 1954 –
  26. And a suite of networking software allowing such functions as file, drive and, printer ,sharing. As well as allowing the construction of a PC-only Applejack network
  27. An average of two to three changes per page from the original manuscript to the, printer ,'s manuscript, with most changes being corrections of scribal errors such as
  28. Removable cartridge drive, ACSI bus, Mega ST matching case * SLM804 - Laser, printer , connected through ACS DMA port, used ST's memory and processor to build
  29. Their own alternative in the form of an improved floppy disk controller and, printer ,interface that could be built right into a floppy disk enclosure. The lack of
  30. His father for a time and at 12 he became an apprentice to his brother James,a, printer , who taught Ben the printing trade. When Ben was 15,James founded The
  31. LAN that were waiting to print to display status messages indicating that the, printer ,was busy, and what the job was that it was busy with. Routing Table Maintenance
  32. Input and output; one hacker (Don Lancaster) used it to drive a Underwriter, printer , Timeline of Apple II Family models The Apple III (often rendered as Apple ///
  33. As Macintosh Office, which would consist of a host machine providing routing, printer ,sharing and file sharing. However, this project was canceled in 1986. Despite
  34. The spelling of tsar used in several Slavic languages In computing,a, printer ,is a peripheral which produces a text and/or graphics of documents stored in
  35. The analogue interface was normally used for joysticks, the parallel for a, printer , Access to ROM memory occurred at 2 MHz regardless of graphics mode so
  36. Example, character 10 represents the" line feed" function (which causes a, printer ,to advance its paper),and character 8 represents" backspace ". RFC 2822
  37. Their Braille counterparts. This is often the case regardless of the type of, printer ,being discussed. As with ink printer s and presses, embossers range from those
  38. Punching dots onto paper. It connects to a computer in the same way as a text, printer , * Perkins Braille. To manually emboss Grade 1 or 2 Braille. * Mountbatten
  39. Disks and laser printer s) Because of its bidirectional design, the Centroids, printer ,port could be used for joystick input, and several games made use of available
  40. Of the increasing computerization of the process of preparing a book for the, printer , the typesetting part of the job has flowed upstream, where it is done either
  41. Ohio Territory. As Governor, he formulated Maxwell's Code (named after its, printer , William Maxwell),the first written laws of the territory. He also sought to
  42. Proud of his working class roots, became a successful newspaper editor and, printer ,in Philadelphia, the leading city in the colonies. He was also partners with
  43. Italian architect (b. 1484) * 1546 – Étienne Dole, French scholar and, printer ,(b. 1509) *1604 – Bernardino de Mendoza, Spanish military commander *1621 –
  44. Changed with the introduction of the Underwriter, the first PostScript laser, printer ,to be offered at a reasonable price, and Pacemaker, an early desktop publishing
  45. Illustrate verses by Frederic Weather titled A Happy Pair. In 1893 the same, printer ,brought several more drawings for Weather’s Our Dear Relations, another book
  46. Looms such as the Jacquard loom. For output, the machine would have a, printer , a curve plotter and a bell. The machine would also be able to punch numbers
  47. Used ST's memory and processor to build pages for printing * SLM605 - Laser, printer , connected through ACS DMA port, smaller than SLM805 Magazines The following
  48. Publishing arm, Herald House. The Authorized Edition is based on the original, printer ,'s manuscript and the 1837-Second Edition (or Kirtland Edition) of the Book
  49. Software markets and began the boom in the word processor and computer, printer ,markets. The first microcomputer" killer app" for business was Musical, the
  50. Q −) to have the correct total charge (Q +1). A Braille embosser is a, printer , necessarily an impact printer , that renders text as tactile Braille cells.

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