Examples of the the word, transcript , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Of intellect between geographically isolated populations. The following is a, transcript ,of that part of the interview: 'He says that he is“ inherently gloomy about
  2. A diagram of a heterogeneous nuclear RNA (Anna),which is an unedited mRNA, transcript , or pre-mRNAs. Exons can include both sequences that code for amino acids (red
  3. Called SIRPA to signal the cell to cleave specific unique sequences in the mRNA, transcript ,of the faulty gene, disrupting translation of the faulty mRNA, and therefore
  4. Exons which are coding sequences),and must be removed from the RNA primary, transcript ,before it becomes mRNA and can be translated into protein. Prokaryotic genes
  5. Is the quality of the education they have received, as shown by their, transcript , Additional factors include standardized test scores, student writing skills
  6. After she terminated him in July 1968. The civil trial included 14,451 pages of, transcript ,from 67 witnesses. Represented by attorney Robert Winslow and the law firm of
  7. A great service by pushing them out of schools and public functions. ” The, transcript ,of this discussion contains no response by Bishop Burning. Martin Rhonheimer
  8. Another Member's exact constituency, but it is invariably followed in the, transcript ,entered the Hansard. The Speaker enforces the rules of the House, and may
  9. Virchow. To meet his publisher's need for a popular work he used a student's, transcript ,of his lectures as the basis of his Naturalize Schöpfungsgeschichte of 1868
  10. Would like to hear it, so I could use it myself. " Lands, however,examined the, transcript ,of the trial in which the statement was supposedly made, failed to find it
  11. To be invited. The trial record demonstrates her remarkable intellect. The, transcript ,'s the most famous exchange is an exercise in subtlety. " Asked if she knew she was
  12. Transcript, available online). A new critical edition is being prepared for the Corpus
  13. Executive Session heard classified testimony from North & Pondexter; this, transcript ,was published in a redacted format. The joint committee's final report was
  14. Region (5' UTC) or the 3' untranslated region (3' UTC) of each, transcript , The untranslated regions are important for efficient translation of the
  15. Are more succinct than modern abbreviations such as LOL. A New York Times, transcript ,from Abraham Lincoln's speech written in 1862 discovered by Bryan Perilous
  16. The following description, as well as for the plan, reduced from his elucidated, transcript ,of the original preserved in the archives of the convent. The general
  17. However, are typically more limited in function. Example Here is an example, transcript ,of an ed session. For clarity, commands and text typed by the user are in
  18. The transcript and for controlling the rate of translation and half-life of the, transcript , Furthermore, transcript s made from the same gene may not have the same exon
  19. Player with an informal tone, sometimes including sarcastic remarks (see the, transcript ,from Curses, above,for an example). The late Douglas Adams, in designing the
  20. The PRE promoter produces antisense mRNA to the CRO section of the PR promoter, transcript , turning down CRO production, and has a transcript of the CI gene. This is
  21. Nola High Court in a Judgment delivered by Mr. Justice Challenge Sahara. A full, transcript ,of the judgment was published in the Times of Zambia edition of 1 April 1999.
  22. Promoter produces antisense mRNA to the Q gene message of the PR promoter, transcript , thereby switching off Q production. The PRE promoter produces antisense mRNA
  23. Anon. 2008. " Warhead Stockhausen—a Romantic Discovering the Universe" radio, transcript , In Talking to Kinky and Warhead—170 musicians get vocal on The Music Show
  24. In situ hybridization shows which cells are expressing a particular RNA, transcript , *PCR can be used to determine how many copies of a gene are present in a cell.
  25. Left active, the former producing CI protein and the latter a short inactive, transcript , The genome remains inserted into the host genome in a dormant state. Prophage
  26. To find patterns in genomic information *DNA microarrays identify changes in, transcript ,levels between different experimental conditions. *In situ hybridization shows
  27. Hofmann's findings have been deemed fraudulent. A document called the 'Anthony, transcript ,' that allegedly contains reformed Egyptian characters from the Book of Mormon
  28. The transcript is no longer targeted for RNAaseIII degradation. #The new intact, transcript ,has one copy of both xis and int, so approximately equal concentrations of xis
  29. In intrinsic sequences. Monocistronic messages have multiple Offs in one, transcript ,and also have small regions of untranslated sequence between each OF.
  30. Since the main source of information on this topic is the condemnation trial, transcript ,in which she defied customary courtroom procedure about a witness's oath and
  31. 115 witnesses, and the original French notes for the Latin condemnation trial, transcript , Various contemporary letters also emerged, three of which carry the signature
  32. Loop structure that the N protein can bind to. #N protein binds to box in each, transcript , and contacts the transcribing RNA polymerase via RNA looping. The CARNAP
  33. Who was present when Russell spoke. Others, including Griffin who obtained a, transcript ,of the speech, have argued that he was merely explaining the usefulness of
  34. For DNA replication to occur. The SIB section beyond the normal PL promoter, transcript ,is, however,no longer included in this reading frame (see diagram). #No SIB
  35. Remains unclear whether Göring was responsible for the fire. The following is a, transcript ,excerpt from the Nuremberg Trials: GOERING: This conversation did not take
  36. On the PL promoter mRNA results in no hairpin loop on the 3' end, and the, transcript ,is no longer targeted for RNAaseIII degradation. #The new intact transcript has
  37. Manuscript is now lost, its text surviving only in a partial 18th-century, transcript , Barnabas is about the same length as the four Canonical gospels put together (
  38. Palestinians accused of collaborating with Israeli authorities in the 1990s. A, transcript ,of a training film by the al-Assad Brigades tells how Hamas operatives
  39. In the sense of a dumb animal, rather than being frenzied). The first complete, transcript ,of an insanity trial dates to 1724. It is likely that the insane, like those
  40. Cult Killer: The Rick Rodriguez Story (53-minute UK documentary with, transcript ,) CIT may refer to: Educational institutions *Carnegie Institute of Technology
  41. Section of the PR promoter transcript , turning down CRO production, and has a, transcript ,of the CI gene. This is expressed, turning on CI repressor production. The PI
  42. Not passed. In the second (spring) term, passing grades (ABC) appear on the, transcript ,while non-passing grades are again rendered" no-record ". The system had
  43. Harry Connick Jr discusses playing, singing and arranging. " Radio, transcript , 2005. The Music Shows. Presented by Andrew Ford. *
  44. Future prime minister of Italy, wrote up Babbage's lecture in French, and this, transcript ,was subsequently published in the Bibliothèque Universally de Genève in October
  45. The untranslated regions are important for efficient translation of the, transcript ,and for controlling the rate of translation and half-life of the transcript .
  46. Depending on the context, exon can refer to the sequence in the DNA or its RNA, transcript , History The term exon derives from expressed region and was coined by American
  47. Of the Apollo 17 Moonwalks using quotes taken from the official mission, transcript , Additionally, there have been fictional astronauts in film, literature and
  48. Several court functionaries later testified that significant portions of the, transcript ,were altered in her disfavor. Many clerics served under compulsion, including
  49. Related proteins to be generated from a single gene and a single precursor mRNA, transcript , The control of alternative RNA splicing is performed by complex network of
  50. Parrots, the universe and everything, recorded days before his death. A full, transcript ,of the talk is also available. In May 2002 The Salmon of Doubt was published

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