Examples of the the word, grin , in a Sentence Context

The word ( grin ), is the 7484 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Effects are always preceded by hysterical fits of laughter, as well as a frozen, grin , His unpredictable, homicidal nature makes him one of the most feared
  2. Face can be expressed like this: :3 Along with a mustache emoticon: {) A broad, grin ,is often shown with crinkled eyes to express further amusement: XD and the
  3. By stopping the song partway through, looking at the celebrity audience with a, grin ,while pretending to check his watch and saying," valuable advertising time
  4. Show Huxley standing, alternately arms on hips and out stretched with a, grin ,on his face. Finally, they returned home and to ordinary consciousness. One of
  5. Sir Richard was tired of his son's delicate personality, so he told him to ", grin ,and bear the petty bullying ". Stacey did eventually adapt to the school's
  6. Court-martialed Vietnam War mass-murderer William Calla sporting the guileless, grin ,of Alfred E. Newman, complete with the parody catchphrase 'What, My Lie? " (
  7. Dodgson was writing. Dodgson's delineation of the relationship between cat and, grin ,can be taken to represent the very concept of mathematics and number itself.
  8. In one moment of blind anger, causing it to crack and fall on the ground with a, grin ," now six feet across ". This transformation parallels the transformation that
  9. Cat" is from the large number of dairy farms in Cheshire, hence the cats, grin ,because of all the milk and cream that is available. This is the explanation
  10. Support. By this time Macmillan had lost the wire-rimmed glasses, toothy, grin , and brylcreemed hair of wartime photographs, and instead grew his hair thick
  11. It in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. Known for his distinctive mischievous, grin , the Cheshire Cat has had a notable impact on popular culture. Origins The
  12. That Baslim's head is displayed impaled on a pike, but still wearing a defiant, grin , As luck would have it, one of the men on Baslim's list is in port. At Thorny
  13. N. * The Cheshire cat fades until it disappears entirely, leaving only its wide, grin , suspended in the air, leading Alice to marvel and note that she has seen a cat
  14. Sega grin grin Grimm JAL grin grin go, niga grin grin Grimm mot, grin , grin grimier. - The giraffe picture that I drew is a well drawn picture, the
  15. Kerr called Preston" indefatigable: he's got zest and gusto and a great big, grin ,for another slam-bang march tune ". MSNBC's Keith Hubermann has numerous times
  16. e.g. ADDED. There are hundreds of other variations including >: D for an evil, grin ,or >: (for anger, which can be, again,used in reverse, for an unhappily angry
  17. Is to consider the concepts of 'two' and 'three' by themselves, just like a, grin , originally seemingly dependent on the cat, separated conceptually from its
  18. To get the part. Supposedly, he clinched the part largely because of his, grin ,.; Duke: The Competes' family dog. He's an old bloodhound that Jed had bought
  19. Alice to remark that she has often seen a cat without a grin but never a, grin ,without a cat. Popular culture The Cheshire Cat is one of many iconic
  20. Rigid ears set in an excited posture and a huge jaw normally stuck in a crazed, grin , Seeing the world as little more than a vessel for his" pinball-like stream of
  21. 그린 기린 그림은 잘 그린 기린 그림이고, 니가 그린 기린그림은 못 그린 기린그림이다. (Sega grin grin Grimm JAL, grin , grin grin go, niga grin grin Grimm mot grin grin grimier. - The giraffe
  22. In the air, leading Alice to marvel and note that she has seen a cat without a, grin , but never a grin without a cat. Deep abstraction of concepts, such as
  23. As:" u blushing for you or a surprised blush, o///o. Others include wink;) a, grin ,: D which can also be reversed for an unhappy face D: smug: → and tongue out: P
  24. 기린 그림은 잘 그린 기린 그림이고, 니가 그린 기린그림은 못 그린 기린그림이다. (Sega grin grin Grimm JAL grin , grin , grin go, niga grin grin Grimm mot grin grin grimier. - The giraffe picture
  25. Pea pods? )" 내가 그린 기린 그림은 잘 그린 기린 그림이고, 니가 그린 기린그림은 못 그린 기린그림이다. (Sega, grin , grin Grimm JAL grin grin go, niga grin grin Grimm mot grin grin
