Examples of the the word, governance , in a Sentence Context

The word ( governance ), is the 4037 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. This ensures a distinction between management by the executive board and, governance ,by the supervisory board. This allows for clear lines of authority. The aim is
  2. 1627–1628 until independence in 1966,Barbados was under uninterrupted British, governance ,(and was the only Caribbean island that did not change hands during the
  3. And most importantly of all, a quiet non-confrontational diplomacy to improve, governance ,levels. Military The armed forces of Brazil consist of the Brazilian Army, the
  4. Structures over the years, and some progress was made in key areas such as, governance , economy, health,education, transport,and agriculture. NATO is training the
  5. World Bank," among Bangladesh’s most significant obstacles to growth are poor, governance ,and weak public institutions. " Despite these hurdles, the country has achieved
  6. By this process of evaluation, ADB demonstrates three elements of good, governance ,: (i) accountability, by assessing the effectiveness of ADB's operations; (
  7. i.e. proportional) equality. Democracy was far from being the normal style of, governance ,and the beliefs on which it was based were in effect a minority opinion. Those
  8. Representative of the Kefir people and adviser. Besides assisting in the, governance ,of the city and first Portuguese coinage, he also provided the junks for
  9. A number of different variables to compile its list which reflects the state of, governance ,in Africa. The new constitution, adopted in 2010,further sharpened the
  10. And welfare reform, have been attributed to a centrist Third Way philosophy of, governance , while on other issues his stance was left-of-center. Clinton presided over the
  11. Of a number of municipalities. The municipalities are the first level of local, governance , responsible for local needs and law enforcement. Government, politics and
  12. Minute was that both parties would try and raise awareness that a new way of, governance ,was being created for South Africa, and that further violence would only hinder
  13. Matter of understood doctrine regarding this particular issue of ecclesiastical, governance , In America, the conservative Missouri Synod places its church authority in the
  14. Believed that the ideal government, modeled after the semi-mythical, governance ,of Shannon, is led by a benevolent king, one who works alongside the people in
  15. The effectiveness of accounting standards, auditing regulations and corporate, governance ,principles. In some cases, management manipulated the figures shown in
  16. Evangelical in doctrine, but Baptist beliefs can vary due to the congregational, governance ,system that gives autonomy to individual local Baptist churches. Historically
  17. By the Dewar and the Mar war maharajah. Since then Ajmer has enjoyed stable, governance , although during the 1857 War of Independence some Indian Sepoy at the
  18. And actual practice in Brazil. It is also related to general problems of, governance , fiscal crisis, and lingering doubts about appropriate tradeoffs between the
  19. Dimittis of Argo Part. Organization of the Anglican Communion Principles of, governance ,Contrary to popular misconception, the British monarch is not the
  20. Directors. The article also shows that companies often improve their corporate, governance ,by removing poison pills or classified boards and by reducing excessive CEO pay
  21. Image. The state parliament's Capital City Committee is also involved in the, governance ,of the City of Adelaide, being primarily concerned with the planning of
  22. Boroughs),a system that was implemented in the 1980s to improve local, governance , The stadsdelen are responsible for many activities that had previously been
  23. Land of 365 Beaches" due to the many beaches surrounding the islands. Its, governance , language, and culture have all been strongly influenced by the British Empire
  24. Judiciary. In keeping with the evolution of the Westminster system of, governance , Barbados has evolved into a Parliamentary democracy and Constitutional
  25. Rate Josefa Lilo announces he will suspend the constitution and assume all, governance ,in the country, creating a constitutional crisis. *2010 – Polish Air Force
  26. United States' de facto authority over the region, effectively ending Spanish, governance ,(though not its claim),while gaining an unencumbered passage to the gulf.
  27. 1534,transfer to the Capuchin's At the age of 38,perhaps craving a stricter, governance , Chino transferred himself in 1534 to the newly-founded Order of Friars Minor
  28. Of the mujahideen. With mujahideen leaders unable to agree on a structure for, governance , chaos ensued, with constantly reorganizing alliances fighting for control of
  29. Many of his policies have been attributed to a centrist Third Way philosophy of, governance , while on other issues his stance was center-left. Born and raised in Arkansas
  30. Power). Sub-Saharan Africa, as an area that felt the consequences of poor, governance ,and was less responsive to globalization, has seen an increase in poverty while
  31. The principal measure of the 1858 session would be a bill to reorganize, governance ,of India, the Indian Mutiny having exposed the inadequacy of dual control. The
  32. For $235 million had been reduced to about $175 million due to Armenia’s poor, governance ,record. Thus, the MCC would not complete road construction. Instead, the
  33. Automotive fuel have been planned. With its proven record of good economic, governance , Botswana was ranked as Africa's least corrupt country by Transparency
  34. Regional and state organizations began to assume a more prominent role in the, governance ,of the sport. Professionalism The NAB BP was initially established upon
  35. By a hired city manager under the manager-council system of municipal, governance , Council and mayoral elections are non-partisan, with a runoff in case there is
  36. Officers with the support of Diego Lopes de Sequeira considering him unfit for, governance , he was sent in custody in an old ship to St. Angelo Fort in Bangalore. There
  37. For freedom from governmental control. Exceptions to this local form of local, governance ,include a few churches that submit to the leadership of a body of elders, as
  38. Of fiscal management. The brief three year (" A Thousand Days" ) period of NDP, governance ,brought several lasting changes to the province, most notably the creation of
  39. Of the commons, besides the nobility and clergy, were involved in, governance ,; the end of preventive arrests such that henceforward all arrests had to be
  40. Regarding the monasteries, concerning Mary, and in other matters, like church, governance ,(hence their agreement about the necessity of apostolic succession). Yet such
  41. Self-policing in terms of preventative diplomacy, conflict resolution, and good, governance , It has welcomed post-apartheid South Africa as a partner in these efforts.
  42. Islands remaining outside the United Kingdom but with their ultimate good, governance ,being the responsibility of the British Crown (effectively the British
  43. The numbers involved were in the hundreds rather than thousands. Main bodies of, governance ,) and the courts (a minimum of 200 people, but running at least on some
  44. Index of African Governance, which comprehensively measures the state of, governance ,across the continent. Benin was ranked 15th out of 53 African countries, and
  45. Robust. ” This was, Butler said, because " AA’s 'inverted pyramid' style of, governance ,has helped it to avoid many of the pitfalls that political and religious
  46. Lack familiarity with the specific issues connected to the organization's, governance , Recapping the terminology: *inside director - a director who, in addition to
  47. With a number of Founders fearing mob rule. Many fundamental issues of national, governance ,were settled with the ratification of the United States Constitution in 1788
  48. Decree and wrote an explanation in which he declined to be an" agent of the, governance ,". Markov was rejected from a further teaching activity at the Saint Petersburg
  49. And a strong legislature, in part due to a reaction to St. Clair's method of, governance , Death and legacy Arthur St. Clair, Patriot and a Founder of the United States
  50. Planning and to participate in monitoring and appraisal of other provincial, governance ,institutions. According to article 140 of the constitution and the presidential

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