Examples of the the word, penalty , in a Sentence Context

The word ( penalty ), is the 2577 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The opponents' score if they succeed, in exchange for receiving a larger, penalty ,if the opponents fail. However, in modern bridge, the double more often has a
  2. Not protected by the rule of AHIMA. They have no misgivings about the death, penalty ,; their position is that evil-doers who deserve death should be killed, and that
  3. Years, Widdecombe has expressed her support for a reintroduction of the death, penalty , which was abolished in the UK in 1965. She notably spoke of her support for
  4. Knows that a false swearing by him, if found out, could be grounds for severe, penalty ,up to and including disbarment. The lawyer if called upon would be able to
  5. Penalty, but where this was not the case the two litigants each proposed a, penalty ,for the convicted defendant and the jury chose between them in a further vote.
  6. Only began attracting significant media attention in 2002 and there was no, penalty ,for the use of performance-enhancing drugs before 2004. In 2007,Bonds became
  7. A rushed behind. Before the start of the 2009 season, there was no additional, penalty ,imposed for rushing a behind, compared to any other behind. However, for the
  8. In 1983–84 (lost the one-legged final played at home against Liverpool after a, penalty ,shootout),and finishing as runners-up in the UEFA Cup for 1990–91 (
  9. The scenes, he began to work for imprisoned Algerians who faced the death, penalty , From 1955 to 1956,Camus wrote for L'Express. In 1957, he was awarded the Nobel
  10. Of letters. They were bound to be in attendance on certain days under, penalty ,of fine, and sign letters and diplomas. Camping mentions a decree of the
  11. Counsel will then make a" plea in mitigation" ( also called" submissions on, penalty ,") wherein he or she will attempt to mitigate the relative seriousness of the
  12. Player, can be charged with a more serious foul called a technical foul. The, penalty ,involves free throws (where, unlike a personal foul, the other team can choose
  13. In Arkansas. According to some sources, Clinton was in his early years a death, penalty ,opponent who switched positions. During Clinton's term, Arkansas performed its
  14. Under Schedule III of the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act, with a maximum, penalty ,for repeat offenders of fines of up to $2,000,imprisonment for up to one year
  15. Stage. However, the Giallorossi would lose to Arsenal in the knockout stage on, penalty ,kicks, ending their Champions League campaign. After a disappointing start to
  16. To the Italian courts. Despite starting the 2006–07 season with a 15-point, penalty , Florentina nevertheless managed to secure a place in the 2007–08 edition of
  17. With two engines, with the capability of carrying full passengers without, penalty ,from high-altitude airports like Denver. American manufacturers responded with
  18. Vidal, then in Perpignan. The proposition of the latter to prohibit, under, penalty , of excommunication, the study of philosophy and any of the sciences except
  19. In the United Kingdom, amphetamines are regarded as Class B drugs. The maximum, penalty ,for unauthorized possession is five years in prison and an unlimited fine. The
  20. Firm details of specific rites are sparse, as members were sworn under the, penalty ,of death not to reveal anything about the Mysteries to non-initiates.
  21. Was the first President to pardon a death-row inmate since the federal death, penalty ,was reintroduced in 1988. Democratic presidential primaries of 1988 In 1987
  22. Inclined" soldier committees" instead),the abolition of the death, penalty , and the presence of various revolutionary agitators at the front. Many
  23. He said," Did I fence with Bodies? ... I plead guilty. Whatever that, penalty ,it should be levied against me: rudeness to Bodies in the first degree. "
  24. Their involvement in the 2006 Serie A match fixing scandal and given a 12-point, penalty , The team was reinstated to the Serie A on appeal, but with a 19-point penalty
  25. Possession is five years in prison and an unlimited fine. The maximum, penalty ,for illegal supply is 14 years in prison and an unlimited fine. * In the
  26. Community resort to imprisonment. Beating was considered a sufficient and final, penalty , However, in the case of murder, the nose and ears of the culprit were cut off
  27. Consecrated, Wesley could not openly announce this without incurring the, penalty ,of the Præmunire Act. In light of Wesley's episcopal consecration, the
  28. Clinton's term, Arkansas performed its first executions since 1964 (the death, penalty ,had been re-enacted on March 23, 1973). As Governor, he oversaw four
  29. Claim; * a statement of truth generally stating that everything is true, under, penalty , of perjury, fine,or imprisonment; * an attestation clause, usually a Surat, at
  30. And a tail hook on their aircraft. The disadvantage of the ski-jump is the, penalty ,it exacts on aircraft size, payload,and fuel load (and thus range): large
  31. A team has committed a specified number of fouls, it is said to be" in the, penalty ,". On scoreboards, this is usually signified with an indicator light reading "
  32. Arithmetic provides. Denser packing of BCD exist which avoid the storage, penalty ,and also need no arithmetic operations for common conversions. Packed BCD is
  33. And Justinian I that were passed against the Donatists which decreed the death, penalty ,for any who practiced rebaptism. Chairman J. van Braght's Martyrs Mirror
  34. For salvation through faith. * Jesus's death satisfies God's justice: The, penalty ,for the sins of the elect is paid in full through Jesus's work on the cross.
  35. 17th Ave SE at Regard Park. The equipment installed includes a quarter pipe, penalty ,box with half pyramid, bank ramp, spine,kinked rail and a ground rail. Disc
  36. Attorney who tried death penalty cases, arguing strongly for the death, penalty ,to be imposed. As a young boy, Tarrou attended one day of a criminal proceeding
  37. In the execution of their duty. It is a summary offense which carries a maximum, penalty ,of six months' imprisonment and/or a fine. The" starting sentence," however
  38. The age of eighteen, his main interest in life was his opposition to the death, penalty , which he regarded as state-sponsored murder. However, years of activism, and
  39. Features which Parliament has deemed serious enough to deserve a higher, penalty , Section 39 of the Criminal Justice Act 1988 provides that common assault, like
  40. Further setbacks followed when AZ lost the KNVB Cup finals to Ajax,8–7 in, penalty ,kicks after a drawn game, and also lost to Ajax over two playoff games for the
  41. Allowing him to go free. (Antiphon 5.69–70) There was also a death, penalty ,for" inadequate performance" while in office. Individualism in Athenian
  42. Cambridge shire, in August 2002. She supported the argument that the death, penalty ,would have deterrent value, as within five years of its abolition the national
  43. Could last not longer than one day. Some convictions triggered an automatic, penalty , but where this was not the case the two litigants each proposed a penalty for
  44. Or in other words, it contains a verification, meaning it is under oath or, penalty ,of perjury, and this serves as evidence to its veracity and is required for
  45. The image update until the vertical blanking interval. This produces a small, penalty ,in latency, because the program has to wait until the video controller has
  46. Submit to a government 'blacklist' policy. " The ACLU claims that the death, penalty ,is unfairly applied to racial minorities and the poor, and considers it" cruel
  47. Of the Offenses against the Person Act 1861.; Assault with intent to rob: The, penalty ,for assault with intent to rob is provided by section 8 (2) of the Theft Act
  48. Man in private, was also an aggressive prosecuting attorney who tried death, penalty ,cases, arguing strongly for the death penalty to be imposed. As a young boy
  49. Penalty. The team was reinstated to the Serie A on appeal, but with a 19-point, penalty , for the 2006–07 season. The team's UEFA Champions League place was also
  50. The eight judges (two Soviet and one American) initially advocated the death, penalty ,for Speer, the other judges did not, and a compromise sentence was reached "

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