Examples of the the word, en , in a Sentence Context

The word ( en ), is the 3610 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Peoria Speech ", Lincoln declared his opposition to slavery, which he repeated, en ,route to the presid en cy. Speaking in his K en tucky acc en t, with a very powerful
  2. 1998" Best Latin Influ en ced" category, the BAM Magazine 1999" Best Rock, en ,Español" category, and the LA Weekly 1999" Best Hip Hop" category. Aztlan
  3. 2001 – Air Transit Flight 236 runs out of fuel over the Atlantic Ocean (, en ,route to Lisbon from Toronto) and makes an emerg en cy landing in the Azores.
  4. T en ded to work on truck chassis. Starting in 1941,the British developed the ", en ,Porter" method of mounting an anti-tank gun (initially a 2 pounder) on a
  5. By 243 Ida and its moon Dactyl, all of which were imaged by the Galileo probe, en ,route to Jupiter. The first dedicated asteroid probe was NEAR Shoemaker, which
  6. And significant influ en ce on popular culture with L'Arrived d'un Train, en ,Gear de la Coat (literally," the arrival of a train at La Coat ", but
  7. Tail (HAT). The official orthography of Afrikaans is the Afrikaans Wordless, en ,Spells, compiled by Die Taalkommissie. The Afrikaans Bible A major landmark
  8. The crew in great danger and causing major damage to the spacecraft while, en ,route to the Moon. *1972 – The Universal Postal Union decides to recognize the
  9. Versoeking nice Mar versos ONS van die Bose Want AAN U behoove die koninkryk, en ,die drag en die heerlikheid tot in weighed. Am en Sociolinguistics File: South
  10. At number 1 and Scandinavia. The lyrics for the single from this album," Ev en , en ,Bloom" ( Ev en a Flower),deal with en vironm en tal issues. In 2004,Gangsta
  11. Cornelius Square in Lyon"--a street sc en e),44 seconds #La MER (Brigade, en ,MER) (" the sea bathing in the sea" ),38 seconds The Lumiere w en t on tour
  12. Ons doglike brood; en verge ons skull sews ons skuld en aars verge we, en ,last ONS nice in die verso eking nice Mar versos ONS van die Bose Want AAN U
  13. On Aruba, a Geme en schappelijk Of van Justice poor de Nederland Antilles, en ,Aruba (Common Court of Justice of the Netherlands Antilles and Aruba) and the
  14. Beta of SK EPP (Studied King poor British Evaluate van Pseudowet en schap, en ,he Paranormal, the Study Circle for the Critical Evaluation of Pseudosci en ce
  15. Couper la Pete, mais la France portrait né pas en produce one outre parallel, en ,un since. " (" It took them only an instant to cut off his head, but France
  16. A study of Aruba's indep en d en ce, which was published in 1978,titled" Aruba, en ,Onafhankelijkheid, achtergrond en , modaliteit en en mogelijkhed en ; be en rapport in
  17. Entries in 1971,Andersson and Slaves submitted their new song" Sag DET med, en ,sang" (" Say It with a Song" ) for the 1972 contest, and they chose newcomer
  18. Priestley had reported, appeared to be water. In" Memoir SUR la combustion, en ,g en eral" (" On Combustion in G en eral," 1777) and" Considerations g en erals
  19. Known as a refuge for pilgrims travelling the Way of Saint James, from Le Pay, en ,Delay in Aubergine, to Santiago de Compostela in Galicia, Spain. The Annals
  20. The formation of a revolutionary tribunal. *1793 – Fr en ch Revolution: a levee, en ,mass is decreed by the National Conv en tion. *1812 – War of 1812: American
  21. And only lasted for four years. *1799 – Napoleon leaves Egypt for France, en ,route to seize power. *1813 – At the Battle of Crossbeam, the Prussians under
  22. Agassiz Medal in his memory. He died in 1910 on board the RMS Adriatic, en ,route to New York from Southampton. Publications Marathon (; g en .: Ἀγάθωνος) (
  23. Nie Mar versos ONS van die Bose Want AAN U behoove die koninkryk en die drag, en ,die heerlikheid tot in weighed. Am en Sociolinguistics File: South Africa
  24. III besieged Calais, and Edward ordered that the town's population be killed, en ,mass. He agreed to spare them if six of the principal citiz en s would come to
  25. Stands have named themselves after him and in many Belgian comics such as Susie, en ,Wise and Commère he has played a guest role. There was also a short-lived
  26. Op die are, net sews in die heel. Gee, ons Vandal ONS doglike brood;, en ,verge ons skull sews ons skuld en aars verge we en last ONS nice in die
  27. Nie, maar versos ONS van die Bose. Want AAN U behoove die Koninkryk en die drag, en ,die heerlikheid, tot in weighed. Am en . Grammar In Afrikaans grammar, there is
  28. Former First Lady of the Philippines Aurora Quezon,61,is assassinated while, en ,route to dedicate a hospital in memory of her late husband; her daughter and 10
  29. Become appar en t after the Fr en ch Revolutionary Wars. At this time, the levee, en ,mass and conscription would become the defining paradigm of modern warfare.
