Examples of the the word, nowhere , in a Sentence Context

The word ( nowhere ), is the 4554 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In passing, as an example of a more general idea, that of a perfect set that is, nowhere ,dense. Construction of the ternary set The Cantor ternary set is created by
  2. Complete metric space is a Bear space. That is, the union of countably many, nowhere ,dense subsets of the space has empty interior. The Banach fixed point theorem
  3. As well as the many imitators which followed it, was seen as unreliable and, nowhere ,near definitive. Philip Stan hope,4th Earl of Chesterfield was still lamenting
  4. Story, of which the following are the principal elements: – * (i. ) Herodotus, nowhere ,states or implies that peace was concluded between the two states before 481 BC
  5. To Budapest. Idiom is, of course, an international character, indigenous to, nowhere , Rodgers and Hammerstein were also concerned about what they termed" the
  6. Two positive integrable and infinitely differentiable functions may have a, nowhere ,continuous convolution. In the discrete case, the difference operator D ƒ (n)
  7. Ought to be attacked with the entire force of the war, his strength having been, nowhere ,previously impaired. Inscriptions In the 1st century BC, the Boil living in an
  8. End, one asked him why they should vote for him, and Healey answered" You have, nowhere ,else to go" ( to stop the left-winger Michael Foot from winning). Healey's
  9. Tenaciously to hold on to their position in Blenheim, but their commander was, nowhere ,to be found. Clérambault's insistence on confining his huge force in the
  10. In passing, as an example of a more general idea, that of a perfect set that is, nowhere ,dense. The original paper provides several constructions of the
  11. Near each point p, a hyperplane distribution is determined by a, nowhere ,vanishing 1-form \alpha, which is unique up to multiplication by a nowhere
  12. Of the Catholic Church, while teaching the necessity of both elements, nowhere ,uses these philosophical terms when speaking of the sacraments.
  13. Outer space. Wealth today, he argues, is created everywhere (globalization), nowhere , ( cyberspace),and out there (outer space). Global positioning satellites
  14. Made navigable for small craft. The isthmus is across, with undulating ground, nowhere ,over, with swamps and marshes. It is much used for the transit of large canoes
  15. Produces an even simpler look). It should be noted that while video games are, nowhere ,near the artistic capabilities of computer animated films, certain advances
  16. Is an intelligible sphere whose center is everywhere and whose circumference is, nowhere , The Alemannic, Allemanni, or Alemannic were originally an alliance of Germanic
  17. Habitat, and each harboring at least 1500 endemic plant species (species found, nowhere ,else in the world). Control Reducing emissions Major international
  18. First example of a function that is continuous everywhere but differentiable, nowhere , This example is now known as the Weierstrass function. In 1931,Stefan Banach
  19. Tract ate Lava Basra 15a-b maintains that Job was written by Moses, although, nowhere , does it name its author. Other opinions in the Talmud ascribe it to the period
  20. The canopy. The 135 plant species include at least eighteen which are found, nowhere ,else. Christmas Island’s endemic plants include the trees Arena Lister
  21. Enemies down to utter destruction, while you yourself rise up to grandeur. And, nowhere ,does this happen so splendiferously than in Revelation. " His specific
  22. There is heightened drinking compared to other Asian countries, but it is, nowhere ,near as high as it is in other countries like the United States. It also
  23. Produce text which was as clear and crisp as a typewriter, though they were, nowhere ,near the quality of printing presses. The fastest letter-quality printers
  24. Vegetation types, of which several are completely endemic to the city and occur, nowhere ,else in the world. It is also the only habitat of hundreds of endemic species
  25. Absolute value function is continuous everywhere but (complex) differentiable, nowhere ,; it violates the Cauchy-Riemann equations. Both the real and complex functions
  26. And accompanied them to the Council of Jerusalem, although his name occurs, nowhere ,in the Acts of the Apostles. He appears to have been a Gentile – for Paul
  27. As being of no importance by most king lists. Although the date of his birth is, nowhere ,recorded, Constantine II cannot have been born any later than the year after
  28. Until elections could be held in 1862. Talk of reunion and compromise went, nowhere , because the Confederates insisted on independence which the Union strongly
  29. He dies. This interpretation is supported with the argument that there is, nowhere ,else in the book where Job expresses a wish for bodily resurrection, only for
  30. Addiction, but at the time heroin was a taboo subject and Hence was left with, nowhere ,to go for help. Role in Vietnam War protests Ginsberg also played a key role in
  31. In topology, while a closed subset of the interval with no interior points is, nowhere ,dense in the interval. Every point of the Cantor set is also an accumulation
  32. Using a listing of several successive single negation words) –" Nobody never, nowhere ,nothing did not do. " (translated as" nobody has ever done anything, anywhere
  33. Is so everywhere else). Weierstrass's function is everywhere continuous but, nowhere ,differentiable. The derivative f' ( x) of a differentiable function f (x)
  34. Thought Before the invention of the telescope, comets seemed to appear out of, nowhere ,in the sky and gradually vanish out of sight. They were usually considered bad
  35. Animals, is common in many districts of South and East Africa. It is found, nowhere ,outside Africa. Africa is a continent comprising 62 political territories
  36. Black people" would soon find themselves abandoned. A vast majority had, nowhere ,to live, no job and were despised by Brazilian society, which usually saw them
  37. x)=\begin 0\box \in \math \set minus \math\\ 1\box \in \math \end is, nowhere ,continuous. Properties Intermediate value theorem The intermediate value
  38. Call from a Scottish island, they are surprised to find Juggernaut with, nowhere ,to go, as the island was destroyed by his further-mutated partner in crime
  39. The specific year during which his birth or conception occurred.:" However, nowhere ,in his exposition of his table does Dionysus relate his epoch to any other
  40. War Clovis could make would only be effective if they were neighbors;" it is, nowhere ,written that Sirius was handed over in 486 or 487. " Then when the Franks
  41. Away from the capital. Economy Domitian's tendency towards micromanagement was, nowhere ,more evident than in his financial policy. Whether Domitian
  42. Species found in a cave may live within that cave alone, and be found, nowhere ,else in the world, such as Alabama cave shrimp. Cave-dwelling species are
  43. To the Cantor set that have positive Lebesgue measure, while still being, nowhere ,dense. See Smith–Monterrey–Cantor set for an example. Cantor dust is
  44. Barry enforcing reluctant debtors with a duel. Seeing that his life is going, nowhere , Barry decides to marry into wealth. He encounters the beautiful and wealthy
  45. Trinity to see" that the words 'people,' 'army,' and 'government' appear, nowhere ,at all in the list of the Trinity’s components .... Creveld's and Keegan's
  46. Ceremonies. Furthermore, considering that some of these roads seem to go, nowhere , experts suggest that they can be linked—especially the Great North Road—to
  47. Ancestor of Muhammad, through his firstborn son, Ishmael whose mother’s name is, nowhere ,mentioned in the EU'ran. In Jewish tradition, Abraham is also the father of the
  48. Identical. Although something like code books is implied by the model, they are, nowhere ,represented in the model, which creates many conceptual difficulties. Theories
  49. By the name Ethiopia. The modern nation of Ethiopia, in northeast Africa, is, nowhere , near the Ethiopia Ocean, which would be said to lie off the west coast of
  50. In a later article, Jensen argued that his claims had been misunderstood: ..., nowhere ,have I" claimed" an" innate deficiency" of intelligence in blacks. My

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