Examples of the the word, overrun , in a Sentence Context

The word ( overrun ), is the 12585 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Cpl. Kane and Med. Anderson saw the carrier intended to evacuate Rhino Squad, overrun ,by enemy forces. * 2006,in Gears of War, Quote by Damon Baird:" Situation's
  2. And overloaded drainage systems. A $10 million contract, signed off as a cost, overrun , was used to repair these leaks. Many of the leaks were a result of Modern
  3. In an initial body count. The figure is likely to rise. *September 21- A. F. P., overrun ,a camp in the south belonging to the Abu SAAF, killing nearly 20 militants
  4. Water depth. Large waves produced by an earthquake or a submarine landslide can, overrun ,nearby coastal areas in a matter of minutes. Tsunamis can also travel thousands
  5. Or possessing all UAC personnel. Responding to a frantic distress call from the, overrun ,scientists, the Martian marine unit is quickly sent to Phobos to investigate
  6. Occupied and held out at Harlan from 612 BC until 609 BC when he was eventually, overrun ,by the Babylonians and Modes. The Egyptians then belatedly came to Assyria's
  7. A force of American sympathizers led by Jonathan Eddy. The fort was partially, overrun ,after a month-long siege, but the attackers were ultimately repelled after the
  8. Going into the timelines immediately surrounding it, where the country will be, overrun , but the book never depicts the slaughter of the innocent thus entailed
  9. Culture was succeeded by the La Ten culture of Central Europe, which was, overrun ,by the Roman Empire, though traces of La Ten style are still to be seen in
  10. Plantations in large armed groups. By the 1540s,the Caribbean Sea had become, overrun ,with English, French and Dutch pirates. In 1541 Spain authorized the
  11. For tanks, they were left with only light defenses which were quickly, overrun ,by the Wehrmacht. The Germans quickly advanced through the forest, knocking
  12. Could now turn his attention to Asia Minor, which had been almost completely, overrun ,by the Seljuk Turks. Byzantine-Seljuq Wars and the First Crusade By the time
  13. A syndicated bank loan and letter of credit arranged £5 billion. The cost, overrun ,was partly due to enhanced safety, security,and environmental demands.
  14. And the Kingdom of Prussia dominated German history. In 1806,the Imperium was, overrun ,and dissolved as a result of the Napoleonic Wars. German Confederation and
  15. Substrate hypothesis, but towards the end of the 3rd millennium BC, they were, overrun ,by new tribes who many scholars think spoke Proto-Indo-European, the Battle-Axe
  16. Plans) that the Soviet design included two colossal figures seemingly about to, overrun ,the German site, Speer modified his design to include a cubic mass which would
  17. Ineffective, and the V2s were eventually dealt with when the launch sites were, overrun ,by the rapid advance of the Allied armies through Belgium and the Netherlands.
