Examples of the the word, happiness , in a Sentence Context

The word ( happiness ), is the 3594 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Sought to fulfill a therapeutic role by instructing people how to attain, happiness , However, Spinoza differed sharply from the Stoics in one important respect: he
  2. And a feeling of love gives birth to love and mercy. According to him the, happiness ,of people is the happiness of the ruler. His opinion was that the sword is not
  3. This large grotto has many paintings of the mature 5th century. The love of, happiness ,radiates through the pictures. The earth has become heaven. The Appears and the
  4. That working for the common good demands sacrifice; he cannot expect personal, happiness , This is a lesson that Lambert learns. At first, he insists that he does not
  5. Who wanted to hear him ". In Einstein's talk to the audience, he expressed his, happiness ,over the event: Emigration from Germany In 1933,Einstein decided to emigrate
  6. Of justice. The gods and the spirits accept that the share of wealth and, happiness ,that has been offered to them and had been hitherto destroyed in useless
  7. In his room at the Royal College of Music, and I recall vividly his unwonted, happiness ,over it ... He ceased to speak, and put his finger on the note D in the second
  8. And Asia bit Abu Bakr::: :Grandson Abdallah in al-Zubayr - His birth spread, happiness ,among Muslims, killed by Hajj bin Yousef.::: :Grandson UNRWA in al-Zubayr:::
  9. Ethical altruism as incompatible with the requirements of human life and, happiness , and held that the initiation of force was evil and irrational, writing in
  10. The moral journey can be completed. It will also ensure that in the long run, happiness ,will result from virtue. Its existence would mean that there is a perfect moral
  11. To the enjoyment of the rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of, happiness ," and (Section I) one of" the fundamental principles of this government" (
  12. Down, and Jimmy declared before his death that" the happiness I bought was no, happiness ,". His death was also ordered by the court of law, which was run by the three
  13. Is that such a practice promotes our own happiness :" The more we care for the, happiness ,of others, the greater our own sense of well-being becomes" ( Dalai Lama *
  14. Did this not to be morbid, but to reflect a greater appreciation for life and, happiness , In Le Myth, this dualism becomes a paradox: We value our lives and existence
  15. Of love and compassion. These qualities are the ultimate source of human, happiness , and the need for them lies at the very core of our being" ( Dalai Lama).
  16. Order (Kant) # The sum mum bonus (The Highest Good) is where moral virtue and, happiness ,coincide. # We are rationally obliged to promote (before) the sum mum bonus
  17. All the paintings seem to illustrate the beauty of nature and human love and, happiness ,as described by the poet of Ujjain, Kalidasa at the 4th century CE. ROYAL
  18. The tourists desired, especially love. In the end, nobody could buy true, happiness ,; Alaska Wolf Joe and Jacob Schmidt died, the city is burning down, and Jimmy
  19. Referents Abstractions sometimes have ambiguous referents; for example,", happiness ," (when used as an abstraction) can refer to as many things as there are
  20. On the state of Weimar Germany; underneath that facade of prosperity and, happiness , lay corruption and savagery. Under Brecht's (and to some extent Weill's)
  21. Been a misogynist. On the other hand, Aristotle gave equal weight to women's, happiness ,as he did to men's, and commented in his Rhetoric that a society cannot be
  22. Gives birth to love and mercy. According to him the happiness of people is the, happiness ,of the ruler. His opinion was that the sword is not as powerful as love. Ashoka
  23. The wild. " Just before Room enters the water, he is possessed by a" strange, happiness ," a feeling that is shared by Narrow. There is a peaceful image of Room lying
  24. Dark and light, life and death, etc. His aim was to emphasize the fact that, happiness ,is fleeting and that the human condition is one of mortality. He did this not
  25. Bahíyyih, and a brother, Mihdí — the three lived in an environment of privilege, happiness ,and comfort. Which included converting part of the home to a hospital ward for
  26. In such a world-view, since the belief is that such a practice promotes our own, happiness ,:" The more we care for the happiness of others, the greater our own sense of
  27. The aim of all human deliberate action, eudaimonia,generally translated as ", happiness ," or sometimes" well-being ". To have the potential of ever being happy in
  28. Because Nemesis avenges the poor and the gods for the superabundance of, happiness ,and wealth of certain people who should rid themselves of it. This is the
  29. Children. I am like a father to them. As every father desires the good and the, happiness ,of his children, I wish that all men should be happy always. " Edward D'Cruz
  30. Loki tricks the blind God Hour into killing his brother Bald, the God of, happiness , The New Testament contains numerous instances of Jesus performing miracles to
  31. Ideas on the Absurd In his essays Camus presented the reader with dualism:, happiness ,and sadness, dark and light, life and death, etc. His aim was to emphasize the
  32. God then lets Jimmy have his say. Jimmy realizes that money did not buy him, happiness ,or freedom, and he has learned his lesson. However, God does not spare him even
  33. Social, or spiritual nature to overcome in order to achieve a state of grace, happiness , or contentment. Since its immense popularity and iconic nature," grace" and
  34. Bold, amoral,adventuring protagonists, who made their way into wealth and, happiness , sometimes with and sometimes without the moral conversion that generally
  35. Edinburgh with his son, and recalled his conversations there as" the densest, happiness ,of my life ". In February 1759,the University of St Andrews awarded him an
  36. Describing its essence as" the concept of man as a heroic being, with his own, happiness ,as the moral purpose of his life, with productive achievement as his noblest
  37. In terms of morality ". Her definition of virtue focuses on the individual’s, happiness ,rather than, for example, the good of the entire society. Class In many ways
  38. And (2) reflect Immanuel Kant's belief that behaving morally should lead to, happiness , Premise (3) tells us that" ought" implies" can ". It cannot be true that
  39. Died, the city is burning down, and Jimmy declared before his death that" the, happiness ,I bought was no happiness ". His death was also ordered by the court of law
  40. Saying that he would feel ashamed of himself if he pursued a merely private, happiness , He now feels that he belongs in Oran and that the plague is everyone's
  41. Assumption that the right policy will be the one which results in the greatest, happiness ,# deontological ethics, notions based on 'rules' i.e. that there is an
  42. These causes give no hope whatsoever that pursuit of moral virtue will lead to, happiness , They do not even give hope that we can become morally virtuous. Agency is
  43. I can accept periods of un happiness , because I know I will also experience, happiness ,to come),we cannot live with the paradox (I think my life is of great
  44. It was needful for him as a Christian to repay to the world something for the, happiness ,which it had given to him, and he determined that he would pursue his younger
  45. Political project as her dream of a divinely promised age of universal, happiness ,is to our own. Even more important however has been the imposition on
  46. Of prayer for the dead, so that they might be" translated to a state of, happiness , " Hippolytus of Rome pictures Hades as a place where the righteous dead
  47. Is returning to the woman he loves in Paris. He thinks only of his own personal, happiness ,and the unfairness of the situation in which he has been placed but gradually
  48. Certain inalienable rights, among which are life, liberty,and the pursuit of, happiness ,'. " After the state Republican Party convention nominated him for the U. S.
  49. Others, such as Plato's character Socrates and Aristotle, suggest that true, happiness ,lies in following moral norms, irrespective of possible divine sanctions.
  50. Argument presupposes that both the pursuit of moral virtue and the pursuit of, happiness ,must be rational enterprises; however, this is precisely the sort of thing that

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