Examples of the the word, phantom , in a Sentence Context

The word ( phantom ), is the 8839 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. As the Universe expands and cools. Other explanations of dark energy—so-called, phantom ,energy theories—suggest that ultimately galaxy clusters, stars,planets, atoms
  2. Front loudspeakers. When the listener moves slightly to the side, however,this, phantom ,channel disappears or is greatly reduced. An attempt to provide for the
  3. Associated with in life, though stories of the phantom armies, ghost trains, phantom ,ships, and even ghost animals have also been recounted. Terminology The English
  4. Limb, the sensation that a missing limb is still attached to the body * Imaging, phantom , an object used as a substitute to live or cadaver subjects * Computational
  5. And every aspect of his life, leading to the recurrent motif of the ", phantom ,twin" in many of his books. Dick attended Berkeley High School in Berkeley
  6. Suspected that the vessel was hijacked by the LTTE and is now being used as a, phantom ,vessel. Likewise, the crew of a Jordanian ship, MV Farah III, that ran aground
  7. Some semblance of the illusion of live orchestral performers by creating a, phantom ,middle channel when the listener sits exactly in the middle of the two front
  8. Which shows a two-piece slide he used with one glass showing the face of a, phantom ,and the other which had the image of the eyes, which when used meant the eyes
  9. Goats were still offered yearly. Plutarch mentions that the Athenians saw the, phantom ,of King Theseus, the mythical hero of Athens, leading the army in full battle
  10. The intact body may become sensitized, so that touching them evokes pain in the, phantom ,limb, or phantom limb pain may accompany urination or defecation. Local
  11. Geographers as Shetland, Iceland,Scandinavia, or even as nonexistent. Other, phantom ,islands are probably due to navigational errors, the identification of
  12. In allocating funds for additional voyages of exploration. While many, phantom ,islands appear never to have existed, a few (such as, perhaps,Thompson Island
  13. Then the limbs,e.g. after amputation of the breast, extraction of a tooth (, phantom ,tooth pain) or removal of an eye ( phantom eye syndrome). A similar
  14. When a family member was knighted by the German-based Holy Roman Empire. The, phantom ,insignia on the Koenigsegg's rear window is a tribute to a squadron from the
  15. More likely to" end in wind rather than anything else ". It was most likely a, phantom ,pregnancy, perhaps induced by Mary's overwhelming desire to have a child. In
  16. If the LEDs are not pulsed at a fast enough frequency, they can create a, phantom ,array, where ghost images of the LED will appear if the eyes quickly scan
  17. Courtyard while a moving projector from behind would project the image of the, phantom ,The Bleeding Nun, an image which came from the novel The Monk by Matthew
  18. Objects, or people they were associated with in life, though stories of the, phantom ,armies, ghost trains, phantom ships, and even ghost animals have also been
  19. System of state regulation of alcoholic beverage sales * Alien big cat or, phantom ,cat, a large feline that has been purported to appear in regions outside its
  20. Semen after the death of the stallion. A stallion is usually trained to mount a, phantom ,(or dummy) mare, although a live mare may be used, and he is most commonly
  21. Bodmin, also known as The Beast of Bodmin Moor like The Beast of Exmoor, is a, phantom ,wild cat purported to live in Cornwall, in the United Kingdom. Bodmin Moor
  22. In Brighton, made The Kiss in the Tunnel. This started with a shot from a “, phantom ,ride” at the point at which the train goes into a tunnel, and continued with
  23. H ", though it is not normally aspirated phonetically),and is treated as a, phantom ,consonant. For example in LE Howard ('the lobster' ) the article LE remains
  24. Prey to local deer hunters. Japan Between 2003 and 2010,there was a series of, phantom ,kangaroo sightings in the Manama mountain district of Osaka, Miyagi city in
  25. Projects following the end of the civil war included psychological support and, phantom ,limb pain management. Ongoing missions. A serious crisis within MSF erupted in
  26. Pain. Phantom limb pain is a common experience of amputees. The prevalence of, phantom ,pain in upper limb amputees is nearly 82 %, and in lower limb amputees is 54 %.
  27. A large proportion of amputees (50-80 %) experience the phenomenon of, phantom ,limbs; they feel body parts that are no longer there. These limbs can itch
  28. Dead relatives. He made a big show out of it and conjured up an image of a, phantom ,with a dagger, and then pictures of the dead relatives. After this show, he
  29. Carriage, where a man steals a kiss from a woman, and then cuts back to the, phantom ,ride shot when the train comes out of the tunnel. A month later, the Tamworth
  30. Ever at the mercy of the king of France. Louis I, Duke of Enjoy, was granted a, phantom ,kingdom of Adrian to be carved out of papal Emilia and Romagna, if he could
  31. At once, the current can flow backwards through the circuit and trigger ", phantom ,keys" that cause" ghost" notes to play. To avoid triggering unwanted notes
  32. Become sensitized, so that touching them evokes pain in the phantom limb, or, phantom , limb pain may accompany urination or defecation. Local anesthetic injections
  33. Technology. The publication of Total Baseball led to the discovery of several ", phantom ,ballplayers ", such as Lou Proctor, who did not belong in official record books
  34. By a filling bladder or bowel, or,in five to ten per cent of paraplegics, phantom ,body pain in areas of complete sensory loss. This phantom body pain is
  35. The soft tissue between vertebrae produces local pain that radiates into the, phantom ,limb for ten minutes or so and may be followed by hours, weeks or even longer
  36. England. Living knights were sometimes challenged to single combat by, phantom ,knights, which vanished when defeated. From the medieval period an apparition
  37. S heat vision is keeping her heart beating. Clark is visited by a mysterious, phantom ,who insists that he must depart Earth immediately if he is to save his wife's
  38. Unexplained pressure or movement on his face or head. In many cases,the, phantom ,limb aids in adaptation to a prosthesis, as it permits the person to experience
  39. Of the brain about limbs regardless of their existence. Phantom sensations and, phantom ,pain may also occur after the removal of body parts other than the limbs, e. g.
  40. Including attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD),schizophrenia, phantom ,limb syndrome, complex regional pain syndrome, paroxysmal extreme pain disorder
  41. Winnipeg. CPR did not end up pursuing these applications but instead operated a, phantom ,station in Toronto known as" CRY," with initials standing for" Canadian
  42. One study found that eight days after amputation,72 percent of patients had, phantom ,limb pain, and six months later,65 percent reported it. Some amputees
  43. The breast, extraction of a tooth ( phantom tooth pain) or removal of an eye (, phantom ,eye syndrome). A similar phenomenon is unexplained sensation in a body part
  44. May be followed by hours, weeks or even longer of partial or total relief from, phantom ,pain. Vigorous vibration or electrical stimulation of the stump, or current
  45. From in front of a railway engine were usually specifically referred to as ", phantom ,rides ". In 1897,Robert W. Paul had the first real rotating camera head made
  46. And also teaching there came up to me and said:“ I met someone who is like a ‘, phantom ,’. I couldn’t strike him even once. ” I was amazed that there was someone that
  47. Object used as a substitute to live or cadaver subjects * Computational human, phantom , a computerized model of the human body used primarily for radiation dose
  48. Customers. In New York's Chinatown, the restaurants were known for having a ", phantom ," menu with food preferred by ethnic Chinese, but believed to be disliked by
  49. Wars and was succeeded by" The Beast of Bodmin" ( presumably named after the, phantom ,cat purported to roam Bodmin Moor). The School also has one of the largest
  50. Some characteristics of Merovingian dynastic behavior. The Mórrígan (", phantom ,queen" ) or Mórrígan (" great queen" ), also written as Morris or in the

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