Examples of the the word, divine , in a Sentence Context

The word ( divine ), is the 3600 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Manifest in the weightier emphasis which he lays upon human sin and, divine ,grace, and in the place which he assigns to faith in the individual Christian
  2. The many ceremonies of the consecration of the new priests, according to the, divine ,instructions (Exodus 29),and repeated these rites for seven days, during
  3. Led to the order. Finally, in classical Greece the new theories asserted that a, divine ,reason (mind) gave order to the seeds of the universe, and Plato extended the
  4. The material and immaterial interact through the Active Intellect, which is a “, divine ,light” containing the intelligible forms. The Active Intellect reveals the
  5. Kingship ', the king sought to legitimize his rule not through descent from a, divine ,source, but by supporting and earning the approval of the Buddhist sang ha.
  6. Death and replaced by the traditional forms. Religious beliefs in the, divine ,and in the afterlife were ingrained in ancient Egyptian civilization from its
  7. May God thy gold refine: Till all success be nobleness, : And eV'Ry gain, divine ,.: O beautiful for patriot dream: That sees beyond the years: Thine alabaster
  8. Of the beast in Christian mythology. Crowley took this all to be a sign from a, divine ,entity and on 20 March began performing ritual invocations of the god Horus in
  9. Of God),the Sufi repeats and contemplates on the name Allah or other, divine ,names while controlling his or her breath. Some scholars have suggested that
  10. The opinion that the appreciation of youthful bodies and" the human form, divine ," has been a common theme throughout the history of culture," from Rome's
  11. Identifiable as Apollo Helios by his effulgent halo, though now even a god's, divine ,nakedness is concealed by his cloak, a mark of increasing conventions of
  12. To the commonly held Platonic belief that universals were found through, divine ,illumination alone. Magnus and Aquinas were among the first to take up the
  13. What wretchedness and grace means. Newton's Calvinistic view of redemption and, divine ,grace formed his perspective that he considered himself a sinner so vile that
  14. Knowledge, and presence have no external limitations, that is, outside of His, divine ,nature. Most Arminians reconcile human free will with God's sovereignty and
  15. Either to reduce Christ to a mere human being or to attribute to him a, divine ,nature identical with that of the Father. " However, their doctrines cannot be
  16. Egyptian civilization from its inception; Pharaonic rule was based on the, divine ,right of kings. The Egyptian pantheon was populated by gods who had
  17. Evangelicalism because of their disagreement over details of the doctrines of, divine ,predestination and salvation. History Jacobus Arminius was a Dutch pastor and
  18. Witnesses believe the Holy Spirit is not an actual person but rather is God’s, divine ,breath,God's power in action. Another group that may be considered Arian is
  19. Other than eternal oblivion),typically believed to be determined by a god or, divine ,judge, based on their actions or beliefs during physical life. In contrast, the
  20. He" received" a text known as The Book of the Law from what he believed was a, divine ,source, and around which he would come to develop his new philosophy of Thelma
  21. Before his people which impressed them with a belief in the reality of the, divine ,mission of the brothers (Exodus 4:15–16). At the command of Moses he
  22. Such as thunder and lightning, to the intervention of elements, rather than to, divine ,causes. In his system, thunder results from the shock of clouds hitting each
  23. Christian theology. Christianity depicts a sharp distinction between angels, divine ,beings created by God before the creation of humanity and are used as
  24. Russian general and statesman (b. 1785) *1866 – John Mason Neal, English, divine , scholar and hymn writer (b. 1818) *1881 – James Springer White, American
  25. They belong to some mystic dialect, or take their origin from some supposed, divine ,inspiration. ” Yet we may with better reason suppose that it came originally
  26. Semi-Arianism" ) are Jehovah's Witnesses. They consider Jesus Christ to be, divine ,and unlike other created beings, but not equal to the one God. And although
  27. If Achilles married his sister, hides in the bushes and shoots Achilles with a, divine ,arrow, killing him. Achilles was cremated, and his ashes buried in the same urn
  28. About the afterlife address the interconnection between human action and, divine ,judgment, the need for moral rectitude, and the eternal consequences of human
  29. To have acted merely as the attendant of Moses, whose outstretched rod drew the, divine ,wrath upon the Pharaoh and his subjects (Exodus 9:23,10:13,22). The display
  30. By doves, so it may have been thought of in the Homeric tradition as a kind of, divine ,exhalation of the Earth. Definition Ambrosia is very closely related to the
  31. Own need to depend on God. As Lincoln grew older, some assert, the idea of a, divine ,will somehow interact with human affairs increasingly influenced his beliefs
  32. Apparently attempted to put on paper his private thoughts on why, from a, divine ,standpoint, the severity of the war was necessary. He wrote at this time that
  33. Hot and dry; this corresponds to the modern idea of heat. *Ether, which is the, divine ,substance that makes up the heavenly spheres and heavenly bodies (stars and
  34. Belief that the collective elements of family, nation and church represent a, divine ,order of structures through which God unfolds his continuing work of creation.
  35. Even the terrible suffering caused by the plague works ultimately for good. The, divine ,light can still be seen even in the most catastrophic events, and a Christian
  36. The name Allah is the supreme and all-comprehensive divine name, and all other, divine ,names are believed to refer back to Allah. Allah is unique, the only Deity
  37. Of Islamization. In Islam, the name Allah is the supreme and all-comprehensive, divine ,name, and all other divine names are believed to refer back to Allah. Allah is
  38. Of Samosa ta and the Synods of Antioch). Arius taught that Jesus Christ was, divine ,and was sent to earth for the salvation of mankind but that Jesus Christ was
  39. Elaborating his ideas on this he used the old mythical language which ascribed, divine ,control to various spheres of reality. This was a common practice for the Greek
  40. Proofs, Jewish mystics who believed in reincarnation simply accepted it as a, divine ,reality. Although there is no reference to reincarnation in the Talmud or any
  41. Muslim faith. All these names refer to Allah, the supreme and all-comprehensive, divine ,name. Muslim discursive piety encourages beginning things with the invocation
  42. IAO Abraham, thou art the Lord ". With the Abrasax-shield are also found the, divine ,names Sabbath IAO, Iao Abraham, Adonai Abraham, etc. Magical papyri The magic
  43. Of what we know from Ancient Greek as Digit (Mycenaean di-u-ja or di-wi-ja):, divine ,Athena also was a weaver and the deity of crafts (see dyes). In his dialogue
  44. And who, Paneloux asks, could bear to do the latter? We must yield to the, divine ,will, he says; we cannot pick and choose and accept only what we can understand
  45. As Marxism, communism and capitalism. Anarchists may be motivated by humanism, divine ,authority, enlightened self-interest, veganism or any number of alternative
  46. To ground with a thump. The consumption of ambrosia was typically reserved for, divine ,beings. Upon his assumption into immortality on Olympus, Heracles is given
  47. Did not exist together eternally. He taught that the pre-incarnate Jesus was a, divine ,being created by (and therefore inferior to) God the Father at some point
  48. The palace of Pluto, and the fields of Elysium where the descendants of the, divine ,and bravest heroes reside. He sees the river of forgetfulness, Lethe,which the
  49. Asia, the model of ruler ship embodied by Ashoka replaced the notion of, divine ,kingship that had previously dominated (in the Angkor kingdom, for instance).
  50. Visions of a post-monarchist world, such as Blake's portrayal of Newton as a, divine ,geometer, or David's propagandistic paintings. This led to Romantic rejections

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