Examples of the the word, practically , in a Sentence Context

The word ( practically ), is the 4815 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Still unfinished, pending proper reassembly of its parts, all of which survive, practically ,intact. A total of 2,675 tons of architectural members were restored, with 686
  2. Context of Christian symbolism, to memorialize the death of Mr. Spock but more, practically ,because the song has become" instantly recognizable to many in the audience as
  3. And to allow such license to the officers of the army as to leave the Empire, practically ,defenceless. He thus consummated the financial ruin of the state. At Christmas
  4. Of E/ (kt) or at small density of states — when wave functions of particles, practically ,do not overlap — both the Bose–Einstein or Fermi–Dirac distribution become the
  5. Command School. Its 10 departments train officers of 38 specialties for, practically ,all arms of service. Also in 1995 it was given the status of a government
  6. Against him, including virtually all his family members. Notwithstanding this, practically ,all the worldwide Baha’í community accepted his leadership. By the age of 64
  7. To shoot them down. In summary, the MIRV made ABM economically ineffective, and, practically , non-workable. The Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty of 1972 Technical, economic and
  8. And growing part of the pain-control field and new discoveries are made, practically ,every year. Many of these drugs combat the side effects of opioid analgesics
  9. US-American population show affinity to the subject. Other than a few artists, practically ,no celebrities are publicly known as sadomasochists. Public knowledge of one's
  10. Practice and was constantly annoyed by his patients, co-workers,friends, and, practically , everything and everybody else in his world. It showed his everyday life as a
  11. На Мария.: (lit. " I gave her it the present to Maria. ") The phenomenon is, practically ,obligatory in the spoken language in the case of inversion signalling
  12. Found on the secret ones on the other). The meaning of αποκρυφος is here, practically ,equivalent to" excluded from the public use of the church ", and prepares the
  13. Some implementations have used 32-bit cells,64-bit cells, or magnum cells with, practically ,unlimited range, but programs that use this extra range are likely to be slow
  14. Amount of computing power or storage in order to run, again rendering it, practically ,useless. Ælle (; also Belle or Ella) is recorded in early sources as the first
  15. A deep regolith covering the surface. Of the big four, Pallas and Hygiene are, practically ,unknown. Vesta has compression fractures encircling a radius-size crater at its
  16. Of these Greek additions has been a subject of scholarly disagreement, practically ,since their first appearance in the Septuagint – - Martin Luther, being perhaps
  17. Lowest average annual temperature, ( at Prado llano) and its peaks remain snowy, practically ,year-round. Terrain Mountain ranges affect climate, the network of rivers
  18. That are most open are the low grounds to northeast and southwest, where it is, practically ,impossible to get below the Roman strata. The most important results were those
  19. Strict silence are set, and at other time silence is maintained as much as is, practically ,possible. Social conversations tend to be limited to communal recreation times.
  20. Also exist integral designs such as the Leland National where the two are, practically ,inseparable. Specialist builders also exist and concentrate on building buses
  21. Was 14. In 1911,he suffered an illness (keratitis punctate) which" left him, practically ,blind for two to three years ". Aldous's near-blindness disqualified him from
  22. Expanded to an important pillar of the business with adult accessories. Today, practically ,all suppliers of sex toys do offer items which originally found usage in the
  23. That Alabama's constitution highly centralizes power in Montgomery and leaves, practically ,no power in local hands. Any policy changes proposed around the state must be
  24. Hydrochloric acid, whereas the gypsum alabaster, when thus treated, remains, practically , unaffected. Due to the characteristic color of white alabaster, the term has
  25. Is considered by some modern scholars to be too simplistic, and often it is, practically ,impossible to know whether a lyric composition was sung or recited, or whether
  26. With an increase in the capacity of transport aircraft allowing AFIS to be, practically ,transported by air, many armies are replacing some or all of their traditional
  27. Of pickles and chutneys are unique to the State. Chutneys are made from, practically ,every vegetable including tomatoes, brinjals (eggplant),and Roselle (
  28. And Cars in Turkey. Sea transport is vital for Baku, as the city is, practically ,surrounded by the Caspian Sea from the east. Shipping services operate
  29. Been observed in many Baroque works: Marino's" Maraviglia ", for example, is, practically , made of the pure, mere form. Fantasy and imagination should be evoked in the
  30. Constant (PKA) values of all alkanes are above 60,hence they are, practically ,inert to acids and bases (see: carbon acids). This inertness is the source of
  31. But called by the misnomer 'acacia' in Europe, hence this liquid honey which, practically ,doesn't crystallize does not come from true acacias. Gum Various species of
  32. Several of these communities/churches are of Brazilian origin. The Muslims, practically ,all of them immigrants from West African and other countries and belonging to
  33. Affine is a minor dry component of Carlsberg barley, but once malted is, practically ,nonexistent. While the nature of yeast was not fully understood until Emil
  34. Land was not arable. Alcott lamented," None of us were prepared to actualize, practically ,the ideal life of which we dreamed. So we fell apart ". Its founders were often
  35. Science had so much Aristotelian theory that his rejection of Gnosticism was, practically ,meaningless. In particular, Paracelsus rejected the magic theories of Agrippa
  36. Published his observations of γ Dragons, a star of magnitude 2 m which passes, practically ,overhead at the latitude of London, and whose observations are therefore free
  37. Lapide philosophic really issued from his pen. On the other hand, it now seems, practically ,demonstrated that Alain de Lille was the author of the Ar's Catholic Fidel and
  38. Length" of values for which the function is nonzero). A less strict and more, practically ,useful definition will refer to the frequencies where the frequency function is
  39. That Sendivogious taught his technique to Cornelius Rebel. In 1621,Rebel, practically ,applied this in a submarine. Tycho Brahe (1546–1601),better known for his
  40. Another, and Panda, Guwahati,and Kali fell into the hands of the Mughal, practically ,unopposed. The easy success of Mir Lumley II was due to dissatisfaction in the
  41. In 480 BC. The building was burned and looted, along with the Archaic Laos and, practically ,everything else on the rock. After the Persian crisis had subsided, the
  42. Examples These are examples of analog computers that have been constructed or, practically ,used: * mechanical integrators, for example, the parameter * Leonardo Torres y
  43. Nucleus changes by two units. Double beta decay is difficult to study in most, practically ,interesting cases, because both β decay and ββ decay are possible, with
  44. In provinces outside England. The role of the crown in the Church of England is, practically ,limited to the appointment of bishops, including the Archbishop of Canterbury
  45. To the significant circumstance that he was" from his tenderest years, practically ,self-taught ". " Not long after this," adds the same authority, Bishop
  46. Century, with famous spokesmen like Andrew Jackson and Daniel Webster. While, practically ,all Northerners supported the Union, Southerners were split between those loyal
  47. And other mathematicians of the younger generation). Grothendieck himself, practically ,ceased publication of papers through the conventional, learned journal route.
  48. Programming languages of the time. BASIC is one of his targets (" It is, practically ,impossible to teach good programming to students that have had a prior exposure
  49. Of the Bosnian Bay, ice usually stays until late May; by early June it is, practically ,always gone. The ice cover is the main habitat for two larger animal species.
  50. About what Dial FM team can offer to the community as well as applying it, practically ,by being present in different sites across Egypt with a new humanitarian

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