Examples of the the word, interpersonal , in a Sentence Context

The word ( interpersonal ), is the 7482 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Out: the experiential, the logical the discourse and the speech functional or, interpersonal ,". The" discourse" function was re-named the" textual function ". In this
  2. That among psychotherapeutic approaches, cognitive behavioral therapy and, interpersonal ,psychotherapy had the best-documented efficacy for treatment of major
  3. Religions Judaism In Hebrew, Ahava is the most commonly used term for both, interpersonal ,love and love between God and God's creations. Chased, often translated as
  4. Well as environmental influences, such as social and cultural influences, and, interpersonal , relationships,in order to devise theories of human behavior. Psychology also
  5. Understanding. This process, which requires a vast repertoire of skills in, interpersonal ,processing, listening,observing, speaking,questioning, analyzing,gestures
  6. Findings, and techniques of psychotherapy, behavior modification, cognitive, interpersonal , family, and life-style therapy to improve the psychological and physical
  7. Or church, the actual ceremony for the marriage. Cousin changes the couple's, interpersonal ,status, while issue'in brings about the legal consequences of the change of
  8. The learner by inquiry and pursuing the subjects in the world and through, interpersonal ,interaction. Frame further states," In the banking concept of education
  9. Characters The characters of Evangelist are continuously struggling with their, interpersonal ,relationships, their inner demons, and traumatic events in their pasts
  10. States, and attitudes, ranging from pleasure (" I loved that meal" ) to, interpersonal ,attraction (" I love my partner" ). " Love" may refer specifically to the
  11. Christology that is expressly based on the Trinity and an understanding of the, interpersonal ,relationships between Father and Son and between Son and Holy Spirit. In
  12. Itself from the rationalist tradition, by locating rationality in structures of, interpersonal ,linguistic communication rather than in the structure of the cosmos. This
  13. Victimized by adults often suffer from low self-esteem, difficulties in, interpersonal ,relationships, and sexual dysfunction, and are at an extremely high risk of
  14. Behavior (i.e. hypersexuality, sleep disturbances, substance abuse, disturbed, interpersonal , relationships ), was a manifestation of the effects of childhood sexual abuse
  15. Onto the 3D Mask. Korea KITSCH researched and developed EveR-1,an android, interpersonal ,communications model capable of emulating human emotional expression via facial
  16. Chat rooms and instant messaging, online video games, video conferencing), interpersonal , communication is an important element in new media studies. It has been argued
  17. Only be offered in conjunction with a psychological therapy, such as CBT, interpersonal ,therapy, or family therapy. Psychotherapy has been shown to be effective in
  18. Contract between people that creates kinship. It is an institution in which, interpersonal ,relationships, usually intimate and sexual, are acknowledged in a variety of
  19. Commitments between persons in groups," willingness to associate "; see also, interpersonal ,compatibility and friendliness. * Affinity (taxonomy) - mainly in natural
  20. Aspects of development. For example, attachment theory describes kinds of, interpersonal ,relationships and Lawrence Kohlberg describes stages in moral reasoning.
  21. Form of romantic attachment, love is commonly contrasted with lust; and as an, interpersonal ,relationship with romantic overtones, love is sometimes contrasted with
  22. To be of absorbing interest for their hard-edged, objective consideration of, interpersonal ,confrontation. Edda Gable is probably Ibsen's most performed play, with the
  23. Masochism (S&M or S/M). BDSM includes a wide spectrum of activities, forms of, interpersonal ,relationships, and distinct subcultures. Activities and relationships within a
  24. Emotional states),visual images (as distinct from language-based thinking), interpersonal , relationships,and biological factors. Samuel Michelson and Stanton Same now
  25. Emotional states. Love in its various forms acts as a major facilitator of, interpersonal ,relationships and, owing to its central psychological importance, is one of the
  26. Of the 21st century has seen a new interest in fantasy as a form of, interpersonal ,communication. Here, we are told,'We need to go beyond the pleasure principle
  27. Emotional and psychological distress and negatively influence the stability of, interpersonal ,relationships and day-to-day adaptive functioning. Psychology of religion
  28. To the therapy situation. Other applications include a theory of personality, interpersonal ,relations, education,nursing, cross-cultural relations and other" helping "
  29. Have the most evidence for efficacy in regard to relapse prevention, while, interpersonal , and social rhythm therapy and cognitive-behavioural therapy appear the most
  30. Talavadya performances famous in South India. Music therapy is an, interpersonal ,process in which the therapist uses music and all of its facets—physical
  31. In this concept a number of desirable attributes for mediators include, interpersonal ,skills, patience,empathy, intelligence,optimism and flexibility. * Mediation
  32. For the treatment of depression in children and adolescents, and CBT and, interpersonal ,psychotherapy (IPT) are preferred therapies for adolescent depression. In
  33. To close friendships. When discussed in the abstract, love usually refers to, interpersonal ,love, an experience felt by a person for another person. Love often involves
  34. Wolf, Kell Dewclaw. The plot revolves around species-related humor, satire,and, interpersonal ,conflict. He also provided artwork for a story written by Ben Nova and Rob
  35. From difficult situations, are all signs of mental health. Psychotherapy is an, interpersonal , relational intervention used by trained psychotherapists to aid; since then
  36. Were to all intents and purposes an oral society, with all folklore, history, interpersonal , business and the like passed on by word of mouth. In 1848,J. G. Cumming wrote
  37. Associated with the depression. Prevention Behavioral interventions, such as, interpersonal ,therapy, are effective at preventing new onset depression. Because such
  38. The meaning. Oral communication includes discussion, speeches,presentations, interpersonal ,communication and many other varieties. In face to face communication the body
  39. Is loosely based on psychoanalysis and has an additional social and, interpersonal ,focus. In a meta-analysis of three controlled trials of Short Psychodynamic
  40. And volunteer workers' " love" of their cause may sometimes be borne not of, interpersonal ,love, but impersonal love coupled with altruism and strong spiritual or
  41. Reform contains elements which are evident in Chinese culture (emphasis on, interpersonal ,sensitivity, learning by rote and self-cultivation); in methods of extracting
  42. Symptoms. Psychological treatments are based on theories of personality, interpersonal ,communication, and learning. Most biological theories focus on the monoamine
  43. Fairly consistent evidence from prospective studies that recent life events and, interpersonal ,relationships contribute to the likelihood of onsets and recurrences of bipolar
  44. Blend to form the full spectrum of human emotional experience. For example, interpersonal ,anger and disgust could blend to form contempt. Robert Clutch proposed a
  45. Since the explained variance is 29 %, other individual characteristics such as, interpersonal ,skills, aspects of personality etc. are probably of equal or greater importance
  46. Significant social impairment as a consequence of hypersensitivity to perceived, interpersonal ,rejection. *Catatonic depression is a rare and severe form of major depression
  47. Relations. The United States comes closer to classlessness in terms of, interpersonal ,relations than virtually any society. " Chomsky objects to the criticism that
  48. Developmental disabilities, substance abuse, communication disorders, interpersonal ,problems, and aging. It is also used to: improve learning, build self-esteem
  49. That are not reciprocated. Interpersonal love is most closely associated with, interpersonal ,relationships. Helen Fisher, a leading expert in the topic of love, divides the
  50. Psychiatrist Sigmund Freud, depression,or melancholia, may be related to, interpersonal ,loss and early life experiences. And a vision of the future. The founder of

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