Examples of the the word, shocking , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Visitors. In his review for Art forum, critic Richard Hennessy described a ", shocking ,fun-house atmosphere" and" aura of ancient Roman patronage ". Starting in
  2. Would be an event that would occur in the world that would be sufficiently, shocking ,that it would remind people again how important it is to have a strong healthy
  3. Viewing) by the Motion Picture Association of America, and as such came as ", shocking ,news" to many in the film industry, who were surprised that it" did not
  4. Christianity and embraced a Neo-platonic and mystical form of paganism, shocking ,the Christian establishment. He began reopening pagan temples, and intent on
  5. Is a proliferation of miracle stories connected with icons, some of them rather, shocking ,to our eyes ". However, the earlier references by Eugenics and Grenades
  6. Is impossible not to admire; but the old Parisian ferocity has broken out in a, shocking ,manner ". The events of 5–6 October 1789,in which a mob of Parisian women
  7. To the subject. Some believers, for example, suggest that memories for, shocking ,events such as the Kennedy Assassination or 9/11 are vividly imprinted in
  8. Minister David Cameron stated:" These are shocking conclusions to read and, shocking ,words to have to say. But you do not defend the British Army by defending the
  9. Which characteristically ended without resolution and often with a tragic or, shocking ,event that prevents closure. Characteristics The Gospel of Mark differs from
  10. As many intellectuals of the day were of the opinion that it was" ... the most, shocking ,and astonishing news ... since nobody but Kant could have written this book.
  11. Without inflation. Obtaining a flat universe is unlikely overall. Penrose’s, shocking ,conclusion, though,was that obtaining a flat universe without inflation is
  12. Being ". Most of the controversy surrounded frontman Benton for a rash of, shocking ,interviews and wild statements. Benton has repeatedly branded an inverted
  13. Claudine still has the power to charm; in Belle Époque France it was downright, shocking , much to Willy's satisfaction and profit. Music hall career, affairs with
  14. Irish friend and I behaved. Imagine to yourself everything most profligate and, shocking ,in the way of dancing and sitting down together. " The Leroy family intervened
  15. Both Ziggy Stardust and Aladdin Sane, were ultra-theatrical affairs filled with, shocking ,stage moments, such as Bowie stripping down to a sumo wrestling loincloth or
  16. And to have found beneath the ruins of a certain nameless desert town the, shocking ,annals and secrets of a race older than mankind. He was only an indifferent
  17. Roman of Tea, who said:" Targeting Palestinians and their property is a, shocking ,thing, ( ...) It's an act of hurting humanity. (...) This builds a wall of
  18. That often fondled the boy as he played. Early biographers found this, shocking ,and played down this portion of his life. Modern writers have pointed to this
  19. Miracles associated with them as early as the 2nd century. What might be, shocking ,to our contemporary eyes may not have been viewed as such by the early
  20. Amount authorized by statute. The federal court found the award" monstrous and, shocking ," and reduced it to $54,000. The recording industry offered to accept a
  21. Artisans. Hirst's celebrity is founded entirely on his ability to produce, shocking ,concepts. The actual production in many conceptual and contemporary works of
  22. Ligands bonded through all ten carbon atoms. This arrangement was a, shocking ,novelty when it was first discovered, but the discovery of kerosene has led to
  23. To Christianity. Given the toleration of Hinduism, such imperial leeway was not, shocking , Christianity occupied a special place in Islamic canon, as did ISA (Jesus)
  24. Understand him. " In this vein many of Crowley's more audacious and outright, shocking ,writings were often thinly veiled attempts to communicate methods of sexual
  25. Roughly autobiographical. Whilst the stories were, shocking ,in their time, this affectionate portrayal of a forthright and self-assured
  26. Then Leader of the Opposition, Robert Menzies, called McKell's appointment ", shocking ,and humiliating ". In 1965,the Menzies conservative government appointed an
  27. Zone: The Movie, playing a driver whose passenger (Dan Aykroyd) has a, shocking ,secret. In James L. Brooks's hit Broadcast News (1987),Albert Brooks was
  28. Film ever to have its roots in small-town American life. " She called it ", shocking , visionary, rapturously controlled. " Looking back in his Guardian/Observer
  29. Received his first substantial part in 1936's After the Thin Man, featuring a, shocking ,sequence near the end which showcased his acting ability. On the romantic front
  30. And hostility to the practice encouraged punks to use glue-sniffing as a way of, shocking ,society. " As well, using inhalants was a way of expressing their
  31. Beyond linking them to his unconscious. Towards the end of his stay, he had a, shocking ,experience he linked to" the Chinese wisdom" which made even Thelma appear
  32. And" desperate ". Row Laws from the Sunday Mercury called the plot ", shocking ,and ridiculous" and asked" are we really supposed to believe that Kat won’t
  33. Is composed of Protestant Clergymen. " A group of senators denounced this ", shocking ,and unwarranted attack against the American clergy" and demanded that McCarthy
  34. Six weeks it was sold out. The Tenant of Wild fell Hall is perhaps the most, shocking ,of the Bronzes' novels. In seeking to present the truth in literature,Anne's
  35. The multi-platinum double album All Eye on Me. Not long afterward, his, shocking , murder brought gangsta rap into the national headlines and propelled his
  36. Widened franchise, Wellington is reported to have said" I never saw so many, shocking ,bad hats in my life ". Conservative Government Wellington was gradually
  37. Of a narrative moment with a dramatic naturalistic realism which was almost, shocking , This ensured that he effectively became the successor of Michelangelo, far
  38. On the Inquiry, British Prime Minister David Cameron stated:" These are, shocking ,conclusions to read and shocking words to have to say. But you do not defend
  39. Of him as commander both by the Galileans and by the Romans; he was guilty of, shocking ,duplicity at Metadata, saving himself by sacrifice of his companions; he was
  40. Naval base at Queenstown, Ireland. He was told," This Lusitania business is, shocking , Unofficially, we are telling you ... take no prisoners from U-boats. "
  41. Brightly colored clothes mostly consisting of brilliant reds, blazing oranges, shocking ,pinks, and startling yellows and greens. Even the cloth trappings of their
  42. A bait and switch). Most shock sites are merely websites that openly display, shocking ,material such as disturbing pornography, repulsive fetishes, etc. Some shock
  43. In one of their tables 73 % of the data came from one woman. It's really quite, shocking ,that for 12 years this research has been taught as" fact" all across the US
  44. Of any movement throughout the 20th century. By 1907 Fauvism no longer was a, shocking ,new movement, soon it was replaced by Cubism on the critics' radar screen as
  45. Eugenics of Comedian, came as supporters of Arius. But when some of the more, shocking ,passages from his writings were read, they were almost universally seen as
  46. And cars). The gruesome damage inflicted on car-crash victims is not seen as, shocking , but as the liberation of new sexual possibilities that have yet to be explored
  47. We would begin again after the tabula rasa. At the Cabaret Voltaire we began by, shocking ,common sense, public opinion, education,institutions, museums,good taste, in
  48. Of New Line Cinema, Arnold Donelson, originally refused to allow filming of the, shocking ,climactic scene. With the aid of Brad Pitt, who stated that he would not be
  49. 10, 1951,Fashion was awarded the festival's highest prize, the Golden Lion, shocking ,not only Data but the international film world, which at the time was largely
  50. Murmansk, a Columbia University professor and author, stated," It really is, shocking ,how many myths young people have about anal sex. They don't think you can get

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