Examples of the the word, hypothesis , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Poetry That stance of a person who believes" God" denotes no verifiable, hypothesis ,is sometimes referred to as atheism (for example, by Paul Kurtz). In later
  2. Would be required in order to have a reasonable chance of rejecting the null, hypothesis ,when the alternative hypothesis is true. Effect size Several standardized
  3. S oscillator energies had an incorrect zero point. He modified Planck's, hypothesis ,by stating that the lowest energy state of an oscillator is equal to hf, too
  4. Partner could be discovered without disturbing it in any way. He then used a, hypothesis ,of local realism to conclude that the other particle had these properties
  5. ZF. Stronger axioms The axiom of constructability and the generalized continuum, hypothesis ,both imply the axiom of choice, but are strictly stronger than it. In class
  6. S expedition were thrown to Alaska by storm and founded this settlement. This, hypothesis ,is based on the message of Chukchi geographer Nikolai Durkin who had visited
  7. Which explained and defended natural selection. In it, he proposed the, hypothesis ,that natural selection could drive the reproductive isolation of two varieties
  8. Altaic Linguistics' ) was published in 1952–1957. He rejected the Ural–Altaic, hypothesis , included Korean in Altaic, an inclusion followed by most leading Activists to
  9. Clade. The position of Orchidaceae shown above seems the best current, hypothesis , The relationship between Boracay (which includes only two genera, Borya and
  10. Is the work of a grammarian in the time of Hadrian, based on Alcidamas. This, hypothesis ,of the contents of the Mouseion, originally suggested by Nietzsche (
  11. Assumption of unit treatment additivity is necessarily violated. To test the, hypothesis ,that all treatments have exactly the same effect, the F-test's p-values
  12. With no longitudinal vibration whatsoever. He proposed the either drag, hypothesis ,to explain a lack of variation in astronomical observations. His use of two
  13. Of ANOVA in order to assess the probability of successfully rejecting the null, hypothesis ,if we assume a certain ANOVA design, effect size in the population, sample size
  14. With Bohr who was at the same lab (and who had used Van den Broek's, hypothesis ,in his Bohr model of the atom),decided to test Van den Broke and Bohr's
  15. Niels Bohr, and the Japanese physicist Han taro Nagoya published an orbit-based, hypothesis ,for electronic behavior as early as 1904. Explaining the behavior of these
  16. Prior to phonation in preparation for all verbal response. He developed the, hypothesis ,that this habitual pattern of pulling the head backwards and downwards
  17. Of moral facts and yet still reject premise (3) on the basis that a theistic, hypothesis ,still leaves transcendental moral facts unexplained. Proponents of the argument
  18. The modern Carmelo–Frankel axioms for set theory. The axiom of choice, a key, hypothesis ,of this theory, remains a very controversial assumption. Furthermore, using
  19. In his Bohr model of the atom),decided to test Van den Broke and Bohr's, hypothesis ,directly, by seeing if spectral lines emitted from excited atoms fit the Bohr
  20. 2003,Claus Echoing published a critical overview of the history of the Altaic, hypothesis ,up to that time. He concluded:: Generally, the more carefully the areal factor
  21. Allotropia; variability, changeableness ). After the acceptance of Avogadro's, hypothesis ,in 1860 it was understood that elements could exist as polyatomic molecules
  22. Neuron system theory of autism described in Pathophysiology maps well to the, hypothesis , The second category focuses on nonsocial or general processing. Executive
  23. Most of real analysis. *In all models of AFC, the generalized continuum, hypothesis ,does not hold. Quotes" The Axiom of Choice is obviously true, the
  24. Agents present in the mouth rinse. However, many would disagree with this, hypothesis ,; in fact, many of the popular mouthwashes contain sodium lauryl sulfate as an
  25. Then with the 1898 arguments Wilhelm Wien had made. Vienna had shown that the, hypothesis ,of adiabatic invariance of a thermal equilibrium state allows all the blackbody
  26. The objective random-assignment is used to test the significance of the null, hypothesis , following the ideas of C. S. Pace and Ronald A. Fisher. This design-based
  27. An aquatic descent of man was re-conceived centuries later as the aquatic ape, hypothesis , These pre-Darwinian concepts may seem strange, considering modern knowledge
  28. Personnel, and ensuring access to reproductive-health services. Breast cancer, hypothesis ,Some studies have suggested an association between abortion and breast cancer.
