Examples of the the word, heir , in a Sentence Context

The word ( heir ), is the 7486 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. He was the younger brother of King Edgar, who was unmarried, and his brother's, heir ,presumptive by 1104 (and perhaps earlier). In that year he was the senior
  2. Albert, disappointed at not receiving this fief himself, attacked Udo,the, heir , and was consequently deprived of Lusatia by Other. In spite of this, he went
  3. She let a venomous snake bite her. Having exploited his position as Caesar's, heir ,to further his own political career, Octavian was only too well aware of the
  4. If Cleopatra Eurydice bore Philip a son, there would be a fully Macedonian, heir , while Alexander was only half Macedonian. Whom he dropped off with her brother
  5. Will, and only then did he decide to become Caesar's political heir as well as, heir ,to two-thirds of his estate. Having no living legitimate children, Caesar had
  6. Designated for the Parthia war, gathering support by emphasizing his status as, heir ,to Caesar. On his march to Rome through Italy,Octavian's presence and newly
  7. By his wife Elizabeth of Aragon. Alfonso, born in Lisbon, was the rightful, heir ,to the Portuguese throne. However, he was not, according to several sources
  8. He convoked an assembly of the states and declared his son Malik Shah I his, heir ,and successor. With the hope of capturing Caesar Maraca, the capital of
  9. Passed and the aging Alfonso lost control over his court. Peter's only male, heir , future king Fernando of Portugal, was a sickly child, while the illegitimate
  10. Political issues and the public. To ensure stability, he needed to designate an, heir ,to his unique position in Roman society and government. This was to be achieved
  11. And Maria, daughter of Raymond, prince of Antioch. He was the long-awaited male, heir , and was named Alexis as a fulfillment of the AIMS prophecy. His reign and
  12. Are among the best that empire had ever seen. In the period of his life as, heir ,apparent the intellectual atmosphere of Saint Petersburg was unfavorable to
  13. king's relatives, Edward the Exile, back to England from Hungary to secure an, heir ,for the childless king. In 1058, he undertook a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, the
  14. Him an annotated copy, which Alexander was to take on his campaigns. Philip's, heir ,Regency and ascent of Macedon When Alexander became sixteen years old, his
  15. Western European countries. As Service, Alexander became the first Romanov, heir ,to visit Siberia. Reign Alexander II succeeded to the throne upon the death of
  16. But gave himself out to be the son of Antioch us IV Epiphanies and Lao dice IV and, heir ,to the Seleucid throne. Along with his sister Lao dice VI, the youngster
  17. Sign was placed near her casket. In her will, Rand named Leonard Payoff the, heir ,to her estate. Philosophy Rand named her philosophy" Objectives ", describing
  18. 1124 at his court at Stirling; his brother David, probably the acknowledged, heir ,since the death of Sybilla, succeeded him. Fictional portrayals Alexander I has
  19. In her work in the academic community. Objectives movement In 1985,Rand's, heir ,Leonard Payoff established the Ayn Rand Institute, a nonprofit organization
  20. Married King Alfonso XI of Castile in 1328,at the same time that Alfonso IV's, heir , Peter I of Portugal, was promised to another Castilian infant, Constance of
  21. Drama was childless. Apparently to prevent Queen Draga's brother being named, heir , but in reality to replace Alexander Obrenović with Peter Karađorđević, a
  22. Would not hesitate any longer to proclaim Queen Draga's brother as the, heir ,to the throne. In spite of this, it had been agreed with the Serbian Government
  23. He was buried in Undermine Abbey. As Alexander left no surviving children the, heir ,to the throne was his unborn child by Queen Yolanda. When Yolande's pregnancy
  24. Jones, English snooker player * 1960 – HRH Prince Philippe, Duke of Brabant, heir ,to the Belgian throne *1962 – Suit Bindrakhia, Punjabi Bhangra singer * 1962
  25. Wars, foreign invasion, and collapse of the monetary economy. Alexander was the, heir ,apparent to his cousin, the eighteen-year-old Emperor who had been murdered
