Examples of the the word, solely , in a Sentence Context

The word ( solely ), is the 3608 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Are not usually patentable. In the United States, a claim consisting, solely ,of simple manipulations of abstract concepts, numbers,or signals does not
  2. And commentaries which he used, still there is much in the work which is, solely ,Alfred's and highly characteristic of his style. It is in the Boethius that
  3. On first amendment grounds, in a wrongful death civil suit that was based, solely ,on the fact that a man who raped and murdered a child had visited the NAM BLA
  4. To the level of a disability is not limited to activities in the workplace, solely , but rather to manual tasks in life in general. When the Supreme Court applied
  5. Enforceable. The reasoning for this was that the power of the arbitrator arose, solely ,from the mutual consent of the parties to his jurisdiction; but by the time a
  6. 1 - 24,32 and 34 are by both Skinny and Undergo. Numbers 25 - 31 and 33 are, solely ,the work of Undergo. Years stated are for their initial release. 1. Asterix the
  7. Was independent of the properties of any particular substance and was based, solely ,on the fundamental laws of thermodynamics. It followed from the principles on
  8. From about 10 lb up to several tons. Deadweight This is an anchor which relies on, solely ,on being a heavy weight. It is usually just a large block of concrete or stone
  9. Vividly and with rhetorical emphasis the grinding poverty" but feels emotion, solely ,for members of his own class. Swift’s use of gripping details of poverty and
  10. As an institution responsible for its members" and" derives his identity, solely ,from property" with the question of property to be resolved by a 'war of all
  11. Who were sent out to reside on Lesbos. This type of treatment was not reserved, solely ,for those who revolted. Thucydides documents the example of Melts, a small
  12. Symbol R, is a functional group or side-chain that, like an alkane, consists, solely , of single-bonded carbon and hydrogen atoms, for example a methyl or ethyl group
  13. Known as the Ark of the Testimony, is a chest described in Book of Exodus as, solely ,containing the Tablets of Stone on which the Ten Commandments were inscribed.
  14. News and events on all four ASU campuses. Student editors and managers are, solely ,responsible for the content of the State Press newspaper and its associated
  15. Jet ix channel broadcast anime within many countries in the world. Anime Central, solely ,broadcasts anime in the UK. Influence on world culture Anime has become
  16. The US division announces to exit the game development business to concentrate, solely ,on publishing and distribution. On March 6,2008,InnoGames made an offer to
  17. In this sense to create an image of Kurosawa as a director who abuses his power, solely ,for the purpose of self-indulgence. " Worldwide impact Reputation among
  18. Deny that entry into Heaven can be properly earned, rather it is a gift that is, solely ,God's to give through his unmerited grace. This belief follows the theology of
  19. What she considers a way to ensure her own artistic freedom was seen by others, solely ,in terms of its financial success. Discography Studio albums Compilations Live
  20. In his boots. The debate on Schwarzenegger's height has spawned a website, solely ,dedicated to the issue, and his page remains one of the most active on
  21. Had incorrectly determined the presence of a disability because it relied on, solely ,on her inability to perform specific manual work tasks which was insufficient
  22. Primogeniture, in favor of absolute primogeniture, which governs succession, solely ,on birth order and not on sex. Across the realms British Labor Member of
  23. Cooperation with the state divided the Unorganized Borough into 11 census areas, solely ,for the purposes of statistical analysis and presentation. A recording district
  24. At the NBC Century Theatre (1954–1957),after which the ceremony took place, solely ,in Los Angeles. The Oscars moved to the Santa Monica Civic Auditorium in Santa
  25. Only Ainu speakers remaining (besides perhaps a few partial speakers) live, solely ,in Japan. There, they are concentrated primarily on the southern and eastern
  26. The transition. In the United States, high-power over-the-air broadcasts are, solely ,in the ATC digital format since June 12, 2009,the date that the Federal
  27. The book never depicts the slaughter of the innocent thus entailed, remaining, solely , in the timeline where the country is saved. The cross-time theme was further
  28. Of the object is displaced from its true position by an amount which depends, solely ,upon the transverse component of the velocity of the observer, with respect to
  29. Is to stay at Public School, he must aim at becoming educated. If he is to be, solely ,a Scientific Specialist, he is wasting his time at a Public School ". Despite
  30. Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society). It was the first publication to focus, solely ,on role-playing games. Each issue is a collection of contributions from
  31. Which includes oral sex and mutual masturbation, is conceived as resting, solely ,on penile-vaginal penetration. Since the early 1990s," technical virginity "
  32. Polar solvents (like water and methanol),the basicity of amines is almost, solely ,governed by the electronic factors within the molecule. Synthesis Alkylating
  33. Which ostensibly can be used as a container, may be considered art if intended, solely ,as an ornament, while a painting may be deemed craft if mass-produced. The
  34. The Billboard Hot 100,making Aaliyah the first artist to top the chart based, solely ,on airplay; this led the song to be released in a 12" vinyl and 7" single.
  35. U. S. -Americanism and U. S. -Afrikaner observe said cultural distinction, solely ,denoting U. S. things and people. It is important to note that these are "
  36. Example, the sulfonamides, the quinolones, and the oxazolidinones—are produced, solely ,by chemical synthesis. Accordingly, many antibacterial compounds are classified
  37. Of the dry weight of urine. Most reptiles, birds,as well as insects and snails, solely ,excrete uric acid as nitrogenous waste. Properties Ammonia is a colorless gas
  38. Is insignificant. It would be a mistake to attribute the fall of Regina, solely ,to the development of the Athenian navy. It is probable that the power of
  39. Systems (CRS) and credit card systems today. It was also possible to use, solely ,the macro processing abilities of an assembler to generate code written in
  40. In air, where oxygen is more concentrated, some small species can rely on, solely ,on cutaneous gas exchange, most famously the plethodontid salamanders, which
  41. Fragments of text. After 400 CE, Greek alchemical writers occupied themselves, solely ,in commenting on the works of these predecessors. By the middle of the seventh
  42. Work itself. He also claimed that women did not have individuality and were, solely ,guided by their habits or impulses. In this respect Crowley displayed the
  43. Make industry leading flash memory. AMD decided to switch gears and concentrate, solely ,on Intel-compatible microprocessors and flash memory, placing them in direct
  44. The last refraction. From this it follows that correctness of drawing depends, solely ,upon the principal rays; and is independent of the sharpness or curvature of
  45. That Jackson" ... was raised to the Presidency, and has been maintained there, solely ,by the recollection of a victory which he gained, twenty years ago, under the
  46. Is called GlobalFoundries Inc. This partnership will allow AMD to focus, solely ,on chip design. In August 2011,AMD announced that former Lenovo executive Rory
  47. Relations. Money is just a push for the act. If world peace depended, solely ,on financial support, it would not seem a goal, but more like an act of pity.
  48. Only be held once in a lifetime. There were no lawyers as such; litigants acted, solely ,in their capacity as citizens. Whatever professionalism there was tended to
  49. While the term—literally meaning" sailing the air"—originally referred, solely ,to the science of operating the aircraft, it has since been expanded to include
  50. Which spawned the single" Try Again ". The song topped the Billboard Hot 100, solely , on airplay, making Aaliyah the first artist in Billboard history to achieve

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