Examples of the the word, dam , in a Sentence Context

The word ( dam ), is the 4770 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Fore-paws and timber between their teeth. Because of this, destroying a beaver, dam ,without removing the beavers is difficult, especially if the dam is downstream
  2. 931 feet (284 m) long. Between 1881 when the club was opened, and 1889,the, dam ,frequently sprang leaks and was patched, mostly with mud and straw.
  3. Planned for the Amazon region, including controversial Below Monte hydroelectric, dam , Politics The Brazilian Federation is the" indissoluble union" of three
  4. In the 20th century, each of these major fishing sites was flooded by a, dam , beginning with Cascades Rapids in 1938. The development was accompanied by
  5. In the city. Hoover Dam is a somewhat unusual example of Art Deco design. Many, dam ,guides state that the design was to be Gothic Revival, including the
  6. Project in central Washington. With the onset of World War II, the focus of, dam ,construction shifted to production of hydroelectricity. Irrigation efforts
  7. Local ports are also contributing to the cost. Dams: harnessing the river. This, dam , frequently referred to as the" fish killer ", and its reservoir form the
  8. Country also has several large lakes on the Black Sea coast and more than 2,200, dam , lakes. Many mineral springs exist, located mainly in the south-western and
  9. Of genetic variability and resilience. The peoples of the Sahel control, dam ,lines and cull puppies heavily at birth according to locally held aesthetic
  10. Anti-nuclear position and her activism against India's massive hydroelectric, dam ,project, sponsored by the World Bank. In France the well-known monthly paper Le
  11. Its name is derived from Amstelre dam me, indicative of the city's origin: a, dam ,in the river Hostel. Settled as a small fishing village in the late 12th
  12. The flooding of the Nile, a task requiring an early attempt at building a, dam ,at the present site of the Aswan Dam. After his field work made him aware of
  13. Dated 27 October 1275,when the inhabitants, who had built a bridge with a, dam ,across the Hostel, were exempted from paying a bridge toll by Count Flores V.
  14. Decision denied the relief sought by the plaintiffs for pragmatic reasons—the, dam ,was already standing—but the decision was nonetheless heralded as a giant
  15. So for several speakers, the /æː/ vowel in words like" jam "," man ",", dam ," and" hand" will be shifted towards. * The sound, an open unbounded vowel
  16. The 19,900 megawatt Itaipu Dam on the Paraná River (the world's largest, dam ,) and the Taurus Dam in Pará in northern Brazil, are in operation. Brazil's
  17. The area to avail themselves of cheap power. Downriver of Grand Coulee, each, dam , 's reservoir is closely regulated by the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA
  18. District in Grant County, Washington ultimately began construction of the, dam ,at Priest Rapids. In the 1960s,the United States and Canada signed the
  19. Have been dramatically reduced. Fish ladders have been installed at some, dam ,sites to help the fish journey to spawning waters. Chief Joseph Dam has no fish
  20. Fell large mature trees, usually in strategic locations, to form the basis of a, dam , but European beavers tend to use small diameter (<10 cm) trees for this
  21. Arises because the great stationary dunes (ergs) of the Kane region create a, dam , preventing lake waters from flowing to the basin's lowest point. At various
  22. Steel Company, which boasted the world's the largest annual steel production. The, dam ,was 72 feet (22 m) high and 931 feet (284 m) long. Between 1881 when the
  23. Worth a Dam ". Resolution included installing a pipe through the beaver, dam ,so that the pond's water level could not become excessive. Now protected, the
  24. Their circumcisions; this may be due to a concern about hemophilia. Arafat, dam ,Brit Circumcision alone, in the absence of the Brit Milan ceremony, does not
  25. Building in the world. It was finally replaced in 1940 by a hollow concrete, dam ,that formed Lake McDonald (now called Lake Austin) and which has withstood
  26. Female beaver arrived in Alhambra Creek in 2006. The Martinez beavers built a, dam ,30 feet wide and at one time 6 feet high, and chewed through half the willows
