Examples of the the word, closure , in a Sentence Context

The word ( closure ), is the 4771 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Fleet after the Boeing 747 freighter. In March 2006 Airbus announced the, closure ,of the A300/A310 line making them the first Airbus aircraft to be discontinued.
  2. Have been Ammonium. In mathematics, particularly abstract algebra, an algebraic, closure ,of a field K is an algebraic extension of K that is algebraically closed. It is
  3. Failing to heal primarily and primary closure longer median number of days to, closure ,(8.9 versus 7.8). In anorectal abscesses, primary closure healed faster, but
  4. Of compact topological spaces is compact. **In the product topology,the, closure ,of a product of subsets is equal to the product of the closure s. **If S is a
  5. Of K. Because of this essential uniqueness, we often speak of the algebraic, closure ,of K, rather than an algebraic closure of K. The algebraic closure of a field K
  6. Of players. The AFL became the de facto governing body when it pushed for the, closure ,of the International Australian Football Council in 2002. The Australian
  7. Cancer in female staff working at the ABC's offices in Brisbane led to the, closure ,of the site, based in Towing, on 21 December 2006. Sixteen women were
  8. Over around the 1850s,and is in use for automobile traffic. Controversy during, closure ,In 1861,the New York State Legislature voted to ban railroad locomotives from
  9. Has an algebraic extension which is algebraically closed (called its algebraic, closure ,), but proving this in general requires some form of the axiom of choice. An
  10. Only one which is an algebraic extension of F; it is called the algebraic, closure ,of F. Notes Events *1284 – The Republic of Pisa is defeated in the Battle of
  11. Has given Albion the reputation of a factory town. This has changed with the, closure ,of several manufacturers, and Albion's culture is changing to that of a
  12. Ended, Rand terminated her relationship with both Branden's, which led to the, closure ,of FBI. Rand published an article in The Objectives repudiating Nathaniel
  13. Of M which are algebraic over K form an algebraic closure of K. The algebraic, closure ,of a field K has the same cardinality as K if K is infinite, and is countably
  14. Using Zorn's lemma, it can be shown that every field has an algebraic, closure , and that the algebraic closure of a field K is unique up to an isomorphism
  15. Sales are held on the site on other days throughout the year. Following the, closure ,of Newport Cattle Market to make way for a new development. Newport’s sale will
  16. Of the field of real numbers is the field of complex numbers. *The algebraic, closure ,of the field of rational numbers is the field of algebraic numbers. *There are
  17. In the list. In mathematical terminology, this characteristic is defined as, closure , and the previous list is described as closed under multiplication. It is the
  18. L is also an algebraic closure of K, and so L is contained within the algebraic, closure ,of K. The algebraic closure of K is also the smallest algebraically closed
  19. Number of days to closure (8.9 versus 7.8). In anorectal abscesses, primary, closure , healed faster, but 25 % of abscesses healed by secondary intention and
  20. From its origins as an emergency airstrip for Ester Regional Airport until its, closure , England AFB was officially closed on December 15, 1992,pursuant to the
  21. K, then the elements of M which are algebraic over K form an algebraic, closure ,of K. The algebraic closure of a field K has the same cardinality as K if K is
  22. In peripheral T cells, an impaired T cell response, and a defect in neural tube, closure , Interestingly, these mice were found to be resistant to apoptosis mediated by
  23. Algebraic closure of K, rather than an algebraic closure of K. The algebraic, closure ,of a field K can be thought of as the largest algebraic extension of K. To see
  24. Takes the form of a wedding, thus providing the action with a joyous sense of, closure , Complexity The development of New Comedy involved a trend towards more
  25. Of K, and so L is contained within the algebraic closure of K. The algebraic, closure ,of K is also the smallest algebraically closed field containing K, because if M
  26. Curettage alone. However, another randomized controlled trial found primary, closure ,led to 35 % failing to heal primarily and primary closure longer median number
  27. Closed field containing the rationals, and is therefore called the algebraic, closure ,of the rationals. Related fields Numbers defined by radicals All numbers which
  28. We often speak of the algebraic closure of K, rather than an algebraic, closure ,of K. The algebraic closure of a field K can be thought of as the largest
  29. Finite. Examples *The fundamental theorem of algebra states that the algebraic, closure ,of the field of real numbers is the field of complex numbers. *The algebraic
  30. Suffering a near total collapse of their authority in the Pashtun belt. The, closure ,of the important Attock-Kabul trade route along the Grand Trunk road was
  31. Past, but has been steadily declining with competition from other areas and the, closure ,of the region's major pulp mills. History The border between the Canadian
  32. S. In more abstract language, there is a Galois connection, giving rise to two, closure ,operators; they can be identified, and naturally play a basic role in the
  33. Cinema opened in 1969 and served as a prominent theater on the island until its, closure ,in 1998. In 2002,the building was demolished, and its former site is now a
  34. Of Royal Unibrow, was originally founded in Aarhus. Royal Unibrow announced the, closure ,of Ceres in 2008. Culture Aarhus is a center for education on the peninsula of
  35. To see this, note that if L is any algebraic extension of K, then the algebraic, closure ,of L is also an algebraic closure of K, and so L is contained within the
  36. No benefit from packing of simple cutaneous abscesses. Primary closure Primary, closure ,has been successful when combined with curettage and antibiotics or with
  37. Trial found primary closure led to 35 % failing to heal primarily and primary, closure ,longer median number of days to closure (8.9 versus 7.8). In anorectal
  38. To be the oldest continuously operating airline in the United States until its, closure ,in 2008. Following World War I, the United States found itself swamped with
  39. Cancer rate at the offices was eleven times higher than elsewhere – since the, closure ,of the site, the ABC's Brisbane-based television and radio operations were
  40. Study has found no benefit from packing of simple cutaneous abscesses. Primary, closure ,Primary closure has been successful when combined with curettage and
  41. Sets. *There exists a model of AFC in which there is a field with no algebraic, closure , *In all models of AFC there is a vector space with no basis. *There exists a
  42. William Millikan, and many dignitaries came to town. However, in 1975 the, closure ,of a major factory cut the celebration short and new challenges were created
  43. Of transcendental extensions of the rational numbers,e.g. the algebraic, closure ,of Q (π). *For a finite field of prime order p, the algebraic closure is a
  44. Can be shown that every field has an algebraic closure , and that the algebraic, closure ,of a field K is unique up to an isomorphism that fixes every member of K.
  45. Algebraic extension of K, then the algebraic closure of L is also an algebraic, closure ,of K, and so L is contained within the algebraic closure of K. The algebraic
  46. Of a field generated by all roots of unity is sometimes called its cyclotomic, closure , Thus, algebraically closed fields are cyclotomically closed. The converse is
  47. Along Atlantic Street (today Atlantic Avenue),to defray the costs of the, closure , It was undisclosed at the time that New York State Governor John A. King was a
  48. The AMPS network was closed down at the end of 1999 in the major cities,the, closure ,deadline was extended until the end of 2000 in rural areas to ease the
  49. Closure of Q (π). *For a finite field of prime order p, the algebraic, closure ,is a countably infinite field which contains a copy of the field of order PN
  50. For a reduced sentence. In this instance, allocution can serve to provide, closure ,for victims or their families. In principle, it removes any doubt as to the

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