Examples of the the word, widescreen , in a Sentence Context
The word ( widescreen ), is the 12587 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- And to film in color (Eastman Color),marking both monsters' first, widescreen ,and color portrayals. Too had planned to shoot this film on location in Sri
- Programming is produced in high definition and therefore widescreen . On a, widescreen ,television set, a 1.78:1 image fills the screen, however,2.39:1 aspect ratio
- With a few exceptions outside the mass market, such as Squeeze LD). Anamorphic, widescreen ,video recordings are sometimes called" anarchically enhanced ", in
- Also the first time both King Kong and Godzilla appeared on film in color and, widescreen , Produced as part of Toho's 30th anniversary celebration, this film remains
- Processing, so letter boxing was the only way in which films were presented in, widescreen ,on home video prior to the DVD format (with a few exceptions outside the mass
- 1 vary compared to the Region 1 releases. The Season 3 menus in Region 1 are in, widescreen , but in Region 2. The Region 1 releases of Seasons 2 and 3 consist of (
- Of interest. Mastering problems The transfer of Babylon 5 from full screen to, widescreen ,(originally for the Sci FI Channel; later released on DVD) created
- Screen, with blank space on all four sides of the image, such as when a, widescreen ,image that has been previously letterboxed to fit 1.33:1 is then pillar boxed to
- Some television programming is produced in high definition and therefore, widescreen , On a widescreen television set, a 1.78:1 image fills the screen, however
- They are not. The term letterbox is sometimes used to emphasize that a, widescreen ,motion picture or video has not been anarchically encoded for 16:9 screens
- Time-lapse - tracking shot U-Z under-cranking - voice artist - voice-over -, widescreen ,A mountain range is a single, large mass consisting of a succession of
- It is also seen in The Crocodile Hunter: Collision Course, which displays, widescreen ,pillar boxing with 1.85:1 scenes in a 2.40:1 frame that is subsequently
- Full. Due to the Game Boy Advance screen ratio, the three movies are in their, widescreen ,format. These cartridges display an error when inserted into a Gamete via a
- Filmed on Super 35 mm film (with a ratio of 1.65:1). The idea was that, once, widescreen , televisions (with an aspect ratio of 16:9 or 1.78:1) became more popular, the
- Designed so that the top and bottom of each shot could be removed to create a, widescreen ,image without ruining the image composition. For the widescreen DVD releases
- Game Boy Advance, the L and R buttons can be used to toggle between a stretched, widescreen ,format and the original screen ratio of the Game Boy. Game Boy games can be
- The DVD editions of the Star Trek films on a 4:3 television when the included, widescreen ,documentaries show footage from the original television series. It is also seen
- Screens were available, but it is also necessary to represent on a 16:9, widescreen , display the unaltered original composition of a film with a wider aspect ratio
- Or 1.78:1) became more popular, the episodes could be easily converted into a, widescreen ,format. * CGI shots were rendered in the 4:3 ratio, but designed so that the
- Aspect ratio than older television sets, making it easier to accurately display, widescreen ,films. In addition to films produced for the cinema, some television
- A new process using innovative camera and lenses and a revolutionary 70 mm, widescreen , process. Many in the audience who saw it in Grandeur stood and cheered.
- And entertaining film for his next production, while switching to the new, widescreen ,format that had been gaining popularity in Japan. The resulting film, The
- By Eliza Celebs. Letter boxing is the practice of transferring film shot in a, widescreen ,aspect ratio to standard-width video formats while preserving the film's
- Unfortunately, only a handful of theaters is equipped to show the film in its, widescreen ,process, and the effort was largely wasted. The film was considered a huge flop
- Was that it would be relatively cheap in the future to recreate the CGI in, widescreen , ) * Over the years, the original computer-generated models, and so on, have
- Television version and the theatrical version Dr. Syn, Alias the Scarecrow in, widescreen ,format. It also includes the original introductions by Walt Disney and a
- To create a widescreen image without ruining the image composition. For the, widescreen ,DVD releases technical problems occurred during the progressive scan transfer
- A curved screen. On television Digital broadcasting allows 1.78:1 (16:9), widescreen , format transmissions without losing resolution, and thus widescreen is becoming
- The middle of the screen surrounded by mattes on all four sides. ) Anamorphic, widescreen ,recordings may be mislabeled as letterboxed, which technically they are not.
- A widescreen television. In addition, while the live-action film was originally, widescreen , shots were composed for 4:3,resulting in a conspicuous tendency for actors to
- Or in the video player,e.g. a DVD player. Occasionally, video is shot in a, widescreen ,format and encoded into 4:3 video incorporating letter boxing into the 4:3 image
- Does not take into account the display aspect ratio, so that for example a 16:9, widescreen , display has less area, than a 4:3 screen. The 4:3 screen has dimensions of and
- Studios itself released the English-language version of the film on DVD in, widescreen ,as part of a 2-pack bundle with King Kong Escapes in 2005. For the film's
- Either stretching the image back to its original relative width, for display on, widescreen ,televisions, or letter boxing it (during playback) for display on 4:3 video
- Academy ratio (1.37:1) film or video is sometimes stretched to fill a, widescreen ,(16:9) television display, resulting in distortion in which actors appear
- This has resulted in several consistent flaws throughout the Babylon 5, widescreen , release. In particular, quality drops significantly whenever a scene cuts from
- Area, than a 4:3 screen. The 4:3 screen has dimensions of and area, while the, widescreen ,is, Aspect ratio Until about 2003,most computer monitors had an s. In 2008 the
- The matte to avoid overlapping of the image. This was often done for letterbox, widescreen ,anime on VHS, though the practice of" hiding" subtitles within the lower
- With minimal dubbing. This version was released in Japan in 1958 in faux, widescreen ,format, where,like the original, it became very popular. Restored re-release
- On the movie for Blu-ray disc. An alternative to letter boxing is anamorphic, widescreen ,presentation, which squeezes the picture horizontally to fit into a narrower
- Prologue was framed for full screen television, it was cropped and shown in, widescreen ,on the disc. Titles * Terror of Mechagodzilla - Toho's official English title.
- The 1.85:1 aspect ratio does not match the 1.78:1 (16:9) aspect ratio of, widescreen ,DVDs and high-definition video, slight letter boxing occurs. Usually, such
- Genre as a whole. " With The Hidden Fortress, Kurosawa began to utilize the, widescreen ,(anamorphic) process for the first time in his work. These three
- Is used as an alternative to a full-screen, pan-and-scan transfer of a, widescreen ,film image to videotape or videodisc. In pan-and-scan transfers, the original
- CGI shots had to be converted from NTSC, as well as being blown up to fit a, widescreen ,television. In addition, while the live-action film was originally widescreen
- 16:9) widescreen format transmissions without losing resolution, and thus, widescreen ,is becoming the television norm. Most television programming in the United
- The channel name thought following complaints that this could only be viewed in, widescreen , it was moved to the right in February 2007. Bulletins on BBC World News and
- Names and product trademarks, such as * CinemaScope and VistaVision, rival, widescreen , movie formats (1953) * Mister Rogers, the Canadian version of Mister Rogers '
- Cinema. Letter boxing was developed for use in 4:3 television displays before, widescreen ,television screens were available, but it is also necessary to represent on a
- Of the film. Format refers to the way the film was shot (e.g., anamorphic, widescreen , ) or the manner of presentation (e.g.: 35 mm,16 mm or 8 mm). An additional
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