Examples of the the word, sanchez , in a Sentence Context

The word ( sanchez ), is the 12586 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

Mastering contextual understanding of words and phrases is a vital skill for effective communication and English learning. Enhance your proficiency by practicing with our handpicked collection of 50 English phrases.

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  1. 7:18 #" Get Up" ( mark Alston instrumental) - 7:20 #" Get Up" ( Jamie j, sanchez , club remix) - 8:31 Chart performance The single was officially released to U.
  2. Character Moon stated," It's not about these rusty trombones, and these dirty, sanchez ," in the 2005 movie The 40-Year-Old Virgin. In the film Tenacious D in The Pick
  3. Secrets del Alma .... Leonardo (2008–2009) *2001: Candy seas MIA .... Diego, sanchez , serrano / ... (3 episodes,2001) *2001: Lo Que calla mos leis murals ....
  4. Matter it purposefully smeared onto a partner's upper lip. The term 'dirty, sanchez ,' originated in the porn industry, particularly films involving ass-to-mouth
  5. Goals. In the summer of 2007 Sambuca was presented as number 11 worn by Hugo, sanchez , and El Parka Lopez Sr. He debuted in the Mexican division against Chivas de
  6. Large discussed what the sexual terms" bumpkin "," balloon not "," nasty, sanchez ," and the" David Copperfield" meant. On November 23, 2004,station owner
  7. Doing stunts and pranks that related to the seven deadly sins in the Dirty, sanchez , film: Dirty Sanchez the movie. He and Lee Danton traveled the world in the
  8. Of the University of the Philippines, Los Bands (PLB). Case of Antonio, sanchez , In 1993,Kit Alireza, son of Gen. Alireza was charged with being the mastermind
  9. Pritchard for their 'Pritchard vs Danton' show which is similar to the Dirty, sanchez , live stage show. Belgium were represented in the Eurovision Song Contest 2009
  10. Pranks that related to the seven deadly sins in the Dirty Sanchez film: Dirty, sanchez , the movie. He and Lee Danton traveled the world in the Pritchard vs Danton

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