  27. An infant removes the obligation to undergo either a full Brit Milan or Arafat, dam ,Brit. Reasons for circumcision In Of the Special Laws, Book 1,the Jewish
  28. Development of the Inland Empire region east of the Cascades. The dredging and, dam ,building that followed would permanently alter the river, disrupting its
  29. Of the annual inundation of the Nile River, and he drew plans for building a, dam , at the site of the modern-day Aswan Dam. His field work, however,later made
  30. And unusually high snowmelt and heavy spring rains combined to cause the, dam ,to give way on May 31, 1889 resulting in twenty million tons of water to sweep
  31. The South Fork Fishing and Hunting Club. Less than 20 miles downstream from the, dam ,sat the city of Johnstown, and Carnegie Steel's chief competitor (from whom
  32. A notable example being Enheduanna). Enheduanna, the " wife (Sumerian ", dam ," = high priestess) of Anna the Sumerian moon god and daughter of Sargon" of
  33. The abandoned reservoir, made less than well-engineered repairs to the old, dam , raised the lake level, built cottages and a clubhouse, and created the South
  34. From Toledo, Ohio to Masses, New York. These include the flood-control, dam ,at Mount Morris, New York, oversight of the lower Great Lakes (Erie and
  35. Gorges Corporation. The amount of concrete used in the construction of the, dam ,is estimated at 16 million cubic meters over 17 years. The previous record was
  36. Of the forks by the massive Gurgaon Dam, which diverted water to the Aral. The, dam ,was destroyed by Genghis Khan's troops in 1221,and the Amu Darya shifted its
  37. British Columbia. | Prominent dam s of the Columbia River Basin. Color indicates, dam ,ownership: The Bureau of Reclamation's Columbia Basin Project focused on the
  38. A large section of the Amazon rainforest so that Alcoa could build the Taurus, dam ,to power mining operations. Large areas of rainforest were destroyed, along
  39. History. In the early 1980s when the government commenced construction on the, dam , two Ainu landowners refused to agree to the expropriation of their land. These
  40. It is however significantly less efficient than batteries. The 60 MW Juan, dam ,in Telemark, Norway produced ammonia via electrolysis of water for many years
  41. Areas cut off from the ocean by dam s, sturgeon simply live upstream of the, dam , Not all fish have suffered from the modifications to the river; the northern
  42. A beaver dam without removing the beavers is difficult, especially if the, dam ,is downstream of an active lodge. Beavers can rebuild such primary dam s
  43. Of water to sweep down the valley causing the Johnstown Flood. When word of the, dam ,'s failure was telegraphed to Pittsburgh, Frick and other members of the South
  44. Significant is known as the Bonneville Slide, which formed a massive earthen, dam , filling of the river's length. Various studies have placed the date of the
  45. In the gaps between the branches with a combination of weeds and mud until the, dam ,impounds sufficient water to surround the lodge. They are known for their alarm
  46. The use of a specialized surgical knife, called an, which does allow for, dam ,Brit. Unlike the traditional Jewish method, when circumcision is performed by a
  47. A controlled release of water. There had been some speculation as to the, dam ,'s integrity, and concerns had been raised by the head of the Cambria Iron
  48. On the river of Zambezi, Asuan in Egypt on the river of the Nile and the biggest, dam ,of the continent laying completely in The republic of Ghana is called Colombo
  49. Expansion along the Black Sea coastline and the construction of a major, dam ,has significantly increased annual variability in the N: P: Si ratio in the
  50. Began to receive royalties from the Pakistani government for electricity the, dam ,provided to the nation. During the mid-2000s a multi-billion dollar

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PLEASE click record and read the phrase: Areas cut off from the ocean by dam s, sturgeon simply live upstream of the, dam , Not all fish have suffered from the modifications to the river; the northern

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