Examples of the the word, scots , in a Sentence Context
The word ( scots ), is the 12590 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Hill Drive () which, despite its name, has fine stands of beech and also of, scots , pine. The ground descends into Drug Lane () and passes a young plantation
- 42 off 32 balls, before being caught and bowled by Roof van der Mere. The, scots , were eventually bowled out for 81,and South Africa won by 130 runs, the second
- Pastures, in the subalpine and mountainous flats, are some of the best natural, scots , pine (Minus Sylvester) forests in Spain. Below the pine forests, the middle
- Oy&dregion form&dtext dost#hit Dictionary of the Scots language * Of (archaic, scots , ),a niece or nephew http://www.dsl.ac.uk/getent4.php? Plen 5069&startset
- Excelsior) trees are characteristic of the area with occasional groups of, scots , pine (Minus Sylvester) and Chestnuts (Castaneda sativa). Elm (Plus)
- Appriciated in printing and writing papers. NBSK from Scandinavia is only from, scots , pine and Norway spruce in the normal mix 7:3. The mix might vary much with the
- The woodland on the northwestern corner of Wellington Reservoir East is mostly, scots , pine and larch with beech, willow,and sycamore whilst marginal plants include
- Two clan badges (or plant badges) attributed to Clan MacAulay: cranberry and, scots , pine. Both clans MacAulay and Macfarlane have been attributed with a badge of
- The name has a later, Anglic origin. The name is supposed to derive from the, scots ,'Craws Nestle ', referring to the large number of crows that inhabit the area.
- Famous as the biggest natural (not man-made) pine forest on the south edge of, scots , pine area. Along with Iron Swamp and Moshnogirya Log it creates 41,700
- Campbell of Geraldine reads:" Give McIntyre ye paper forty pounds, scots , as his prentices (hi)p with Microloan till May next as also provide him in
- The Jewish joke book, ( Of! The Ultimate Book of Jewish Jokes) * Of (archaic, scots , ),a grandchild http://www.dsl.ac.uk/getent4.php? Plen 5069&startset
- And denser (closed-canopy),and also include other species, such as aspen, scots , pine,gray alder, rowan,goat willow and bird cherry. Conservation value The
- Of Union, the currency of the 'United Kingdom' was sterling with the pound, scots , being replaced by sterling at the pegged value. The Irish pound was replaced by
- Far higher devaluation until being pegged to sterling at a value of 12 pounds, scots , = 1 pound sterling. In 1707,the Kingdom of England and the Kingdom of Scotland
- Cinema Scenic features Kemerovo is renowned for its sandy beaches and dunes, scots , pine,and spruce forests, and glacial lakes. Its residents and visitors enjoy
- To Australasia. No name is given. * Little Jamie: a poem in traditional, scots , describing a young boy named Jamie. * The Fair Maid of Perth's House: a
- Given to the mythological daughter of an Egyptian Pharaoh to whom the Gaels and, scots , traced their ancestry. Scott first appeared in literature from the 11th or 12th
- Run smoother as well. Most pines give a soap yield of 5 – 25 kg/ton pulp, while,Scots, pine gives 20 – 50 kg/ton. Scots pine grown in northern Scandinavia give a
- Of common trees which exhibit regrowth are oak, ash,beech, sycamore,yew, scots , pine,site spruce and hawthorn. This secondary growth compensate for leaf
- Metz92/> In Scotland, chanterelles grow in mixed forests of silver birch and, scots , pine,especially when the forest has plenty of moist, mossy undergrowth. In
- Clan, claims a descent from Allyn II, Earl of Lennox. The badge of, scots , pine has been attributed to all seven clans of Soil Alpine: Clan Grant, Clan
- Interest. Many types of tree grow in Warner Wood including oak, birch,Scots, pine,larch and beech. It is home to buzzards,sparrowhawks, nightjars and
- Issued. The Bank of Scotland began issuing notes in 1695. Although the pound, scots , was still the currency of Scotland, these notes were denominated in sterling in
- Football rules. The duration of play is 40 minutes, played in two halves. Six, scots , are part of Operate IS's team which gives them the upper hand, and Operate IS
- LPGA Tour Source http://www.srixon.com/team_tour_players.html Thomas Lawson (, scots , : Gammas Loosen) (c1764–1856) is traditionally held to be the founder of the
- Summer months and houses a tremendous variety of reed swamp plants. Make is a, scots , word for large/big, so one could assume that Make Lock would be one of the
- Intended to join Glyndwr's rebellion. Hot spur had refused to surrender the, scots , prisoner,earl of Douglas to the King, and had demanded that Edmund Mortimer be
- Area, much of it fertile. Forested areas are small, mainly consisting of, scots , pines and oaks. The eastern part of the province lies in the basin of the Aras
- Alex Europeans, silver birch Beta pendulum, pendunculate oak Quercus four and, scots , pine Minus Sylvester are scattered across the heath, in places forming
- About their lifestyle. Who were the best sheepherders according to someone, scots , and Irishmen, but the Basques would always stay with the sheep and never leave
- Business extends to of commercial woodland. Predominant tree species are, scots , pine,site spruce, Norway spruce, hybrid larch and Douglas fir. There are also
- In November 1990,commanded by Lt. Col. Price, the Regimental Band of the, scots , guards set off to the gulf to take part in operation Granby. The band served in
- Both began to issue paper money. Currency of the United Kingdom The pound, scots , had begun equal to sterling but had suffered far higher devaluation until being
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