  26. Tiberius—who was present alongside Livia at Augustus' deathbed—was named his, heir , Augustus' famous last words were," Have I played the part well? Then applaud
  27. Singer (Deep Purple) * 1945 – Charles Wellesley, Marquess of Douro, English, heir , of the 8th Duke of Wellington * 1945 – Sandro de América, Argentine singer &
  28. Probabably with a miscarriage,Alexander's granddaughter Margaret became the, heir , Margaret died, still uncrowned, on her way to Scotland in 1290. The
  29. Children, Caesar had adopted his great-nephew Octavius as his son and main, heir , Upon his adoption, Octavius assumed his great-uncle's name, Gaius Julius
  30. Bore the name Octavia nus, to save confusing the dead dictator with his, heir , historians often refer to the new Caesar—between his adoption and his
  31. Hoped that he would succeed Tiberius, who had been adopted by Augustus as his, heir ,and successor. Agrippina and Germanic us were devoted to each other. She was a
  32. To adopt Germanic us, who happened to be Tiberius's nephew, as his son and, heir , Germanic us was a favorite of his great-uncle Augustus, who hoped that
  33. Teresa, Countess of Portugal, the natural daughter of King Alfonso VI of León, heir ,by his grandmother of the first County of Portugal, which she received as a
  34. He managed to win support from Caesarion sympathizers, who saw the younger, heir ,as the lesser evil and hoped to manipulate him, or to bear with him during
  35. The Younger, Roman philosopher, statesman,and dramatist * 238 – Gordian II, heir ,to the Roman Empire * 434 – Archbishop Magicians of Constantinople *1443 –
  36. At least two generations of heir s. The only other possible claimant as, heir ,was Costumes Agrippa, who had been exiled by Augustus in AD 7,his banishment
  37. German, and a certain amount of military drill. Rise to power Alexander became, heir ,apparent with the sudden death of his elder brother in 1865. It was then that
  38. Are seen as being either Austrian economics, or as the direct philosophical, heir ,of Austrian economic philosophy. These are the Free Banking school and the
  39. Of Albania, which was dominated by Ever Honda (d. 1985). Hoxha's political, heir ,Ramie Asia oversaw the disintegration of the" Hoariest" state during the
  40. And politician. Augustus ordered Tiberius to adopt Germanic us as his son and, heir , Germanic us was always favored by his great uncle and hoped that he would
  41. Ahenobarbus (consul 16 BC) ). He was adopted by Claudius in AD 50 as official, heir ,to the throne. He was the only child of Agrippina the Younger through her first
  42. Of one of his generals, Attalus. This marriage made Alexander's position as, heir ,to the throne less secure, since if Cleopatra Eurydice bore Philip a son, there
  43. Towards archaeology and ecclesiology. However, Peter had wished his son and, heir ,to dedicate himself to the service of new Russia, and demanded from him
  44. To Nero Claudius Caesar Dress Germanic us and he became Claudius’s adopted son, heir ,and recognized successor. Agrippina and Claudius betrothed Nero to Octavia and
  45. Of Caesar's will, and only then did he decide to become Caesar's political, heir ,as well as heir to two-thirds of his estate. Having no living legitimate
  46. Alexander had much interest in women, particularly since he did not produce an, heir ,until the very end of his life. Apart from wives, Alexander had many more
  47. Crown Princess Constance, became the lover of her lady's husband: Peter,the, heir ,of Portugal. Alfonso IV was displeased with his son's choice of lovers, and
  48. To wage war against Byzantine, and Alexander was left in charge as regent and, heir ,apparent of the kingdom. After Philip's return from Byzantium, he dispatched
  49. Natural causes in Tor bay, Devon. Christie's grandson, Mathew Prichard, was, heir , to the copyright to some of his grandmother's literary work (including The
  50. Would succeed his uncle Tiberius, who was Augustus's own adopted son and, heir , This in turn meant that Tiberius was also Agrippina's adoptive grandfather in

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