Examples of the the word, conjure , in a Sentence Context
The word ( conjure ), is the 12582 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- S will, such as with a love spell, or illusionary magic, which seeks to, conjure ,the manifestation of various wonders. A spell that conjure s up a banquet, or
- Harry realize his destiny to kill Lord Voldemort He is known to be able to, conjure ,Gubraithian fire (magical everlasting fire). He has claimed to be able to
- Spirits" in Egyptian masonry. Johann Georg Schroeder used the magic lantern to, conjure ,up images of dead people on smoke. He staged routines doing this at his coffee
- Eights" No Future for You ", he kills the warlock Rode, who could fly and, conjure ,easily, through using a spell inventively. Despite his vast intelligence, Giles
- The lords flee. Macbeth, disturbed,visits the Three Witches once more. They, conjure ,up three spirits with three further warnings and prophecies: an armed head
- Asked for a piece of paper and wrote:" Come Bette Terry m'Stouffer, je vows, conjure ,de free over Mon corps pour Que JE NE soil pas entered if. " (" As this
- Their wearers to project green beams of energy with which the bearer could, conjure ,objects of any size or shape, limited only by their imagination and willpower.
- About acting. Her version of the Method is based on the idea that actors should, conjure ,up emotion not by using their own personal memories, but by using the scene's
- And witch doctors were held in reverence and fear of their rumored abilities to, conjure ,beasts and create demons. They shared many of the same perceived
- Major entertainment categories, but the selection committee has been known to, conjure ,some interesting rule interpretations to justify a selection. The Walk's four
- Memory, triggered by sensory experiences such as sights, sounds and smells, conjure ,important memories for the narrator and sometimes return attention to an
- Recording Academy that the word" Gospel" in the Gospel genre field tends to, conjure ,up the images and sounds of traditional soul gospel and leaves out the current
- Philosophical themes and obsessions. Szymborska's compact poems often, conjure ,large existential puzzles, touching on issues of ethical import, and reflecting
- Is central to the film's exploration of the father–child theme. Sonny tries to, conjure ,an image of his biological father, whom he never had the chance to know
- Value. " Ruskin's accounts of art are descriptions of a superior type that, conjure ,images vividly in the mind's eye. Kenneth Clark neatly summarizes the key
- How there can be, uniquely amongst sets, a set which has no members. We cannot, conjure ,such an entity into existence by mere stipulation. " George Builds argued that
- Hand is also considered a hoodoo bag; usually made by a respected community, conjure ,doctor. The word" hand" in this context is defined as a combination of
- The lyrics are in the Aubergine dialect of Occitan. The orchestration strives to, conjure ,vivid pastoral scenes of yesteryear. Michael Crichton features Occitan in his
- Alfonso to reconquer Naples occurred in 1432,when Carpaccio was killed in a, conjure , Alfonso tried to regain the favor of the queen, but failed, and had to wait
- Which is a direct variation of African-American folklore. Because of this,a, conjure ,hand is also considered a hoodoo bag; usually made by a respected community
- The Biblical Old Testament),present him as a polytheist who explained how to, conjure ,gods and subdue demons. Notwithstanding the accounts of Biblical figures like
- S body. Alternative American names for the mojo bag include hand, mojo hand, conjure ,hand, lucky hand, conjure bag, trick bag, root bag, toby, jomo, and gris-gris
- Ultimate" probe into the Laws' subtleties, finally uses the Three Laws to, conjure ,up the very" Frankenstein" scenario they were invented to prevent. It takes
- Bouclé style console. On the Renaissance chimney, the Salamander and the Stoat, conjure ,up the memory of Francis I and Queen Claude of France. Surrounding the ceiling
- Nevertheless, Jews and Christians are taught that it is sinful to attempt to, conjure ,or control spirits, in accordance with Deuteronomy XVIII: 9–12. Accepting, but
- To machine-gun him. But Reiterate drums, Weluhn sings, and together they, conjure ,up the Polish cavalry, who spirit both victim and executioners away. Reiterate
- Service of Ferdinand I of Naples, but,not having taken part in the Barons ', conjure , he was rewarded with the fiefs of ASCII and Atrial. He took part in the
- Artillery and Gatling guns. In fairness, the Zulu commanders could not, conjure ,regiments out of thin air at the optimum time and place. They, too, needed time
- Called Polanski" a poet of small spaces... in just a couple of rooms he can, conjure ,up an entire world, an entire society. " Marriages and relationships Barbara
- Societies are not less evolved than societies with states, but chose to, conjure ,the institution of authority as a separate function from society. The leader is
- Writing for All music, reviewer Steve Huey opined that Sustained" tries to, conjure ,memories of Rust in Peace and Countdown to Extinction ", but while comparing "
- At the time (the Witchcraft Act of 1735 made claiming to predict the future, conjure ,spirits, or cast spells a crime, and likewise made accusations of witchcraft a
- On their 2010 album White Crosses. " Look into the Spanish moss. Let your mind, conjure ,up old ghosts. Ride your bike through lost Florida streets. Everything we’ve
- Shadow was customarily outfitted. The film also displays Cranston's ability to, conjure ,a false face whenever he is in his Shadow disguise, in keeping with his
- Of mojo, the hiding place will be crucial to its success, as those who make, conjure ,bags to carry love spells sometimes specify that the mojo must be worn next to
- Praises Pompey's trustworthy character and tactful behavior in order to, conjure ,a moral judgement that opposes most historical accounts. Plutarch delivers
- By chance, he came across an exhibition of Escher's work. Soon he was trying to, conjure ,up impossible figures of his own and discovered the tribal – a triangle that
- Fire, each with unique strengths and weaknesses. They have the capability to, conjure ,pet armor and weapons, food,drink, and mod rods, which allow players to
- To make phantasmagorias, which is basically the use of the magic lantern to, conjure ,up supernatural images such as the devil, phantoms,or ghosts. If the images
- Which sought self-rule. Talk travelled from village to village trying to, conjure ,up support from farmers and locals to join the movement towards self-rule.
- Names for the mojo bag include hand, mojo hand, conjure hand, lucky hand, conjure ,bag, trick bag, root bag, toby, jomo, and gris-gris bag. Ideology The most
- As: The abilities to teleport herself over far distances, flight,the power to, conjure ,and transmute matter on a sub-molecular level, and the ability to turn herself
- The collage fragments aided him in ushering the past into the present:" When I, conjure ,these memories, they are of the present to me, because after all, the artist is
- Robertson set up a public phantasmagoria and told the audience he would, conjure ,up their dead relatives. He made a big show out of it and conjure d up an image
- Me. And that's really unfair to me, I think, for people – other people – to, conjure ,up their ideas of what I am or what I believe in. " In a 1998 Red book magazine
- An elevated, somewhat aristocratic, language in South Asia. It continues to, conjure ,a subtle, polished affect in South Asian linguistic and literary sensibilities
- In classes and even from more advanced years, as evidenced when she is able to, conjure ,a Protean Charm on the D. A. is fake Galleon coins, which is actually an N. E.
- Wanga or manga bag, but that term is uncommon in the United States. The word ", conjure ," is an ancient alternative to" hoodoo," which is a direct variation of
- Place literally" neither here nor there "," betwixt and between ". Hoodoo In, conjure , footwork, and hoodoo, a form of African American magical spirituality, in
- Solingen. This malevolent and beautiful vampire awakens from her marble bier to, conjure ,a snowstorm before being struck by lightning and returning to her eternal
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