Examples of the the word, favour , in a Sentence Context

The word ( favour ), is the 3601 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Son; his half-brother, the illegitimate Alfonso Ranches, enjoyed full royal, favour , From early in life, the notorious rivalry led to several outbreaks of civil
  2. That she and Aeneas reign jointly over their peoples. Once again, this was in, favour , of Juno, who was told of the fact that her favorite city would eventually be
  3. Related to other communes through federation. While some anarchist communists, favour , direct democracy, others feel that its majoritarianism can impede individual
  4. On 15 January 1941,Alfonso XIII abdicated his rights to the Spanish throne in, favour , of his third (of four),but second-surviving, son Juan, father of the current
  5. His idea for a windmill, Napoleon opposes it. Snowball makes a speech in, favour , of the windmill, whereupon Napoleon has his dogs chase Snowball away. In
  6. Sculpture has a restraining sobriety in contrast to those of his rival. Papal, favour , under Innocent X and Spanish commissions With the death of the Barbering Pope
  7. Wrote a pitiful reply to his father, offering to renounce the succession in, favour , of his baby half-brother Peter. Furthermore, in January 1716,Alexei asked
  8. Believing it to be a bump ball. The umpire ruled in the Australian captain's, favour , and he appeared to regain his fluency of yesteryear, scoring 187. Australia
  9. Was not until three years later that he was fully reinstated in his father's, favour , and finally returned to Jerusalem. () (see Job) The Revolt at Hebron While
  10. Arnold gave a definitive and detailed judgement against the plaintiffs and in, favour , of Hasan Ali Shah and other defendants. The judgement was significant in that
  11. Paradoxical ideas, I wanted to grant to the professors of philosophy a small, favour , for they are very disconcerted by the ever-increasing publication of my
  12. Between him and the emperor Manuel I, and so restored himself to the emperor's, favour , With a Russian army he joined Manuel in the invasion of Hungary and assisted
  13. Shi'a belief that Abu Bakr sent Khalid in Valid to crush those who were in, favour , of Ali's caliphate (see Jidda Wars). The Shi'a strongly refute the idea that
  14. Of the political, and to a much lesser degree, military activities in, favour , of the independence of the northern exclave of Cabinet, carried out in the
  15. His reluctance to join the Armed Forces deliberately failed the medical as a, favour , Although Cockburn continued to move where his career took him, he settled in
  16. The hybrids. Furthermore, under such conditions, natural selection would, favour , the development of barriers to hybridization, as individuals that avoided
  17. In 1432,when Carpaccio was killed in a conjured. Alfonso tried to regain the, favour , of the queen, but failed, and had to wait for the death of both Louis (at
  18. Disillusioned and depressed, he fell into a deep melancholy and abdicated in, favour , of his son, John II. After this, he retired to a monastery in Sinatra where he
  19. Another twenty years, until an experiment of Alain Aspect got results in, favour , of Bohr's axioms, not Einstein's. (Bohr's axioms are simply: The theory
  20. And social concessions. Five Australian Democrats senators voted in, favour , However, two dissident senators on the party's left Natasha Stott Despot and
  21. Stag, which puts Diana off hunting. His story is relinquished at this point, in,favor, of the other plots. *A composition for Brass Band by Gareth Wood and premiered
  22. And is sometimes claimed to have contradicted the teachings of the Church in, favour , of scientific theories. His career was forwarded by the Church however and
  23. A comeback late in the match, as,after the score was +5 −2 20 in Karpov's, favour , he won three of the next four games to draw level, with Karol then winning
  24. To Judaism; but he afterwards abandoned this theory of the authorship in, favour , of Decides Hilarious Hilarious, proconsul of Africa in 377. With this
  25. Free. " Alp Arslan's victories changed the balance in near Asia completely in, favour , of the Seljuk Turks and Sunni Muslims. While the Byzantine Empire was to
  26. Golf Whitley, resulting in what is now known as the Socialist Left who tend to, favour , a more interventionist economic policy and more socially progressive ideals
  27. The 'good' and 'bad' characters in a play is often resolved decisively in, favour , of the former long before the end of the play. The rest of the play deals with
  28. In The Odyssey, Odysseus ' cunning and shrewd nature quickly won Athena's, favour , In the realistic epic mode, however,she largely is confined to aiding him
  29. And Don Pitt, who rejected all the doctrines of historic Christianity in, favour , of a" Christian Buddhism ", Jeffrey John, N. T. Wright, and Rowan Williams
  30. II; he barely escaped with his life. When Ursicinus lost his office and the, favour , of Constantius, Ammianus seems to have shared his downfall; but under Julian
  31. As FNMA as well as UNITS, given their regional constituencies, came out in, favour , of a greater attention to the African languages, and as the FNMA favored
  32. As in British spelling, the 'u' is retained in words such as honor and, favour , and the -is ending is used in words such as organize and realize, although the
  33. On 25 June 1870,he was recalled to Paris, where his mother abdicated in his, favour , in the presence of a number of Spanish nobles who had tied their fortunes to
  34. And that this was heretical. Eugenics and Tennis remained in the Emperor's, favour , and when Constantine, who had been a catechumen much of his adult life
  35. Through a policy of monetary reform and urban planning and strove to win divine, favour , by resurrecting the literary glories of earlier generations of Anglo-Saxons.
  36. Heart, and our neighbor as ourselves ". It is 'a restoration not only to the, favour , but likewise to the image of God," our" being filled with the fullness of
  37. A royal chaplain, instead. By late 1053 Alfred was once more in royal, favour , In 1054 King Edward sent Alfred to Germany to obtain Emperor Henry III's
  38. Anglican self-identity, and inhibit engagement with the broader society in, favour , of internal debate and dialogue. Nonetheless, there is significantly greater
  39. Idea of the transmutation of species in part because he was always inclined to, favour , radical ideas in politics, religion and science, He was also profoundly
  40. Of his friends, and he then publicly renounced the succession to the throne in, favour , of the baby grand-duke Peter Petrovich. A horrible reign of terror ensued, in
  41. The standard means as it was regarded as the more democratic: elections would, favour , those who were rich, noble,eloquent and well-known, while allotment spread the
  42. Or damage intended him without defending him therefrom. " This was thought to, favour , the doctrine of absolute non-resistance, and accordingly the convention
  43. Widespread political aspirations of the educated classes. Finally, he decided in, favour , of the latter course, and on the very day of his death he signed an KAZ
  44. Other chemists have repeated this advice, IUPAC and most chemistry texts still, favour , the usage of allotrope and allotropy for elements only. Differences in
  45. Of which Smith was most famously identified with in classical economics, in,favor, of a marginal utility theory of value on the demand side and a more general
  46. Of deposing the Muslim princes, and annexing their states. He had in his, favour , the mass of the inhabitants, who had been worn out by the oppressive taxation
  47. Was compelled to flee. He took refuge with King Amalia I of Jerusalem, whose,favor, he gained, and who invested him with the Lordship of Beirut. In Jerusalem, he
  48. Emerson told Jim Carroll of The Irish Times. " At the time, I was out of, favour , with the London club scene. I was broke and on income support but the success
  49. Anarchist political philosophy that advocates the elimination of the state in, favour , of individual sovereignty in a free market. Economist Murray Rothbard is
  50. Others feel that its majoritarianism can impede individual liberty and, favour , consensus democracy instead. In anarchist communism, as money would be

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