Examples of the the word, censorship , in a Sentence Context
The word ( censorship ), is the 7477 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- To which the deepest reverence was due. The high rank and dignity which the, censorship ,obtained was due to the various important duties gradually entrusted to it, and
- For freedom of the press through the gradual relaxation of restrictive, censorship ,laws. See also intellectual property, public domain, copyright. In mid-20th
- Users being made aware. A considerable cause for this was likely due to alleged, censorship ,of user-generated content during the earlier years of growth for AOL. Certified
- The movie became both a critical and commercial success. Nevertheless,the, censorship ,office would later decide to cut out some 18 minutes of footage, much of which
- S occupation-era works, had to go through forced rewrites due to American, censorship , Kurosawa felt that this was the first film in which he was able to express
- This emulation of Caesar may have spread to all aspects of his policies. His, censorship ,seems to have been based on those of his ancestors, particularly Prius
- Be approved by the Master of the Revels before they could be performed, and the, censorship ,of publications was under the control of the Archbishop of Canterbury.
- On the urging of his colleague Cecilius Retells Scipio, but the office of the, censorship ,never recovered its former power and influence. During the civil wars which
- Which distributed newspaper comic strips subjected them to very strict, censorship , Li'l Abner was censored in September 1947 and was pulled from papers by
- Funeral" ( funds consortium) was voted even to the emperors. Abolition The, censorship ,continued in existence for 421 years, from 443 BC to 22 BC; but during this
- Morality is the origin of the modern meaning of the words" censor" and ", censorship , " Creation of the rank The census was first instituted by Series Julius
- Of the modern letters W and Y. He officially instituted the change during his, censorship , but they did not survive his reign. Claudius also tried to revive the old
- Freedom of expression and the press is promoted in the 2004 constitution and, censorship ,is banned, though defaming individuals or producing material contrary to the
- The 1918 flu pandemic and, since Spain was neutral and thus under no wartime, censorship ,restrictions, his illness and subsequent recovery were covered worldwide
- Plagued the country since 1889,as well as the torture of political prisoners, censorship ,of the press, and finally, the dictatorship itself, after he extinguished the
- Popularity due to the wide range of available opinions and viewpoints, lack of, censorship ,and diverse content. Bulgaria has the fastest average Broadband Internet speed
- Is no documented evidence for many countries (due to restrictive laws and, censorship ,motivated by politics or religion) except their presence in online BDSM
- And the erection of all new public works. The original business of the, censorship ,was at first of a much more limited kind, and was restricted almost entirely to
- The completed film past the censors was an entirely different matter. The, censorship ,considered the work too" British-American" ( an accusation tantamount, at
- Such as the ESB),while others are part of national government, censorship ,organizations. Most video games display their rating on the front side of their
- S defeat in World War I, the fall of the German monarchy and the abolition of, censorship ,under the new, liberal Weimar Republic allowed an upsurge of radical
- Contacts between Cubans and foreign visitors were made legal in 1997,extensive, censorship ,has isolated it from the rest of the world. When the Soviet Union broke up in
- As most Romans) that his ancestor Prius Claudius Caucus had used the, censorship ,to introduce the letter" R" and so used his own term to introduce his new
- Inhabited by non-Russians. He also denied that Imperial Russia practiced, censorship ,or condemned political prisoners to hard labor, which,of course, was absurd. "
- Can be observed from the outside, and hence are deemed physical. The cosmic, censorship ,hypothesis rules out the formation of such singularities, when they are created
- Have been found inconvenient to the aristocracy that supported Sulla. If the, censorship ,was done away with by Sulla, it was at any rate restored in the consulship of
- Advocated free love and women's rights, and critiqued" Comstock" --, censorship ,of sexual information. Also, M. E. Lazarus was an important American
- For both the unheard voice of the woman writer and the oppression and strict, censorship ,in East Germany. The author Marion Zimmer Bradley wrote a fantasy novel called
- Helen Gender, described Ginsberg as" tirelessly persistent in protesting, censorship , imperial politics, and persecution of the powerless. " His achievements as a
- Herbert's report, immediately ordered its suppression, but the strict, censorship ,imposed on the event failed when Americans who had witnessed the incident from
- Violent behavior, though how much ground this holds is debatable. " Video game, censorship ," is defined as the use of state or group power to control the playing
- Computer and video games have been the subject of frequent controversy and, censorship , due to the depiction of graphic violence, sexual themes, advergaming (a form
- Restricted this right, and at the end of 2006 began to enact a system of prior, censorship ,on the media. Demographics 2005 estimates place Chad's population at
- The late 1960s and the 1970s. Until 1989,the political establishment relied on, censorship ,of the opposition. Dissidents published Charter 77 in 1977,and the first of a
- Schools, and from underground newspapers to students' protesting university, censorship ,of a student publication by carrying signs with four-letter words on them.
- The Statute of Anne ended the old system whereby only literature that met the, censorship ,standards administered by the booksellers could appear in print. The statute
- Were inferior in power to the consuls and praetors. Notwithstanding this,the, censorship ,was regarded as the highest dignity in the state,except the
- In consequence of this, he received the cognomen of Censorious. Attributes The, censorship ,differed from all other Roman magistrates in the length of office. The censors
- Of private initiative were being suppressed vigorously. Personal and official, censorship ,was rife; criticism of the authorities was regarded as a serious offense. Some
- Who shows up at murder trials wanting to marry the cute murderer ". Bull Durham, censorship ,controversy In April 2003,one month after the start of the Iraq War, Hall of
- Have been considered mostly for children, they have a significantly more rigid, censorship ,code than other media. Stephan Pasts has lamented that the" unwritten "
- The added titles read: A PLEA FOR THE ART OF THE MOTION PICTURE: We do not fear, censorship , for we have no wish to offend with improprieties or obscenities, but we do
- Emperors. In the reign of Delius we find the elder Valerian nominated to the, censorship , but Valerian was never actually elected censor. Duties The duties of the
- A national conversation. Some people, however,consider this tantamount to, censorship , The CRTC's simultaneous substitution rules require that when a Canadian
- Video games or computer games. Video game controversy comes in many forms, and, censorship , is a controversial subject. Proponents and opponents of censorship are often
- With a number of reform proposals (on the selection of bishops, taxation, censorship , and preaching) but not on the major problems that confronted the Church in
- Code than other media. Stephan Pasts has lamented that the" unwritten ", censorship ,code is still" stuck somewhere in the 1950s. " Generally, comics are not
- Amid reports of widespread irregularities in voter registration and government, censorship ,of independent media outlets during the campaign. Correspondents judged the
- Pioneer in book selling, bringing the paperback revolution to Berkeley, fighting, censorship , and providing a safe harbor from teargas for student activists during the Free
- Forms, and censorship is a controversial subject. Proponents and opponents of, censorship ,are often very passionate about their individual views. Various national
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