Examples of the the word, landfill , in a Sentence Context

The word ( landfill ), is the 8840 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. As Canal Street was the city's fashionable residential area until circa 1825;, landfill ,has more than tripled the area and the Hudson shore now lies far to the west
  2. Warming from fugitive methane; untreated waste breaks down anaerobically in a, landfill , producing landfill gas that contains methane, a potent greenhouse gas.
  3. The downtown area through which the tunnels were to be dug was largely, landfill , and included existing subway lines as well as innumerable pipes and utility
  4. Methane; untreated waste breaks down anaerobically in a landfill , producing, landfill , gas that contains methane, a potent greenhouse gas. Large-scale composting
  5. Incorporated special scrubbers to remove airborne pollutants and have access to, landfill ,sites with permits to handle the toxic ash. Unfortunately, most lubricant that
  6. Of a waste authority unit. Locally produced inert waste for disposal is sent to, landfill ,in the south of Croydon. There have recently been calls by the ODOM to bring
  7. Lowest points are along the lake shore at, while the highest point, at,is a, landfill ,located in the Herewith community area on the city's far south side. The
  8. Team (the GIRL research. Codep) approximated that almost 17 % of worldwide, landfill ,was by-products of concrete based waste. World records The world record for the
  9. Explosion leads to new UK laws on landfill gas migration and gas protection on, landfill ,sites. *1989 – Exxon Valdez oil spill: In Prince William Sound in Alaska, the
  10. Number of islands, including: **Wards Island and Randall's Island (joined by, landfill ,) Crossings Bridges The river is spanned by eight bridges, which from north to
  11. Which can have long-term negative effects on the environment if dumped as, landfill , the glass envelope can be recycled at suitably equipped facilities. Other
  12. Is home to Brown County offices including clerk-magistrate, county auditor, landfill ,office, register of deeds, county treasurer, coroner,emergency management
  13. Saw to it that the Planet globe was unceremoniously dumped in the Metropolis, landfill , In the Planets place emerged" Lexicon," a news-oriented Internet website that
  14. Over the island. Afterwards, the radioactive debris and soils were placed in a, landfill ,on the island, along with residue from Agent Orange containers returned from
  15. An exposed vein of coal ignited in 1962 due to a trash fire in the borough, landfill , located in an abandoned anthracite strip mine pit. Attempts to extinguish the
  16. Room could seat 1,000 people. After its opening, Ellis Island was expanded with, landfill ,and additional structures were built. By the time it closed in 1954,twelve
  17. Rubbish heap of in altitude that has been named Mt Cheese at the Awaken, landfill ,just outside Palmerston North after he dubbed the city" suicide capital of New
  18. And Dahmer's possessions were destroyed and buried in an undisclosed Illinois, landfill , In January 2007,evidence surfaced potentially linking Danger to Adam Walsh's
  19. Port Elizabeth, New Jersey. The initial proposal to reclaim this area through, landfill ,was offered in the early 1960s by private firms and supported by the Mayor.
  20. Itself and the islands of Taipei and Cologne, which are now connected by, landfill ,forming the COTAM Strip. The peninsula is formed by the Zhejiang (Pearl River
  21. In one case in Benicia, California,a housing tract was built over an old, landfill , Home buyers were never told, and only found out when some began having
  22. Of coal-fired power plants. This use reduces the amount of quarrying and, landfill ,space required as the ash acts as a cement replacement thus reducing the amount
  23. Castings to produce these results. Alternative to land-filling As concern about, landfill ,space increases, worldwide interest in recycling by means of composting is
  24. S landmark Art on the Beach sculpture exhibitions. On September 23, 1979,the, landfill ,was the site of an anti-nuclear rally attended by 200,000 people. Construction
  25. Were evacuated from the neighborhood, which was built on top of a toxic waste, landfill , The Superfund law was created in response to the situation. Federal disaster
  26. Eased by mid-January when authorities began taking the garbage to a temporary, landfill , And the Athens commuter rail service. Athens Metro The Athens Metro is more
  27. When the purity of calcium sulfate is high. In others, they are placed in, landfill , However, the effects of acid rain can last for generations, as the effects of
  28. State sovereignty dispute The island, largely artificially created through, landfill , is situated on the New Jersey side of the Upper New York Bay. The natural
  29. Matter allowed in landfill s. Treating biodegradable waste before it enters a, landfill ,reduces global warming from fugitive methane; untreated waste breaks down
  30. Mile-long tract on the Cambridge side of the Charles River, almost entirely on, landfill , In 1916,MIT moved into the handsome new neoclassical campus designed by
  31. Climatic factors such as irrigation, deforestation,desertification, terracing, landfill , and urban sprawl. Researchers study the impact of these changes on food
  32. The litter box and its attendant expense, unpleasant odor, and the need to use, landfill ,space for disposal. Training may involve four to six weeks of incremental moves
  33. The difficulty and expense of septic tanks. However, they require the local, landfill ,to use sanitary practices. Incinerator systems are quite practical. The ashes
  34. Mass in San Salvador. *1986 – The Roscoe gas explosion leads to new UK laws on, landfill ,gas migration and gas protection on landfill sites. *1989 – Exxon Valdez oil
  35. Of Massachusetts. The new site was less than ideal; it was located on an old, landfill , and just over a large sewage pipe. Pei's architectural team added more fill
  36. Land. Cellular cofferdams were constructed to retain the material. By 1976 the, landfill ,was completed; in many cases, the pre-existing piers were simply buried.
  37. And material for official purposes. By reusing resources destined for the, landfill , dumpster diving becomes an environmentalist endeavor (and is thus practiced
  38. In drawers at home and very few old devices, about 4 %, are being thrown into, landfill ,and not recycled. Nokia aims to reduce its carbon dioxide emissions by at least
  39. Extracted from the canal was transported to the New York City area and used as, landfill ,in New York and New Jersey. A plaque honoring the canal's construction is
  40. Government, which had bought the island in 1808,began expanding the island by, landfill , to accommodate the immigration station opened in 1892. Landfilling continued
  41. Circumstances. Biogas is often combusted where it is produced, such as a, landfill ,or wastewater treatment plant, with a reciprocating engine or a microturbine
  42. Inspection station from 1892 to 1954. The island was greatly expanded with, landfill ,between 1892 and 1934. Before that, the much smaller original island was the
  43. All lubricants are released into the environment. Disposal: Recycling, burning, landfill , and discharge into water may achieve disposal of used lubricant. There are
  44. A Mexican municipality refused a construction permit for the hazardous waste, landfill ,it intended to construct in Guadalcanal, San Luis Potosí. The construction had
  45. There are typically strict regulations in most countries regarding disposal in, landfill ,and discharge into water as even small amount of lubricant can contaminate a
  46. 1977,as a result of city-wide financial hardships. In 1979,the title to the, landfill ,was transferred from the city to the Battery Park City Authority, which
  47. Biogas). Sources of biogas include swamps, marshes,and landfill s (see, landfill ,gas),as well as sewage sludge and manure by way of anaerobic digesters, in
  48. However, the benefits condoms offer are widely considered offsetting their small, landfill ,mass. While biodegradable, Health problems Condoms may increase the risk of
  49. For erosion control, land and stream reclamation, wetland construction, and as, landfill ,cover (see compost uses). Organic ingredients intended for composting can
  50. The world; there is also concern in some quarters about the widespread, landfill ,disposal of such timber. Mapping of industrial releases in the US One tool that

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