  29. Sufficient facts are ineffective, and that discerning the validity of one's, hypothesis ,requires far more rigorous experimentation than that which Aristotle used to
  30. Still an open problem. Taking" A machine can act intelligently" as a working, hypothesis , many researchers have attempted to build such a machine. The general problem
  31. His major accomplishments were the 1940 proof, while in prison, of the Riemann, hypothesis ,for zeta-functions of curves over finite fields, and his subsequent laying of
  32. Dismissive allusion in the text to the" wealth of Hungary" has suggested the, hypothesis ,that it was written after 1184,at the time when Bela III of Hungary had sent
  33. In space). This discovery was considered as a controversial confirmation of a, hypothesis ,that as nebulae of the same type as the Red Rectangle approach the ends of
  34. Not die of natural causes, but was assassinated by the KGB. Evidence for this, hypothesis ,includes several testimonies by former KGB agents, who claim that Viktor
  35. The concept of warning coloration in animals, and the Wallace effect,a, hypothesis ,on how natural selection could contribute to speciation by encouraging the
  36. Have a reasonable chance of rejecting the null hypothesis when the alternative, hypothesis ,is true. Effect size Several standardized measures of effect gauge the strength
  37. Such shared features as vowel harmony and agglutination. While the Ural–Altaic, hypothesis ,can still be found in encyclopedias, atlases,and similar general reference
  38. In ZFC. Statements in this class include the statement that P = NP, the Riemann, hypothesis , and many other unsolved mathematical problems. When one attempts to solve
  39. That both these stances take the statement" God exists" as a meaningful, hypothesis , which Layer himself does not. He also criticizes C A Mace's opinion that
  40. Russian settlement in Alaska was established in 17th century. According to this, hypothesis , in 1648 several coaches of Season Dezhnyov's expedition were thrown to Alaska
  41. The http://books.google.com/books? Id UdyFQ4a9HOMC&pg PR58#v on-page of=false, hypothesis ,to Socrates' Helen mentions that Ximenes, too,had written a Helen,"
  42. Explanations are the known increase in mutation burden in older sperm, and the, hypothesis ,that men marry later if they carry genetic liability and show some signs of
  43. Using techniques of forcing (Cohen) one can show that the continuum, hypothesis ,(Cantor) is independent of the Carmelo–Frankel axioms. Thus, even this very
  44. An inability to ascribe mental states to oneself and others. The theory of mind, hypothesis ,is supported by autistic children's atypical responses to the Sally–Anne test
  45. Statement which is independent of ZF. For example, the generalized continuum, hypothesis ,(GCH) is not only independent of ZF, but also independent of ZFC. However, ZF
  46. Events. Analysis of composition of the lunar samples support the giant impact, hypothesis , that the Moon was created through a" giant impact" of a large astronomical
  47. Called The Chemical Basis of Morphogenesis in 1952,putting forth the Turing, hypothesis ,of pattern formation. His central interest in the field was understanding
  48. Probably account for less than 5 % of cases. Several studies have tested this, hypothesis ,by demonstrating structural abnormalities in MNS regions of individuals with
  49. Have. I do not consider it a hasty generalization, but rather as an ingenious, hypothesis ,strongly supported by some striking facts and analogies, but which remains to
  50. Lay certain additional hypotheses which were accepted without proof. Such a, hypothesis ,was termed a postulate. While the axioms were common to many sciences, the

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