Examples of the the word, onion , in a Sentence Context

The word ( onion ), is the 7490 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Is a dish containing sheep's 'pluck' ( heart, liver and lungs),minced with, onion , oatmeal, suet,spices, and salt, mixed with stock, and traditionally simmered
  2. S Soup, a literary pastiche in the form of a cookbook, contains a recipe for, onion ,tart à la Chaucer. Works The following major works are in rough chronological
  3. Dill, basil,parsley, tarragon,leeks, chives,thyme, marjoram,green, onion , and watercress, are very popular and often accompany main dishes on the table.
  4. Use of the mire pox in traditional French cuisine — which blends roughly diced, onion , celery, and carrot. Characteristic aromatics for the Cajun version may also
  5. The legs, but the entire creature) Seasonings Individual *Onion (bell pepper, onion , and celery used together are known as the" holy trinity" of Cajun cuisine. )
  6. Made with pastry. Today's pasties usually contain a filling of beef steak, onion , potato and swede with salt and white pepper, but historically pasties had a
  7. Traditionally served with chicken, tomato,and watercress along with cucumber, onion , lettuce, mayonnaise,and mustard. One of the most noticeable breakfast plates
  8. Of the species derives from the Greek shrines (sedge) and prison (word for, onion , Chives are a commonly used household herb, frequently grown in gardens and
  9. Words for carrot (duo BUO or lo BAC) or (Hong duo BUO Hong meaning red) and, onion ,(Cong). Lo BAC, in Cantonese, refers to the Diego, a large, blandly flavored
  10. Salad (Horatio) and is essentially a tomato salad with cucumber, red, onion , feta cheese, and Kawabata olives, dressed with olive oil. In Cyprus, it
  11. Onion ". These names make it evident that the American broccoli, carrot,and, onion ,are not indigenous to China and therefore are less common in the cuisines of
  12. Potato, sweet potato, taro roots, chicken garnished with cilantro and green, onion ,and is more soup-like than Indian curry. Goat curry also exists but only at a
  13. Made from a mixture of ground beef, soaked stale bread, egg,chopped, onion , salt and pepper, usually served with potatoes and vegetables like any other
  14. Is plentiful or available. The aromatic vegetables bell pepper (poison), onion , and celery are called by some chefs the holy trinity of Creole and Cajun
  15. Then apart from most southeast Asian curries. Regular ingredients include fresh, onion , garlic and chili paste. Spices regularly used are Gram Masala, dried chili
  16. Of curries. The principle ingredient of almost all Burmese curries are fresh, onion ,(which provides the gravy and main body of the curry),Indian spices and red
  17. Fried" was being used in the sense of" deep-fried ", for other foods such as, onion ,rings or chicken. It is unlikely that 'French fried' refers to 'wrenching' in
  18. As scallions or spring onion s, green onion s). The many-layered, onion ,common in the United States is called yang Cong. This translates as" western
  19. A commercial brand made from mayonnaise, white cabbage, tarragon,cucumber, onion , mustard and dextrose. * Mammoet-sauce - mayonnaise, tomato, onion , glucose
  20. With breading, spices,or other ingredients, which include garlic powder, onion ,powder, black pepper, paprika,and salt to create" seasoned fries ", cheese to
  21. Fillet rolled into a cylindrical shape around a piece of pickled gherkin or, onion ,) or Blathering (fried, marinated herring). Today many sea fish, like fresh
  22. Grasses and cereals). Species are used as food and flavorings (e.g., onion , garlic, leek,asparagus, vanilla ), as cut flowers (e.g. freesia, gladiolus
  23. A French rendering of the Native American word shikaakwa, translated as" wild, onion ," or" wild garlic," from the Miami-Illinois language. The first known
  24. Modern times this rule is often interpreted to include other vegetables of the, onion ,genus, as well as coriander. This draws parallels with some sects of Hinduism
  25. And condiments In Cantonese cuisine a number of ingredients such as Spring, onion , sugar, salt,soy sauce, rice wine, cornstarch,vinegar, scallion oil, and
