Examples of the the word, recruiting , in a Sentence Context

The word ( recruiting ), is the 7485 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Charles would have changed his view and that mutants should lie low. Yet he is, recruiting ,them to what she believes is a lost cause. Charles tries to force her to stay
  2. Showed intense opposition to conscription, resulting in very poor results for, recruiting , Governor Vance's faith in states' rights drove him into a stubborn
  3. EIP) has encouraged Rhode Island residents to pursue careers in medicine by, recruiting ,sophomores from Providence College, Rhode Island College, the University of
  4. Day that Britain declared war on Germany, he wrote to the Foreign Office about, recruiting ," men of the professor type ". Personal networking was used for the initial
  5. Least one more, and around 15 % of those experience chronic recurrence. Studies, recruiting ,from selective inpatient sources suggest lower recovery and higher chronicity
  6. Techniques are available, including discussions of operational techniques, asset, recruiting , and the trade craft used to collect this information. History Incidents of
  7. Were similarly recruited by personal contacts. This has been characterized as, recruiting ," Boffins and Debs ". Cryptanalysts were selected for various intellectual
  8. Marathon later moved to the court of Arches, king of Macedon, who was, recruiting ,playwrights; it is here that he probably died around 401 BC. Marathon introduced
  9. Received inspired Murdoch and David to turn the band into a full-time project, recruiting ,Stevie Jackson (guitar and vocals),Isabel Campbell (cello/vocals),Chris
  10. With Afghanistan. As a response, the Taliban immediately began gathering and, recruiting ,large number of men along the border with Iran. Many foreign fighters from
  11. Of the sport. After World War II ended, several team managers considered, recruiting ,members of the Negro Leagues for entry into organized baseball. In the early
  12. Or killed by the Mustache. The Partisans on the other hand used this as a, recruiting ,point with CPP members who were disillusioned with the NDH, a latter had one
  13. Their attention to the southern colonies, where they hoped to regain control by, recruiting ,Loyalists. This southern strategy also had the advantage of keeping the Royal
  14. In Peshawar, Pakistan,in 1984. From 1986,it began to set up a network of, recruiting ,offices in the U. S., the hub of which was the Al Fifth Refugee Center at the
  15. Training officers,$252.4 million for training enlistees and $79.3 million in, recruiting ,costs. They take the position that allowing gay men and women to serve in the
  16. IT) department.;; Human resources: payroll, training,benefits,401K, recruiting , diversity management;; Supply chain management: Order to cash, inventory
  17. By either side upon the other's allies and both sides were prohibited from, recruiting ,soldiers within the territory of the other. This denied the Carthaginians
  18. Motions by Berkeley's City Council regarding opposition to Marine, recruiting , (See Berkeley Marine Corps Recruiting Center controversy. ) Geography
  19. Period also began, as central levies of the peasantry began to be the central, recruiting ,tool. England was one of the most centralized states in the Middle Ages, and
  20. Tasmania, Western Australia and New Zealand. Again, due primarily to the VFL, recruiting ,the best players, Victoria dominated interstate matches for three quarters of a
  21. Article writes that" some say ... Amway is really more about making money from, recruiting ,people to become distributors, as opposed to selling products. " Following a
  22. Of Caesar's assassins. Octavian meanwhile built up a private army in Italy by, recruiting ,Caesarion veterans, and on 28 November won over two of Antony's legions with
  23. To commemorate the 228 Incident in 1947 *2005 – A suicide bombing at a police, recruiting ,center in Al Hill ah, Iraq kills 127. Births *1155 – Henry the Young King, son
  24. Chief engineer, got him thrown out of the crew, but fire companies were also, recruiting ,grounds for political parties at the time, and Tweed's exploits came to the
  25. Black Hand is seen digging up Bruce Wayne's body, stealing his skull, and, recruiting , it into the Black Lantern Corps. Deadpan, whose body has also become a Black
