Examples of the the word, extraordinary , in a Sentence Context

The word ( extraordinary ), is the 3598 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. At Osborne House, her Isle of Wight home. She called the demonstration" most, extraordinary ,". The enthusiasm surrounding Bell's public displays laid the groundwork for
  2. Calculus. One year after the defense of his doctoral thesis, he was appointed, extraordinary ,professor (1886) and in the same year he was elected adjunct to the Academy
  3. Decided that he alone would educate his children, for they all showed, extraordinary ,intellectual ability, particularly his son Blaine. The young Pascal showed an
  4. The most important in astronomy. It was totally unexpected, and it was only by, extraordinary ,perseverance and perspicuity that Bradley was able to explain it in 1727. Its
  5. To determine the detention measure; and fiscal innovation, such as negotiating, extraordinary ,taxes with the mercantile classes and direct taxation of the Church, rather
  6. While accusing the West of imperialism, he seemed quite unaware of the, extraordinary ,expansion of his own country into regions inhabited by non-Russians. He also
  7. S disciple and as a member of the academy at Performs, Rav acquired such an, extraordinary ,knowledge of traditional lore as to make him its foremost exponent in his
  8. Was appointed the head of the Supreme Executive Commission and given, extraordinary ,powers to fight the revolutionaries. Loris-Melikov's proposals called for some
  9. Supported the efforts of the National Trust to preserve not just the places of, extraordinary ,beauty, but those heads of valley and low grazing lands that would be
  10. Of his own bitterness and disappointment. " Criticisms Despite the, extraordinary ,acclaim that Kurosawa’s work has received in Japan and abroad, his films, as
  11. Observational astronomy and discovery of large varieties of extremophiles with, extraordinary ,capability to thrive in the harshest environments on Earth, have led to
  12. Him in for the last one before a take. The director praised Hopkins for" this, extraordinary ,ability to make you believe when you hear him that it is the very first time he
  13. Have occasionally been given negative reviews, but that he knew of no such, extraordinary ,report. Mondale raised controversy over" the Phillips Report ", despite
  14. To perform the rites in" extraordinary " circumstance. In practice,", extraordinary ," circumstance have included disagreeing with Episcopalian views of the
  15. Is eternal. His unique contribution to understanding the workings of mind is, extraordinary , even during this time of radical philosophical developments, in that his views
  16. He had never mentioned this to him though he did find his father's words to be, extraordinary , and said he had long felt there was something possibly suspect about his
  17. And of the appearance, color,and shape of a bull. Their strength and speed are, extraordinary ,; they spare neither man nor wild beast which they have espied. These the
  18. Carefully educated at Bukhara. In Sina's independent thought was served by an, extraordinary ,intelligence and memory, which allowed him to overtake his teachers at the age
  19. S Witnesses baptism is performed by a" dedicated male" adherent. Only in, extraordinary ,circumstances would a" dedicated" baptizer be unbaptized (see section
  20. Might agree that, in this particular case, the best approach is to withhold, extraordinary ,medical care, while disagreeing on the reasons that support their individual
  21. To this one ". In 'pataphysics, every event in the universe is accepted as an, extraordinary ,event. Carry once wrote, expressing some bizarre logic of 'pataphysics
  22. The nature of chess came with two younger players. American Paul Morphy,an, extraordinary ,chess prodigy, won against all important competitors (except Howard Staunton
  23. Support the state of Israel, therefore they should be banned, which is quite, extraordinary ,because ... British Jews see themselves as British citizens. So it's that kind
  24. Subjected the Red Army soldiers to. On the other hand, Beevor noted the often, extraordinary ,bravery of the Soviet soldiers in a battle that was only comparable to Verdun
  25. September 3,1897. Because of the Balkan Wars, the Second International held an, extraordinary ,congress at Basel in 1912. In 1989,the Basel Convention was opened for
  26. Now Lake Moderate as well as in most of the others inland ... is a ... very, extraordinary ,amphibious animal, which the natives call Bun yip. " Buckley's account suggests
  27. Hitters such as Rogers Horns by also took advantage, with Horns by compiling, extraordinary ,figures for both power and average in the early 1920s. By the late 1920s and
  28. Trait of negative capability, defined by the poet John Keats and attributed to, extraordinary ,leaders who were" content in the midst of uncertainties and doubts, and not
  29. Incentives encouraged over-leveraging of companies and decisions to bear, extraordinary ,and unjustified risk. The Enron scandal deeply influenced the development of
  30. Apple created the Apple Fellows program, awarding individuals who made, extraordinary ,technical or leadership contributions to personal computing while at the
  31. The first is known as Indra's net. The net is set with jewels which have the, extraordinary ,property that they reflect all the other jewels. The second image is that of
  32. Of 9/11 information collected by plane spotters helped uncover what is known as, extraordinary ,rendition by the CIA. Information on unusual movements of rendition aircraft
  33. The London club scene. I was broke and on income support, but the success was, extraordinary ,". Jamming in the studios at Real World, musician Peter Gabriel's recording
  34. Sassanian were checked for the time, the conduct of the Roman army showed an, extraordinary ,lack of discipline. In 232 there was a mutiny in the Syrian legion, who
  35. ELLA pastor-ordinators are given permission to perform the rites in ", extraordinary ," circumstance. In practice," extraordinary " circumstance have included
  36. Writers panned the attempt. Others felt that she was" satisfying rather than, extraordinary ,", stating that she added little to modern R&B. As an artist, Aaliyah often
  37. Of city to many others and reorganized public administration. Alfonso showed, extraordinary ,vision for the time. Progressive measures taken during his kingship include:
  38. The other from getting a hit. Throwing a no-hitter is rare and considered an, extraordinary ,accomplishment for a pitcher or pitching staff. In most cases in the
  39. Of Sciences. In 1890,after the death of Viktor Bunyakovsky, Markov became, extraordinary ,member of the academy. His promotion to an ordinary professor of St Petersburg
  40. Receiving the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1903 for" recognition of the, extraordinary ,services ... rendered to the advancement of chemistry by his electrolytic
  41. Various calamities inflicted by the wrath of Mars, which raged everywhere with, extraordinary ,fury, I find to be this: the people of the Huns. " Minus Marcellus was
  42. Kidneys. Giant tube worms have unusual hemoglobin that allow them to live in, extraordinary ,environments. These hemoglobin also carry sulfides normally fatal in other
  43. Including the European Commission, the Council of the European Union and the, extraordinary ,and committee sessions of the European Parliament. Politics Belgium is a
  44. Contacted him he had" established himself as a brilliant wit, a writer of, extraordinary ,talent, and a warm friend to many of the screen world's brightest artists ...
  45. Was harsh, but not as brutal as in other Latin American countries. Due to the, extraordinary ,economic growth, known as an" economic miracle ", the regime reached its
  46. Sometimes in distant parts of the brain or body. The length of an axon can be, extraordinary ,: for example, if a pyramidal cell of the cerebral cortex were magnified so that
  47. Recruit to the court of Arches of Macedon. Physical Appearance Agathon's, extraordinary ,physical beauty is brought up repeatedly in the sources; the historian W. Rays
  48. The boy grows up wild and headstrong. GED discovers by accident that he has an, extraordinary ,talent for magic. His aunt, the village witch, teaches him the little she
  49. Even upon the principles of the commercial system, how unnecessary it is to lay, extraordinary ,restraints upon the importation of goods from those countries with which the
  50. Sports Ground, equating to 42 % of the team's runs in that series. These, extraordinary ,performances led Mattia Muralitharan to state that Lara was the most dangerous

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