  26. Common in the United States is called yang Cong. This translates as" western, onion ,". These names make it evident that the American broccoli, carrot,and onion
  27. Gazpacho recipes typically include stale bread, tomato,cucumber, bell pepper, onion ,and garlic, olive oil, wine vinegar, and salt. The following is a typical
  28. Flavorings more often than other Mediterranean cuisines: oregano, mint,garlic, onion , dill and bay laurel leaves. Other common herbs and spices include basil, thyme
  29. Melanizes transfer (spike tailed trumpet snail) * Hitting semiotic (red, onion ,or tire tracked ne rite snail) * Exterior violates" Red Lips" ( Red lips
  30. Eggs for Easter, a popular tan color can be achieved by boiling the eggs with, onion ,skins. A greater variety of color was often provided by tying on the onion
  31. Dishes are prepared. The standard" feedstock" is usually a sautéed mixture of, onion , garlic and fresh ginger, to which various spices are added, depending on the
  32. Avoid certain vegetables that are thought to have negative properties, such as, onion ,and garlic. ” A second example is the Swaminathan Movement. The followers of
  33. Cucumber, onion ,mustard and dextrose. * Mammoet-sauce - mayonnaise, tomato, onion , glucose, garlic,soy sauce. * Sauce" Pickles"- a yellow mayonnaise-based
  34. Properly hung lo BAC in Cantonese, hung meaning" red" ). When the word for, onion , Chung, is used, it is understood that one is referring to" green onion s" (
  35. Textiles, medical and petrochemical products, citrus fruits, rice and dried, onion , and more recently cement, steel,and ceramics. Egypt's main imports consist
  36. Which is deep-fried cassava root served with Curtis (a pickled cabbage, onion ,and carrot topping) and pork rinds with pescaditas (fried baby sardines).
  37. From an electron microscope image, where it formed the core of a" Bucky, onion , " Fullerenes have since been found to occur in nature. According to astronomer
  38. Includes the historic Old Stone Church in downtown Cleveland and the, onion ,domed St. Theodosius Russian Orthodox Cathedral in Tremont. Running east from
  39. Versions of traditional animation techniques such as of, interpolated morphing, onion ,skinning and interpolated rotoscoping. 2D animation has many applications
  40. Called coyotes or vegetable pears) *Scallions (also known as green onion s or, onion ,tops) Meat and seafood Cajun folkways include many ways of preserving meat
  41. Therefore, strictly speaking, root vegetables (such as potatoes, carrots or, onion ,) are not to be used as this will result in death of vegetables. Instead
  42. It is often cut into thin strips and eaten raw as sashimi, garnished with, onion ,and either horseradish or grated garlic, much as with sashimi of whale or horse
  43. Vegetable curry sauce. * Diana/Diana - medium curry the word means" double, onion ," referring to the boiled and fried onion s used as its primary ingredient. *
  44. Persian cuisines are combinations of rice with meat, chicken or fish and some, onion , vegetables, nuts,and herbs. Herbs are frequently used along with fruits such
  45. Instance, in some recipes, only a small amount of soy sauce, ginger,and spring, onion ,is added to steamed fish. According to Cantonese cuisine, the light seasoning
  46. Onion skins. A greater variety of color was often provided by tying on the, onion ,skin with different colored woolen yarn. In the North of England these are
  47. Bangladesh grows very significant quantities of rice, tea,potato, mango, onion , and mustard. According to FORMAT, Bangladesh is one of world's largest
  48. Types, and several kinds of vegetables (carrots, parsley,celery, potatoes, onion , ),several varieties include the classic Batavia which is drizzled with olive
  49. More often than other Mediterranean cuisines do, namely: oregano, mint,garlic, onion , dill and bay laurel leaves. Other common herbs and spices include basil, thyme
  50. Bean sauce. Spices and seasonings such as fresh root ginger, garlic,spring, onion , white pepper, sesame oil are widely used in many regional cuisines. Sichuan

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