  26. S Pair of Lyric Epistles in 1792:" Lo, like a Cheshire cat our court will, grin , " Earlier than that, A classical dictionary of the vulgar tongue by Francis
  27. Alley filled with equally odd characters, mostly other children. With a goofy, grin , the Kid habitually spoke in a ragged, peculiar ghetto argot printed on his
  28. Round the lips of the curiously misnamed Laughing Cavalier to the imbecile, grin ,of the Male Babe. To this group of pictures belong Baron Gustav Rothschild's
  29. Combination of products to laugh to death — leaving them with a postmortem, grin ,resembling his own. Batman attempts to track down the Joker, who has become
  30. Daily News (New York)," hung in the air like a sack of potatoes with a goofy, grin ,on his face, occasionally kicking his legs as though he were running. " The
  31. Be mild and drab. Malevolence and terror, the glare of evil faces,'the stony, grin ,of unearthly malice ', pursuing forms in darkness, and 'long-drawn, distant
  32. Alice to marvel and note that she has seen a cat without a grin , but never a, grin ,without a cat. Deep abstraction of concepts, such as non-Euclidean geometry
  33. Fester was a bald, barrel-shaped man with dark, sunken eyes and a devilish, grin , He seemed to carry an electrical charge, as he could illuminate a light bulb
  34. Presidential nominee should make his medical records public, to quip with a, grin ,:" Look,I'm not going to pick on an invalid. " Twenty minutes later, Reagan
  35. Act, but has gotten stuck several times. Snoopy did the Cheshire Cat, grin ,in April 1967. *In the PC game Jazz Jackrabbit 2,the cat is featured in
  36. At one point, the cat disappears gradually until nothing is left but its, grin , prompting Alice to remark that she has often seen a cat without a grin but
  37. Killer who tries to kill himself with strychnine, leaving him with a permanent, grin , Anti-Matter Universe The one heroic version of the Joker from an alternate
  38. Joker venom, a deadly poison that infects his victims with a ghoulish ictus, grin ,as they die while laughing uncontrollably. The venom comes in many forms, from
  39. Chromed ribs bulging forward. This has sometimes been called the Buick" dollar, grin ," particularly on the early 1950s models, which had thick, highly-polished ribs
  40. Agree in identifying the word with Portuguese and Spanish coco" grin ning face, grin , grimace ", also " bugbear, scarecrow ", cognate with coca" to grin , make a
  41. Investigate the crimes and find the victims' bodies stricken with a perpetual, grin ,upon their faces. The Joker traps Robin and is prepared to murder him with the
  42. Is that from time to time it disappears, the last thing to be seen being its, grin , *In the 1951 Disney animated film, Alice in Wonderland, the Cheshire Cat is
  43. But its grin , prompting Alice to remark that she has often seen a cat without a, grin ,but never a grin without a cat. Popular culture The Cheshire Cat is one of many
  44. Theme to its extreme as the teeth crossed over the bumper exposing the 1950 ", grin ,". The 1951 model reined in the theme, bringing the teeth back behind the
  45. Two words to us (“ Good afternoon” ) the whole show, but with such a cheeky, grin , he doesn’t need to elaborate. The Adam Ant of today’s Latitude shows no
  46. He emerges with bleached white skin, red lips, green hair and a persistent, grin , The most widely cited backstory, which the official DC Comics publication, Who
  47. 니가 그린 기린그림은 못 그린 기린그림이다. (Sega grin grin Grimm JAL grin grin go, niga, grin , grin Grimm mot grin grin grimier. - The giraffe picture that I drew is a
  48. A botched attempt at plastic surgery, Napier is left with a permanent ictus, grin , similar to the jester on a joker card. Driven insane by his reflection, he
  49. Face, grin ,grimace ", also " bugbear, scarecrow ", cognate with coca" to, grin , make a grimace "; the name being said to refer to the face-like appearance of
  50. About his disgust at not seeing" one wrinkled face" or" a single toothless, grin ," in the publication. He also owns a 49-star American flag, because of his

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