Examples of the the word, prediction , in a Sentence Context

The word ( prediction ), is the 3604 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Properties of ecosystem energetics because such discoveries would enable the, prediction ,of rates of energy capture and transfer among components within ecosystems.
  2. Group soon found this resonance, and its measured energy was close to Hoyle's, prediction , However, a recently released paper argues that Hoyle did not use anthropic
  3. Variable regions. Rosetta Antibody is a novel antibody FM region structure, prediction ,server, which incorporates sophisticated techniques to minimize CDR loops and
  4. Drug discovery, protein structure alignment, protein structure prediction , prediction ,of gene expression and protein–protein interactions, genome-wide association
  5. And quantified with antibodies, using ELISA and ELI SPOT techniques. Structure, prediction ,The importance of antibodies in health care and the biotechnology industry
  6. At the Gettysburg battlefield cemetery on November 19. Defying Lincoln's, prediction ,that" the world will little note, nor long remember what we say here," the
  7. But finite value of the cosmological constant can be regarded as a successful, prediction ,in this sense. One thing that would not count as evidence for the Anthropic
  8. Of these seemingly evil creatures. Whereas Macbeth places his hope in the, prediction ,that he will be king, Banquo argues that evil only offers gifts that lead to
  9. Of speaking out about what they saw. Prophecy for Blake, however,was not a, prediction ,of the end of the world, but telling the truth as best a person can about what
  10. Drug design, drug discovery, protein structure alignment, protein structure, prediction , prediction of gene expression and protein–protein interactions, genome-wide
  11. My front and if I make one ... will make haste to take advantage of it. " That, prediction ,proved to be correct at Gettysburg. Stephen Sears wrote," The fact of the
  12. Released paper argues that Hoyle did not use anthropic reasoning to make this, prediction , Cosmic inflation Don Page criticized the entire theory of cosmic inflation as
  13. Palmer (n_f 2),and Patches (n_f = 3) series, and successful theoretical, prediction ,of other lines not yet observed, was one reason that his model was immediately
  14. Stone site in Argyllshire in 1970 and 1971 to check whether the latter's, prediction ,of an observation platform on the hill slope above the stone was correct. There
  15. While Algorithmic Probability became associated with Solomon off, who focused on, prediction ,using his invention of the universal a priori probability distribution. There
  16. Events, such as gene duplication, horizontal gene transfer, and the, prediction ,of factors important in bacterial speciation, * build complex computational
  17. Such literature is" marked by distinctive literary features, particularly, prediction , of future events and accounts of visionary experiences or journeys to heaven
  18. And can annihilate with themselves. History Experiment In 1932,soon after the, prediction ,of positrons by Paul Dirac, Carl D. Anderson found that cosmic-ray collisions
  19. Amounts of CPU cache. It also makes hazard-avoiding techniques like branch, prediction , speculative execution, and out-of-order execution crucial to maintaining high
  20. Via a calcium-binding calpain protease. Apoptosis protein subcellular location, prediction ,In 2003,a method was developed for predicting subcellular location of
  21. Bioinformatic Approaches Prediction of protein structure, prediction ,is another important application of bioinformatics. The amino acid sequence of
  22. An" admirable inspiration ", as opposed to Cicero, who did not associate the, prediction ,with divination. Interpretations Bertrand Russell in the History of Western
  23. A single sandal. Bodhidharma predicted the death of Songyun's ruler,a, prediction ,which was borne out upon the latter's return. Bodhidharma's tomb was then
  24. An end and that his future films and production methods would be different. His, prediction ,proved quite accurate. Beginning in the late 1950s,television began
  25. To maintain his family line forever. Some Christians interpret this as a, prediction ,that Jesus Christ, as a descendant of David, was promised by God as the
  26. Of a prophet among them, toward the close of his life, made the following, prediction ,: 'Be assured that relief from this secret ailment, to which you are exposed
  27. Works of Chin Khalil and others, designed hundreds of earthquakes, prediction ,stations and earthquake-resistant buildings that now constitute the bulk of The
  28. Hindu astrology includes several nuanced sub-systems of interpretation and, prediction ,with elements not found in Hellenistic astrology, such as its system of lunar
  29. It was during the 1960s that theoretical work showed black holes were a generic, prediction ,of general relativity. The discovery of neutron stars sparked interest in
  30. Clusters and through radiometric dating of individual Population II stars. The, prediction ,that the CMB temperature was higher in the past has been experimentally
  31. That the spin of the Nitrogen-14 atom was 1,in contradiction to the Rutherford, prediction ,of ½. In 1920-1927,Charles Drummond Ellis (along with James Chadwick and
  32. Receive something fortuitously ". The word 'Atari' is used in Japanese when a, prediction ,comes true or when someone wins a lottery. The choice of Atari as a brand name
  33. But there was no theoretical explanation for this form or a theoretical, prediction ,for the value of R, until Bohr. In fact,Bohr's derivation of the Rydberg
  34. Of law are redetermined anew each time they arise, making consistency and, prediction ,more difficult, and procedures far more protracted than necessary because
  35. Day, and invited eight brahmin scholars to read the future. All gave a dual, prediction ,that the baby would either become a great king or a great holy man. While later
  36. Says that Deutero-Isaiah predicted Cyrus would destroy Babylon, and that this, prediction ,failed - in fact Cyrus made Babylon more splendid than ever - and this further
  37. Of structural theory. One of the more dramatic successes of his theory was his, prediction ,of the existence of secondary and tertiary alcohols, a conjecture that was soon
  38. Few news reports were made on the battle. Due to Rupert us' " 3 days ", prediction , only six reporters bothered coming ashore. The battle was overshadowed by
  39. By some definitions. Followers of the purported psychic Edgar Cayce take his, prediction ,that evidence of Atlantis would be found in 1968 as referring to the discovery
  40. Own generation (Mark 13: 2-4,14,30). Many Christians today re-apply this, prediction ,to a final tribulation immediately preceding Judgement Day. Some consider the
  41. Of temperature-sensitive emission lines in gas clouds at high redshift. This, prediction ,also implies that the amplitude of the Sundae–Del'dovish effect in clusters of
  42. For studying molecular interactions. See also: protein–protein interaction, prediction , Docking algorithms In the last two decades, tens of thousands of protein
  43. The temple, which he sees as key to Jerusalem’s glory. The book ends with the, prediction ,of the downfall of kingdoms, with one Zerubbabel, governor of Judah, as the
  44. In any type of vehicle design, including automobiles. It is important in the, prediction ,of forces and moments in sailing. It is used in the design of large components
  45. Various prediction s of the downfall of the northern kingdom, the equivalent, prediction ,of the downfall of Judah following the reign of Manasseh, the extension of
  46. How emotions must be detached from external cause and so master them, give some, prediction ,of psychological techniques developed in the 1900s. His concept of three types
  47. The value particle physics predicts (this has been described as the" worst, prediction ,in physics" ). However, if the cosmological constant were more than about 10
  48. Relativity, light from another star would be bent by the Sun's gravity. That, prediction ,was claimed confirmed by observations made by a British expedition led by Sir
  49. The crystal structure determinations of amino acids and peptides and Pauling's, prediction ,of planar peptide bonds; and (2) his relinquishing of the assumption of an
  50. Familiar in terms of weather; it can easily be demonstrated in standard weather, prediction ,models, for example. The potential for sensitive dependence on initial

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