Examples of the the word, jury , in a Sentence Context

The word ( jury ), is the 3606 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Is done when the most effective adversary is able to convince the judge or, jury ,that his or her perspective on the case is the correct one. History of the
  2. In the assembly, but by special panels of 1000 citizens drawn from the annual, jury ,pool of 6000. They were known as the nomothetic, the lawmakers. Nomothetic are
  3. Are usually made by only one judge. The Brazilian judiciary system uses, jury ,trials only for judging crimes against life. In all Brazilian states, there is
  4. Would not be denied their constitutional right to access the courts and have a, jury ,trial. The bill would overturn the strong presumption in favor of arbitrarily
  5. System, is not same as the matter of truth. Disadvantages of using a, jury ,on criminal matters can include: #Expensive to operate and extends the time
  6. He stood trial for his offense he pleaded ignorance. He was acquitted, with the, jury ,sympathetic to the wounds that Aeschylus and his brother Congeals suffered at
  7. And a larger kind known as grape or public suit. For private suits the minimum, jury ,size was 201 (increased to 401 if a sum of over 1000 drachmas was at issue)
  8. The deaths of 86 of these inmates was, in the words of Hit," induced" at a, jury ,rigged gassing facility over the course of a few days in August 1943. One of
  9. He says he would be like a doctor prosecuted by a pastry chef before a, jury ,of children. Two coups briefly interrupted democratic rule during the
  10. A jury pool of 6000 in total. For particularly important public suits the, jury ,could be increased by adding in extra allotments of 500. 1000 and 1500 are
  11. In 1934 and then successfully reopened on Broadway in 1935. Each night the ", jury ," was selected from members of the audience, and one of the two different
  12. Attorney to throw the case, in part by not disclosing damaging evidence to the, jury , The case, known as the Fen tress Case involved a Kentucky man, Joseph Becker
  13. Assessors and that a panel of judges may not necessarily be more biased than a, jury , The adversarial system has also been attacked for failing to accurately
  14. Generally be phrased as" Prisoner at the Bar, you have been found Guilty by a, jury ,of your peers of the offense of XYZ. Do you have anything to say as to why the
  15. The 1990s administration of Bill Campbell, who was convicted by a federal, jury ,in 2006 on three counts of tax evasion in connection with gambling income he
  16. Adding in extra allotments of 500. 1000 and 1500 are regularly encountered as, jury ,sizes and on at least one occasion, the first time a new kind of case was
  17. The unconstitutionality of the Sedition law, but Chase refused to permit the, jury ,to determine the constitutionality of a federal statute. Cal lender was
  18. Aeschylus's younger brother Armenian helped acquit his brother by showing the, jury ,the stump of the hand that he lost at Salamis, where he was voted bravest
  19. Known as the nomothetic, the lawmakers. Nomothetic are junior arc hons, not the, jury , Here again it is not anything like a legislative commission sitting down to
  20. Sharon sued Time for libel in American and Israeli courts. Although the, jury ,concluded that the Time story included false allegations, they found that Time
  21. Based on the defendant's invocation of his right not to testify, and the, jury ,must be so instructed if the defendant requests. Comparisons with the
  22. In the United States, the Fifth Amendment has been interpreted to prohibit a, jury ,from drawing a negative inference based on the defendant's invocation of his
  23. The issue for appeal" by objecting. In cases where a judge rather than a, jury ,decided issues of fact, an appellate court will apply an abuse of discretion
  24. Evidence exists with which the prosecution could likely convince a judge or, jury ,to find the defendant guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. Origin The Alford
  25. Aids in the review of evidence and testimony before it is presented to judge or, jury , The lawyers involved have a very good idea of the scope of agreement and
  26. Fen tress),and injuring 12 others before turning the gun on himself. The, jury ,returned a 9-to-3 verdict in favor of Lilly. The judge, in the end, took the
  27. Of Judiciary, to include trial in open court, with judges appointed for life,a, jury ,system and the creation of justices of the peace to deal with minor offenses at
  28. Defendant has to admit that he has reviewed the state's evidence, a reasonable, jury ,could find him guilty, and he wants to take advantage of a plea offer that has
  29. Luis Carlos Alan is assassinated near Bogotá in Colombia. *2000 – A federal, jury ,finds the US EPA guilty of discrimination against Dr. Marsha Coleman-Adebayo
  30. Defence nor prosecutor know the actual discussion which took place and the, jury ,is sworn to secrecy. Therefore, the appeal once conviction occurs, must be made
  31. Parties' positions before an impartial person or group of people, usually a, jury ,or judge, who attempt to determine the truth of the case. As opposed to that
  32. Jurors, there being 600 jurors from each of the ten tribes of Athens, making a, jury ,pool of 6000 in total. For particularly important public suits the jury could
  33. Or even proposed but not yet voted on, could be put on hold for review before a, jury ,— which might annul it and perhaps punish the proposer as well. Remarkably, it
  34. As the role of investigative judges. It has also been argued that a trial by a, jury ,of one's peers may be more impartial than any government paid inquisitor and a
  35. Some examples of reversible error would be erroneously instructing the, jury ,on the law applicable to the case, permitting seriously improper argument by an
  36. Said by the litigants. This may have had some role in building a consensus. The, jury ,could only cast a 'yes' or 'no' vote as to the guilt and sentence of the
  37. And a panel of his peers. In the United States the right to a trial by a, jury ,of one's peers who are common citizens is guaranteed by the United States
  38. Him a black magician in her 1932 book, Laughing Torso. In addressing the, jury , Mr. Justice Swift said: Patricia" Deirdre" Mac Alpine approached Crowley on
  39. The conspirators. Tried in absentia, with Tiberius acting as prosecutor,the, jury ,found the conspirators guilty, but it was not a unanimous verdict. Sentenced to
  40. Of case was brought to court (see grape paranoia),all 6,000 members of the, jury ,pool were put onto the one case. The cases were put by the litigants themselves
  41. Principle, in the United States the state or prosecution may never appeal a, jury ,or bench verdict of acquittal. But in some jurisdictions, the state or
  42. The actions of the lawyers and courts, demanding the case be heard before a, jury ,of their peers. Federal Judge Julius Weinstein refused the appeals, claiming
  43. Actual bodily harm (ABH),or racially/religiously aggravated assault, then a, jury ,in the Crown Court may acquit the Defendant of the more serious offense, but
  44. Basis it may tend to prejudice the trier of fact which may be the judge or the, jury , In a way the rules of evidence can function to give a judge limited
  45. Action alleging illegal use of its 287 microcode. The case ended in 1994 with a, jury ,finding for AMD and it's right to use Intel's microcode in its microprocessors
  46. Notably women, were allowed a champion to represent them. The use of the, jury ,in the common law system seems to have fostered the adversarial system and
  47. The two litigants each proposed a penalty for the convicted defendant and the, jury ,chose between them in a further vote. No appeal was possible. There was however
  48. Members of the audience, and one of the two different endings, depending on the, jury ,'s" verdict ", would then be performed. In 1941,Paramount Pictures produced a
  49. March 20, 2007,Procter & Gamble was awarded $19.25M by a U. S. District Court, jury ,in Salt Lake City, in the lawsuit against the four former Amway distributors.
  50. If some citizen wanted to take some matter up, of a contest before a, jury ,court. In the case of a scrutiny going to trial, there was the risk for the

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