Examples of the the word, reasonably , in a Sentence Context

The word ( reasonably ), is the 3599 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The same wording as its source, the same general meaning and which could not, reasonably ,have been drawn from elsewhere. A probable allusion contains an idea which is
  2. Expressive enough to allow the specification of arbitrary problems, often in a, reasonably ,natural and intuitive way. On the other hand, it is still semi-decidable, and a
  3. Used as propellants in aerosol sprays. From pentane to octane the alkanes are, reasonably ,volatile liquids. They are used as fuels in internal combustion engines, as
  4. Beryllium has exceptional flexural rigidity (Young's modulus 287 GPA) and a, reasonably ,high melting point. The modulus of elasticity of beryllium is approximately 50
  5. Node is near the autumnal equinox. This event will next occur around 2015. A, reasonably ,accurate estimate for the diameter of Aldebaran was obtained during the
  6. Building (such material is known as moonstone). Granite quarrying only became, reasonably ,productive when gunpowder became available. The moor gave its name (Foreshore
  7. Operations. Thus, the last 50 years of the airline industry have varied from, reasonably ,profitable, to devastatingly depressed. As the first major market to deregulate
  8. Or band instruments involving new material such that the arrangers may, reasonably ,be considered co-composers, although for copyright and royalty purposes usually
  9. Are implements of destruction. If the nature of a thing is such that it is, reasonably ,certain to place life and limb in peril when negligently made, it is then a
  10. The uncharted ocean would have been formidable. Most European navigators, reasonably ,concluded that a westward voyage from Europe to Asia was unfeasible. The
  11. Was the first standardized version where international characters were given, reasonably ,complete treatment. When an HTML document includes special characters outside
  12. Area became home to the city's College of Art. Balsall Heath initially had a, reasonably ,affluent population, which can still be seen in the dilapidated grandeur of
  13. Leinster's" Side wise in Time ". While earlier alternate histories examined, reasonably ,straightforward divergences, Leinster attempted something completely different.
  14. The telescreen as a man of about 45. Goldstein's book comments:" We may be, reasonably ,sure that he will never die, and there is already considerable uncertainty as
  15. Established through precedent, allowing judgments to specify payments that are, reasonably ,appropriate for most criminal offenses. " The Tanneries raise a similar
  16. In the United Kingdom and United States. Because there is common law to give, reasonably ,precise guidance on almost every issue, parties (especially commercial parties
  17. Was released in March 1985,which peaked at number 2 in Sweden and performed, reasonably ,well in Europe. The first single from the album was her self-penned" I Won't
  18. S economic future. Croatia has so far weathered the global financial crisis, reasonably ,well, but faces significant challenges in 2010 largely due to Croatia's
  19. Not only to be able to handle a club, but also to possess the ability to think, reasonably , to take care of the knowledge and experience garnered by the tribe, and to
  20. Johnson. Webb's estimate shocked many at the time, but ultimately proved to be, reasonably ,accurate. The final cost of project Apollo was reported to Congress as $25.4
  21. Relatively easy, provided that the ciphertext is long enough to give a, reasonably ,representative count of the letters of the alphabet that it contains. In Europe
  22. K; n, p ) \LEQ \exp\left (-\franc \franc\right). \! Moreover, these bounds are, reasonably ,tight when p = 1/2,since the following expression holds for all k ≥ 3n/8: F (
  23. Μουσείον (from which the modern English word museum is derived). It has been, reasonably ,established that the Library, or parts of the collection, were destroyed by
  24. Only a few days. Most soft-drinks have a pH between 3 and 5,where aspartame is, reasonably ,stable. In products that may require a longer shelf life, such as syrups for
  25. If the software works as intended and without issues during normal use, one can, reasonably ,extrapolate the same level of stability in production. User tests, which are
  26. A variant of the plan known as" Scheme Z ". This plan was considered to be, reasonably ,cost-effective, but had the drawback of requiring highway ramps stacked up as
  27. Within the young NSDAP. Bamberg was chosen for its location in Upper Franconia, reasonably ,close to the residences of the members of the dissident northern Nazi faction
  28. Not exhibit in the performance of his duties a greater degree of skill than may, reasonably ,be expected from a person of his knowledge and experience. " (emphasis added)
  29. Gerald Cohen of Missouri University of Science and Technology, has provided a, reasonably ,clear picture of the term's history. Previously, there were a number of false
  30. Unit. The high frequency (15 kHz or so) of the horizontal scanning allows, reasonably ,small components to be used. Mains Power Supply Events * 491 – Flavius
  31. Police dramas, by taking an adult approach to the subject. It would have to be, reasonably ,budgeted, and " it would have to look unlike anything ever seen before on TV
  32. Are in text files, which " the designers have done their best to make it, reasonably ,easy to modify ..., even for non-programmers. " SMAC supports play by email ("
  33. From the continent to Britain. The dates for Ælle's battles are also, reasonably ,consistent with what is known of events in the kingdom of the Franks at that
  34. Demographic transition in the 1970s. Life expectancy and literacy rates are, reasonably ,high. Births and deaths before WW I Births and deaths after WW II Infant
  35. Fabricated work. Nevertheless, it still contains information that is considered, reasonably ,sound – for instance, it is the only source that mentions the erection of the
  36. Yoga, and Pressings (Balthasar) to the west, near Sivrihisar, continued to be, reasonably ,important settlements in the Roman period, but it was Ankara that grew into a
  37. The National Health Service of the United Kingdom states that there is ", reasonably ,good evidence that acupuncture is an effective treatment" for nausea, vomiting
  38. Bosnia-Herzegovina for the first time in 11 years, Austria-Hungary waited a, reasonably ,adequate time and then published the annexation proclamation on October 6
  39. Including Kuwait),it is a defense if the accused can show that he or she, reasonably ,believed the victim was over the age of consent. However, where such a defense
  40. Immigrants to the United States, but in their modern popular form they can be, reasonably ,considered American dishes. Many companies in the American food industry
  41. Clearly depicts a bagpiper. Derrick's illustrations are considered to be, reasonably ,faithful depictions of the attire and equipment of the English and Irish
  42. Being the best tool to bring prospective buyers and tourists who kept hotels, reasonably ,busy. The tourist development, aside from construction, also brought numerous
  43. Have low values. The precise placement of the surface is arbitrary, but any, reasonably ,compact determination must follow a pattern specified by the behavior of | ψ|2
  44. A pinkish-white color to its body. This fish, especially the blind variant, is, reasonably , popular among. A. Mexicans is a peaceful species that spends most of its time
  45. Although Atari Inc. is home computer systems, the Atari 8-bit family, sold, reasonably , well,if not spectacularly. Warner was more than happy anyway, as it seemed to
  46. Grass. Septic tanks can operate entirely by gravity, and if well managed, are, reasonably , safe. Septic tanks have to be pumped periodically by a honey wagon to eliminate
  47. P" means" hard ", an assumption known as Cobham's thesis. It is a common and, reasonably ,accurate assumption in complexity theory, nowever it has some caveats. First
  48. Is very little information that can be considered historically sound, we can be, reasonably ,confident that Siddhārtha Gautama did exist as a historical figure. Michael
  49. Derivatives thereof. " Even some complex" medical devices" ( see below) can, reasonably ,be deemed" biotechnology" depending on the degree to which such elements are
  50. A court officer taking possession of goods under a court order may use force if, reasonably ,necessary. Punishment In some jurisdictions such as Singapore, judicial

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