Examples of the the word, domination , in a Sentence Context

The word ( domination ), is the 7489 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Nazi Germany in the west earlier in World War II. This resulted in Soviet, domination ,and oppression of the nations of Eastern Europe. Solzhenitsyn claimed the
  2. To the astonishment of Eisenhower and many North Americans, was repulsed by US, domination ,and paternalism. Castro did not forgive the US supply of arms to Batista during
  3. The sun god Shamash were erected in the 15th century BC. Assyria under Gianni, domination ,However the emergence of the Gianni Empire in the 16th century BC did
  4. Europe became connected to the German plans of political, economic and cultural, domination , The“ bible” of the concept was Friedrich Baumann’s book Mitteleuropa in
  5. Cuba must necessarily become American and not fall under any other European, domination , " Blaine's vision did not allow the existence of an independent Cuba. " Martí
  6. A protectorate over his kingdom. The state gradually came under French colonial, domination , During World War II, the Japanese allowed the French government (based at
  7. The loss of the western and easternmost provinces, and periods of political, domination ,by the Iranian Buwayhids (945–1055) and Seljuk Turks (1055–1135). The
  8. This it found itself under short periods of Babylonian and Mitanni-Hurrian, domination ,in the 18th and 15th centuries BC respectively, and another period of great
  9. Only strengthened cooperation between Caribbean countries would prevent their, domination ,by rich nations in a global economy. Caribbean nations have embraced Cuba's
  10. Congress favored a unified secular Indian state, whereas the League, fearing, domination , by the Hindu majority, desired a separate Islamic state for Muslim-majority
  11. In these sculptures: it may be one of cooperation, or it may again be one of, domination ,of the nāga by Garuda. In Khmer temple architecture, the gala serves as a
  12. For defending Egypt against foreign invasion, and for maintaining Egypt's, domination ,in the ancient Near East. The military protected mining expeditions to the
  13. And the Fort du HA, built by Charles VII of France, were the symbols of the new, domination , which however deprived the city of its richness by halting the wine commerce
  14. Air masses circulate freely. The Rho dope Mountains mark the northern limits of, domination ,by Mediterranean weather systems. The area between, which includes the Northern
  15. Such as Alex James and Cliff Basin, laid the foundations of the club's, domination ,of English football in the 1930s. Under his guidance Arsenal won their first
  16. Anusha, king of Shanna and Ahmad (modern Aleppo) Assyria under Babylonian, domination ,Hammurabi after first conquering Mari, Larsa and Shanna eventually prevailed
  17. From 1976,with prototypes going into a general decline apart from Porsche 936, domination , at Le Mans and a lower-key series of races for smaller Woolite Group 6
  18. Is the prey. It is a specific hunting behavior, not a fighting or territorial, domination ,behavior. Borzoi can be raised very successfully to live with cats and other
  19. Occasions. In 1702 Scarlatti left Naples and did not return until the Spanish, domination ,had been superseded by that of the Austrians. In the interval he enjoyed the
  20. Asian affairs he followed the traditional policy of gradually extending Russian, domination ,without provoking a conflict with the United Kingdom (see Pander Incident)
  21. Of its 14,000 troop military garrison in Lebanon, ending its 29-year military, domination ,of that country (Syrian occupation of Lebanon). *2011 – Day 2 of the April
  22. Ghana Empire in the area. Almoravid's unity also protected other tribes from the, domination ,of the Renata tribes to the north. The most powerful of the tribes of the
  23. To dominate spirituality. It is a unique narrative that effectively links the, domination ,of the soul to contemporaneous advances in the field of Egyptology such as the
  24. Of America's atomic arsenal in deterring the USSR from continuing its, domination ,of Eastern Europe. - what was to become an annual series of lectures, still
  25. One fewer syllable, or that the spelling on the flier was a mistake. Hall's, domination ,of production of the metal ensured that the spelling aluminum became the
  26. Mastrucati, which means" thieves with a rough garment in wool ". Roman, domination ,in this area of Sardinia was never more than nominal. The area is usually
  27. Gothic and Italian renaissance introduced on the island during the era of Latin, domination ,(1191–1571). In modern times Cypriot art history begins with the painter
  28. His own son Ashur-nadin-shumi as king in Babylonia. He maintained Assyrian, domination ,over the Modes, Manneans and Persians to the east, Asia Minor to the north and
  29. The Bengali Language Movement of 1952. Political dissent against West Pakistani, domination ,grew steadily. Swami League, led by Sheikh Mujib Rahman, emerged as the
  30. Only strengthened cooperation between Caribbean countries would prevent their, domination ,by rich nations in a global economy. Cuba, for many years regionally isolated
  31. In the 16th century BC did eventually lead to a period of Mitanni-Hurrian, domination ,in the 15th Century. Some time after the death of the capable Puzur-Ashur III
  32. War, the French attack and nearly annihilate English forces, ending English, domination ,in Northern France. *1632 – Battle of Rain; Swedes under Gustavus Adolphus
  33. The native dynasty he had installed. Under Ashurbanipal (669-627 BC) its, domination ,spanned from the Caucasus Mountains in the north to Nubia, Egypt and
  34. Including: the breakdown of the Ottoman Empire and traditional Islamic society;, domination ,by Western colonial powers under which Jews gained a disproportionately large
  35. Of military and political conquests, culminating in the political-religious, domination ,of Europe over the next 1,000 years by Trinitarian forces in the Catholic
  36. Variety of instruments, the growth of concert societies, and the unstoppable, domination ,of the piano—which created a huge audience for sophisticated music—all
  37. Algeria on the East Coast had been expelled by the Etruscans long before Roman, domination , The original name remains unknown, perhaps never will be known and therefore
  38. AL cellars by only three games. With fellow investors both frustrated with his, domination ,of the franchise's business operations and dissatisfied with yet another
  39. Strength of the wolf pack usually results in a long battle for kills or, domination , In some areas, the brown bear also regularly displaces cougars from their
  40. And Roman rule Regina passed with the rest of Greece under the successive, domination ,of Macedon, the Aetolians, Attalus of Pegasus and Rome. A Jewish community is
  41. Which completed the contract. The Ghazvanid military incursions assured the, domination ,of Sunni Islam in what is now Afghanistan and western Pakistan. The most
  42. As a synthesis of radical feminism and anarchism that views patriarchy (male, domination ,over women) as a fundamental manifestation of compulsory government. It was
  43. They often interlapped and mixed. Slowly, however,they lost their political, domination ,of the Near East due to internal turmoil and attacks by non-Semitic peoples.
  44. Work process and the routine of work tasks; and finally established the global, domination ,of the capitalist mode of production. In the 1840s,Britain adopted a less
  45. President Paul BIA in October 2004,thus enhancing the chances of continued, domination ,by the ruling party until the end of his term in 2011. By 2006,appeals were
  46. Made an alliance to protect their mutual interests from the threat of Hittite, domination , At the height of its power, during the 14th century BC, it had outposts
  47. Against the empire in 520 BC. The Persians had spent centuries under Assyrian, domination , and Assyrian influence can be seen in Achaemenid art, infrastructure and
  48. Non-German territories being an area of intended German penetration and, domination ,- German leadership position was to be the natural result of economic dominance
  49. In modern day Belarus, Ukraine and Russia. Subsequent Germanic and Gothic, domination ,of first half of the first millennium AD in the Northern and Eastern Europe, as
  50. Honest labor ": b) Jews are" leaders of a financial cabal seeking world, domination ," Abraham Fox man describes six facets of the financial canards: #All Jews are

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