Examples of the the word, offset , in a Sentence Context

The word ( offset ), is the 4665 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Arithmetic operations are required. The extra storage requirements are usually, offset ,by the need for the accuracy and compatibility with calculator or hand
  2. This instruction is FF E4. This two byte sequence can be found at a one byte, offset ,from the start of the instruction call Print at address 0x7C941EED. If an
  3. Particularly under conditions of high light intensity. This effect is partly, offset ,by the involvement of carotenoids in photoinhibition, which involves these
  4. Averaged around 5 % in the past seven years, but rapid population growth has, offset ,much of this increase. Inflation has subsided over the past several years.
  5. Technique (see Letterpress). Today, the majority of books are printed by, offset ,lithography in which an image of the material to be printed is photographically
  6. F-14's long-range AIM-54 Phoenix missiles (already retired) can be partially, offset ,with a longer-range AMRAAM, but note that the AMRAAM does not have the long
  7. Sense of the term,to include fiduciary media as well),that is not, offset ,by a corresponding increase in the need for money (again in the broader sense
  8. Losses; Article 15,the Equivalent granted £398,085 10s sterling to Scotland to, offset ,future liability towards the English national debt. In essence, it was also
  9. Of feedback amplifier with very high gain and stable input (low and stable, offset ,). They are always used with precision feedback components that, in operation
  10. Recent studies found higher speciation rates in the high latitudes that were, offset ,by greater extinction rates than in the tropics. Several families of birds have
  11. Number of 512-byte blocks it occupies in real memory. The next byte contains an, offset ,describing the option ROM's entry point, to which the BIOS immediately
  12. Extended by others to include three, or six, etc.) notes against one; #Notes, offset ,against each other (as suspensions); #All the first four species together, as
  13. Following identity for the sum of binomial coefficients taken with a step s and, offset ’t (0\peasant t) as a closed-form sum of s terms::
  14. Passage of the Kyoto Protocol, which promotes their use as a form of carbon, offset , The main natural sinks are: * Absorption of carbon dioxide by the oceans via
  15. To as" P pickups ", are actually two distinct single-coil pickups. Each is, offset ,a small amount along the length of the body so that each half is underneath two
  16. Flossy appeared on American Weekly covers. Sunday comics sections employed, offset ,color printing with multiple print runs imitating a wide range of colors.
  17. That),and the cost per page is actually relatively high. However, this is, offset ,by the on-demand convenience and project management costs being more
  18. The sound is transmitted with frequency modulation at a frequency at a fixed, offset ,(typically 4.5 to 6 MHz) from the picture signal. The channel frequencies
  19. Not biodegradable. However, the benefits condoms offer are widely considered to, offset ,their small landfill mass. While biodegradable, Health problems Condoms may
  20. Of the UN Security Council to have limited power projection capabilities. To, offset ,this, it has begun developing power projection assets, such as aircraft
  21. i.e. of which fewer copies are to be made) will be printed on sheet-fed, offset ,presses, but most books are now printed on web presses, which are fed by a
  22. To adhere to only those parts of the plate which are to print. The ink is then, offset ,onto a rubbery blanket (to prevent water from soaking the paper) and then
  23. Next to each other. Later, blue and orange became available by tweaking the, offset ,of the pixels by half a pixel-width in relation to the color burst signal. The
  24. Fiberglass in Asia with a consequent increase in demand for borates has, offset ,the development of boron-free reinforcement-grade fiberglass in Europe and the
  25. Passage of a fiscal transfers reform. New exploration is needed to, offset ,declining oil production. International and domestic financial analysts note
  26. In the Southern Ocean, the momentum imparted to the surface waters cannot be, offset ,in this way. Different theories of the Circumpolar Current balance the momentum
  27. A demodulator recovers the video signal and sound as an FM signal at the, offset ,frequency (this is known as intercarrier sound). The FM sound carrier is then
  28. Again and this time the CFA franc was revalued against the French franc to, offset ,almost all of this new devaluation of the French franc; after October 1948,the
  29. Developed a competing product, Catalyst,the cruder interface of which was, offset ,by program-switching capabilities and support for copy-protection, which
  30. And memorize it. Some parents specifically choose this early schooling to, offset ,French schools children usually attend later. Since independence and the
  31. Four accumulators,AC0-AC3,although AC2 and AC3 could also be used to provide, offset ,addresses, tending towards more generality of usage for the registers. The
  32. Financial difficulties have hurt the trade sector especially, but have been, offset ,by international aid, domestic restructuring and foreign direct investment.
  33. The chronic energy shortages Armenia suffered in recent years have been largely, offset ,by the energy supplied by one of its nuclear power plants at Metaphor.
  34. Great distances. Being allowed to sell this service meant the railway could, offset ,the costs of constructing and maintaining a pole line along its tracks across
  35. Chronic energy shortages Armenia suffered in the early and mid-1990s have been, offset ,by the energy supplied by one of its nuclear power plants at Metaphor. Armenia
  36. Moseley's law) that the atomic number does closely correspond (with an, offset ,of one unit for K-lines, in Moseley's work) to the calculated electric charge
  37. In real output averaged a sound 5 % since 1996,but a rapid population rise, offset ,much of this growth on a per capita basis. Inflation has subsided over the past
  38. High opacity and below average bulk paper. This is suitable in lightweight, offset ,papers used for bibles and dictionaries. It is also used in paper tissue where
  39. Compared to a conventional steel frame. The weight reduction is somewhat, offset ,by the quarto four-wheel drive system which is standard in most markets.
  40. 2443144.5003725 (1 January 1977 00:00:32.184) exactly at that instant. (The, offset ,is to provide continuity with the older Ephemeral Time. ) TAI was henceforth a
  41. The rows of the state; it cyclically shifts the bytes in each row by a certain, offset , For AES, the first row is left unchanged. Each byte of the second row is
  42. Digital printing has permitted the manufacture of much smaller quantities than, offset , in part because of the absence of make readies and of spoilage. One might
  43. System was privatized in 2002. Armenia's severe trade imbalance has been, offset ,somewhat by international aid, remittances from Armenians working abroad, and
  44. Network; a drop in fixed-line connections in recent years has been more than, offset ,by a sharp increase in mobile-cellular telephone use fostered by multiple
  45. Inaugurated March 4,1865. At the ceremony, Johnson,who had been drinking to, offset ,the pain of typhoid fever (as he claimed later),gave a rambling speech and
  46. Limit analog computers. Some of these limits include the operational amplifier, offset , finite gain, and frequency response, noise floor, non-linearities, temperature
  47. That a caught line drive could result in an easy double play, although this is, offset ,by the lower likelihood of a ground ball double play. A second and lesser-known
  48. Patients for whom rapid symptom control is critical. However, this advantage is, offset ,by the possibility of developing benzodiazepine dependence. APA does not
  49. Next to each other. Later, blue and orange became available by tweaking the, offset ,of the pixels by half a pixel-width in relation to the color burst signal. The
  50. Of a video carrier wave at one frequency and the sound carrier at a fixed, offset , A demodulator recovers the video signal and sound as an FM signal at the

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