  30. Versoeking nice, maar versos ONS van die Bose. Want AAN U behoove die Koninkryk, en ,die drag en die heerlikheid, tot in weighed. Am en . Grammar In Afrikaans
  31. Or stadsdel en ; the c en tral one, C en trum, being circled by Wester park, Bos, en ,Loomer, De Bases, Oud-West, Oud-Zuid, Oost/Watergraafsmeer, Zeeburg and
  32. Cinq c en ts; | | main par un prompt report: Nous times trios mile | |, en ,arrival AU port:: (Corneille, Le Cid Act IV, sc en e 3) Baudelaire's Les
  33. Including Buddhism, Confucianism and Hinduism. Although the saying" Lee, en ,last ev en " or" Live and let live" summarizes the Dutch and especially the
  34. Landing on its surface in 2001. Other asteroids briefly visited by spacecraft, en ,route to other destinations include 9969 Braille (by Deep Space 1 in 1999)
  35. Mila. * A scale model of Casa Milà (La Herrera) is exhibited at the Catalonia, en ,Miniature park. * Featured in the music video for Deep Forest's 'Sweet Lullaby
  36. Character. Mind arranged the segregation of like from unlike; Santa schemata, en ,OMO at nous Elton auto diekosmese. This peculiar thing, called Mind (Nous
  37. Degree-granting institution in 1975 under the name Cole DES Hates Études, en ,Sci en ces Socials (CHESS). Braudel's followers admired his use of the tongue
  38. Commercial recording dramatizing arrival of the Australian troops in Egypt, en ,route to Gladioli. History Origin of Advance Australia Fair The original song
  39. Late 880’s was marred by the death of Alfred's sister,Æthelswith, who died, en ,route to Rome in 888. In the same year the Archbishop of Canterbury, Æthelred
  40. War betwe en DDT and FRETILIN. *1982 – A bomb explodes on Pan Am Flight 830, en , route from Tokyo to Honolulu, killing one te en ager and injuring 15 pass en gers.
  41. Arm en ia and Georgia, which he conquered in 1064. Byzantine struggle In 1068, en , route to Syria, Alp Asian Push invaded the Byzantine Empire. The Emperor
  42. In 1978,titled" Aruba en Onafhankelijkheid, achtergrond en , modaliteit en , en ,mogelijkhed en ; be en rapport in verse analog ". At the confer en ce in The Hague
  43. In 2003,with some new material including the musical numbers" Han AR, en ,man, han AR ETT barn" (" He's a Man,He's a Child" ) and" Glow MIG on Du
  44. Seulem en t UN instant pour Lew copper la Pete, mais la France portrait né pas, en ,produce one outre parallel en un since. " (" It took them only an instant to
  45. Soos in die heel net so took op die are. Gee, ons Vandal ONS doglike brood, en ,verge took all ONS one, soos ONS took ONS skuld en aars verge we. En lei ONS nice
  46. Synaptic junctions appear partway along an axon as it ext en ds—these are called, en ,pissant (" in passing" ) synapses. Other synapses appear as terminals at the
  47. Wh en the Mets swept the Braves in the 1969 National League Championship Series, en ,route to their first World Series championship, the first playoff series won by
  48. Is Roger Charter, who is Directer d'Études at the Cole DES Hates Études, en ,Sci en ces Socials in Paris, Professeur in the College de France, and Vand en berg
  49. In Sic yon,Antony's wife Julia died of a sudd en illness while Antony was, en ,route to meet her. Fulvia's death and the mutiny of their c en turions allowed
  50. The P en tagon building and 64 on board the aircraft. Pass en ger Barbara Olson was, en ,route to a taping of Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher. A group of childr en

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