  18. In the 7th–8th centuries, when most of the Balkans and the Greek mainland were, overrun ,by Slavic invasions. Indeed, according to the Chronicle of Monomania, the
  19. Reform, was assassinated by the emperor's orders. In the east the Empire was, overrun ,by the Seljuk Turks; from the north Bulgarians and Places descended unchecked
  20. Around the 17th and 16th centuries BC most of the older centers had been, overrun , Babylonia was conquered by the Assizes, and the civilization of the Indus
  21. While not confirmed, it is probable that the scheme would also use the existing, overrun ,tunnels between the Sharing Cross Jubilee platforms and a location slightly to
  22. Powers. In the 12th century BC most of the interior, as well as Babylonia, was, overrun , by Ara means, while the shoreline around today's Gaza Strip was settled by
  23. Favorite prince named Sumuabum during the reign of Eris hum I. The Favorites had, overrun ,southern Mesopotamia from the mid 20th century BC, deposing native
  24. Conquest. At this point, the decadent nation with its aging population can be, overrun ,by a more youthful and vigorous nation. Gini's organicist theories of nations
  25. Again began confidently, kicking the first two goals of the game before being, overrun , The Lions failed to score a goal in the second quarter but came back in the
  26. Was released in November. The artwork, depicting a defaced Statue of Liberty, overrun ,with Nazis, media,opportunists, Klan members, corrupt government officials
  27. Had an embassy in Benton which many of the town's citizens attempted to, overrun , but failed (the embassy had no existence in The Beans). This rivalry
  28. Cost was £4.650 billion (equivalent to £ billion today),an 80 % cost, overrun , At the peak of construction 15,000 people were employed with daily expenditure
  29. Regions of the north. Like many other parts of Eurasia, these territories were, overrun ,by the Mongols. The invaders, later known as Tatars, formed the state of the
  30. Argument: the North Vietnamese Army has begun the Tet Offensive and attempts to, overrun ,the base. The journalism staff is briefed the next day about enemy attacks
  31. And Cirencester. However, in the 5th and 6th centuries Britannia began to be, overrun ,by pagan, Germanic peoples who came to be known collectively as the
  32. In fighting the various tribes in Gaul, and by 55 BC, most of Gaul had been, overrun , In 52 BC, Vercingetorix led a revolt against the Roman occupation but was
  33. And lost 13 tanks. The unsupported 2/28th Australian battalion on the ridge was, overrun , The 69th Brigade suffered 600 casualties and the Australians 400 for no gain.
  34. S communist Afghan government hung on for three more years, before being, overrun ,by elements of the mujahideen. With mujahideen leaders unable to agree on a
  35. The German 6th,17th,4th Panzer and 1st Panzer Armies. Army Group South had, overrun ,the Ukrainian SSR in 1941. Poised in Eastern Ukraine, it was to spearhead the
  36. Native American and European interests. In the 1740s Pennsylvania traders had, overrun ,the territory until the French forcibly evicted them. In the early 1750s George
  37. Haven for several types of crustacean;" warrior crabs" ( Carcinoma carnies), overrun , the jungle at night. The extremely large coconut crab or robber crab ('Birds
  38. Its fight against the guerrillas, when several of its rural bases began to be, overrun ,and a record number of soldiers and officers were taken prisoner by the FARC (
  39. With Prince Eugene in order to defeat the French and safeguard Savoy from being, overrun , Savoy would then serve as a gateway into France by way of the mountain passes
  40. Faced Port Adelaide and led by seven points at quarter time before being, overrun ,in the second, the Power kicking seven goals to two to led by 19 points at
  41. Leather FAQ In computer security and programming, a buffer overflow, or buffer, overrun , is an anomaly where a program, while writing data to a buffer, overrun s the
  42. An architect from Heliopolis in the former province of Phoenix, by then, overrun ,by the Muslim conquests. The historicity and exact chronology of this account
  43. President has the power of veto over parliamentary decisions, although it can be, overrun ,by the parliament. The judiciary is independent of the executive and the
  44. Eight Burgundian kings of the house of Kandahar ruled until the kingdom was, overrun ,by the Franks in 534. As allies of Rome in its last decades, the Burgundians
  45. Newspaper was shut down immediately after. In September 1980,Ibadan was almost, overrun ,during a surprise attack on Khuzestan by Iraq, marking the beginning of the
  46. Occur in bridge construction. Flyvbjerg et al. (2003) found the average cost, overrun ,in bridge building is 34 %. In railway parlance, an over bridge is a bridge
  47. Residents; a desire to protect small, unique,local businesses from being, overrun ,by large corporations; and, as a reaction to the perceived rise of conservative
  48. Napoleon threatened to invade Britain itself, just as his armies had, overrun ,many countries of continental Europe. The Napoleonic Wars were therefore ones
  49. The last records were in 1984, and it seems that all available habitat is, overrun ,by feral pigs and dogs, which prey on this bird. * Wake Island Rail
  50. Edward Crease, believe that had he failed at Tours, Islam would probably have, overrun ,Gaul, and perhaps the remainder of Western Europe. Gibbon made clear his belief

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