  26. Served at least 4 years. There has been a strong and continuing tradition of, recruiting ,from Ireland including what is now the Republic of Ireland. Over 200,000 Irish
  27. Cells, whereas lysine 4 methylation positively regulates transcription by, recruiting ,nucleosome remodeling enzymes and histone acetylates. Polycomb-group proteins
  28. Running clean programs (none of his teams were ever sanctioned by the NCAA for, recruiting ,violations) and graduating most of his players. Knight also still commands a
  29. OSS). Spying has sometimes been considered a gentlemanly pursuit, with, recruiting , focused on military officers, or at least on persons of the class from whom
  30. S. Into World War II less than two months later prompted the USAAF to alter its, recruiting ,standards. Blessed with remarkable 20/10 vision, Yeager displayed natural
  31. Mission The mission of the Blue Angels is to enhance Navy and Marine Corps, recruiting , and credibly represent Navy and Marine Corps aviation to the United States and
  32. Enlisted to get the generous bonus, deserted,then went back to a second, recruiting ,station under a different name to sign up again for a second bonus; 141 were
  33. From Fernand, for three years Ba bur concentrated on building up a strong army, recruiting ,widely amongst the Talks of Kazakhstan in particular. In 1504,he was able to
  34. Academic world. In one example, Calvin writes a" revisionist autobiography,", recruiting ,Hobbes to take pictures of him doing stereotypical kid activities like playing
  35. To Sore, before turning to follow the Saint Lawrence River up toward Montreal, recruiting ,upwards of 200 men. On September 24,he and Brown, whose company was guarding
  36. York. Spain describes the incident," Maj. J. W. Pearce established two camps—a, recruiting ,camp in Newton County and a drill camp at Tangipahoa—just beyond the State
  37. Berkeley received media attention due to demonstrations against a Marine Corps, recruiting ,office in downtown Berkeley and a series of controversial motions by Berkeley
  38. Estimates on the cost of the policy. The GAO reported at least $95.4 million in, recruiting ,costs and at least $95.1 million for training replacements for the 9,488 troops
  39. And further redefined the squadron's mission emphasizing the support of, recruiting ,efforts. Commander Tony Less was the squadron's first official commanding
  40. Flown in a ratio of 3:5. A non-ceremonial flag also exists, which is used at, recruiting ,events, military events and exhibitions. It also flies from the Ministry of
  41. Hearts and minds in the Pacific. In response, the Solomon Islands began, recruiting ,Cuban doctors in July 2007,while Papua New Guinea and Fiji considered
  42. Themselves as openly professional, and were easily the most aggressive in, recruiting ,the best available players. Twelve clubs, including most of the strongest clubs
  43. Especially by the Benedictine and Commercial orders) and some feudal lords ', recruiting ,farmers to settle (and become taxpayers) by offering relatively good legal
  44. The Tsarist autocracy. The base of active and experienced members would be the, recruiting ,ground for this professional core. Sympathizers would be left outside and the
  45. He attempted to infuse the company with new titles and characters, also, recruiting , major talents such as ex-Marvel artist and Spider-Man co-creator Steve Ditto
  46. Henry marched via Aberystwyth while Rays followed a more southerly route, recruiting ,500 Welshmen en route to swell Henry's army when they reunited at Welsh pool.
  47. Stone Mountain, Georgia in the same year. The Birth of a Nation was used as a, recruiting ,tool for the KKK. It was the first motion picture to be shown at the White
  48. And smuggling were undertaken by the group. The CIA also actively took part in, recruiting ,and training members, including disgruntled former Provisional IRA members. As
  49. Beast, Iceman,and Angel, who become the original X-Men. After he completes, recruiting ,the original team of X-Men, he sends them into battle with Magneto. Throughout
  50. Measures are focusing on research, habitat management, education,and, recruiting ,the help of private landowners. Cultural references The Blue Crane is a bird

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