Examples of the the word, monopoly , in a Sentence Context

The word ( monopoly ), is the 4555 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Performed by Belgian Post Group, a semiprivate public company which has as a, monopoly ,on letters until 50g weight. Competitors include DHL and UPS. Postal codes in
  2. To represent the common good. Ricardo mistrusts landowners as earners of a, monopoly ,income. Other works Shortly before his death, Smith had nearly all his
  3. Through taxation and expropriation),initiate aggression, are a compulsory, monopoly ,on the use of force, use their coercive powers to benefit some businesses and
  4. Could it be instituted, would be unable to destroy. ... If this be true, then, monopoly , which can be controlled permanently only for economic forces, has passed for
  5. Quality has improved; the Bulgaria Telecommunications Company's fixed-line, monopoly ,terminated in 2005 when alternative fixed-line operators were given access to
  6. Many other Caribbean countries, Cable & Wireless (Caribbean) had a statutory, monopoly ,on telephone and other electronic communications services. However, in the
  7. King Charles II granted a charter to the Hudson's Bay Company, granting it a, monopoly ,on the fur trade in what was then known as Rupert's Land, a vast stretch of
  8. Zoning. Alabama is an alcoholic beverage control state; the government holds a, monopoly ,on the sale of alcohol. However, counties can declare themselves" dry "; the
  9. 2003 when it was appointed as the sole importer of BMW and Mini in Egypt, with, monopoly , rights for import, assembly,distribution, sales and after-sales support of BMW
  10. In 1989,Atari Corp. sued Nintendo for $250 million, alleging it had an illegal, monopoly , Atari eventually lost the case when it was rejected by a US district court in
  11. Minister of the state for the first time. This broke the long time single party, monopoly ,enjoyed by the INC from 1956 until 1982. A few months after the election
  12. From four legal monopolies based in authority: # the money monopoly , # the land, monopoly , # tariffs, and # patents. His focus for several decades became the state's
  13. Freedom of the press and speech are guaranteed, the government maintains its, monopoly ,over television and radio broadcasting. Government Armenia became independent
  14. Bureau to the armed forces; * Communications – the telephony used to be a state, monopoly , and Brasília held the HQ of Telegram, the central state company; one of the
  15. In its capacity as a lender of last resort. The Bank of England has a, monopoly ,on the issue of banknotes in England and Wales. Scottish and Northern Irish
  16. In a" land monopoly . " Tucker also opposed state protection of the banking, monopoly , the requirement that one must obtain a charter to engage in the business of
  17. To it. If this practice is not followed, he believed it results in a" land, monopoly , " Tucker also opposed state protection of the banking monopoly , the
  18. On 10 November 1989,the Bulgarian Communist Party gave up its political, monopoly , Zhukov resigned, and Bulgaria embarked on a transition from a single-party
  19. Of the bureaucracy and school system, thus breaking the German speakers ', monopoly ,on office holding. These reforms outraged the ethnic groups that lost out
  20. System is anticompetitive due to the structure of the economy being a type of ", monopoly ,or oligopoly. "" The result is the prices with us do not drop even if they do
  21. Import and distribution, held by ArmRosGazprom (ARE) (controlled by Russian, monopoly ,Gazprom) # Armenia's railway, held by the Russian-owned South Caucasus
  22. The Tea Act, designed to save the British East India Company by granting it a, monopoly ,on the North American tea trade. *1777 – American Revolutionary War: The Battle
  23. Of the Government, with independence in setting monetary policy. The Bank has a, monopoly ,on the issue of banknotes in England and Wales, although not in Scotland
  24. Territory was not a concession to the company. Rather, it was simply granted a, monopoly ,to trade with the First Nations inhabitants. All that was changed with the
  25. Service. Air Burning, which began in 1967,is government-run and has a, monopoly ,on domestic service. It also flies to neighboring countries. In 2003,about
  26. Of a state defined as an agency that possesses a compulsory territorial, monopoly ,of ultimate decision-making (jurisdiction) and/or the right to tax. "
  27. And economic life before independence. The Botswana Meat Commission has a, monopoly ,on beef production. The national herd was about 2.5 million in the mid-1990s
  28. To have been an entrepôt of the Poetic grain trade, at a later date an Athenian, monopoly , Unlike the other commercial states of the 7th and 6th centuries BC, such as
  29. Bird. The opposition claimed to be disadvantaged by the ALP's longstanding, monopoly ,on patronage and its control of the media, especially in the 1999 general
  30. The BBC for extending its news output. Sky News objected to the breaking of its, monopoly , complaining about the costs associated with running a channel that only a
  31. Insurance Corporation of British Columbia, a crown corporation charged with a, monopoly ,on providing single-payer basic automobile insurance., whose special status
  32. Yet too late to stem the current of accumulation by a reversal of the policy of, monopoly , The Anarchistic remedy was still applicable. " But, Tucker argued," Today the
  33. S four monopolies and transportation subsidies created the foundation for the, monopoly ,capitalism and military-industrial complex of the twentieth century. Private
  34. Reject any level of state intervention, defining the state as a coercive, monopoly ,and, as the only entity in human society that derives its income from legal
  35. Restrictions on banking. They, like all Austrian economists, believe that, monopoly ,can only come about through government intervention. 19th-century American
  36. As anarcho-capitalists employ the term, is not to be confused with state, monopoly ,capitalism, crony capitalism, corporatism,or contemporary mixed economies
  37. Of the 16th century, England and the Netherlands began to challenge Portugal's, monopoly ,of trade with Asia, forming private joint-stock companies to finance the
  38. Impulse, not just a Jewish one, and that no religious community could claim a, monopoly ,on religious truth. Published work The Prophets This work started out as his
  39. To concentrate in the hands of a privileged few which he called the" banking, monopoly , " He believed anyone should be able to engage in banking that wished, without
  40. Boat phone led to a split of the monopolies, with Cable & Wireless retaining a, monopoly ,over fixed line and internet services, and CCT Boat phone keeping a de facto
  41. Later, the Royal African Company was inaugurated, receiving from King Charles a, monopoly ,of the trade to supply slaves to the British colonies of the Caribbean. From
  42. Workers resulted from four legal monopolies based in authority: # the money, monopoly , # the land monopoly , # tariffs, and # patents. His focus for several decades
  43. That liberty and property be defended by private institutions. Opposing the, monopoly ,of the state in providing security, he advocated a free market of competing
  44. And Pan Am went bankrupt in 1989 and 1991 respectively. The Bell System, monopoly ,was broken up in the year of the film's release. The Coca-Cola Company
  45. Would have been threatened. Ultimately, the gamble succeeded, and Boeing held a, monopoly ,in very large passenger aircraft production for many years. Entry into service
  46. For land-based users. Although technically in breach of the statutory, monopoly , CCT Boat phone was backed by a powerful collection of local interests known as
  47. The State or in defiance of it, shall have abolished the concentrations that, monopoly ,has created, the economic solution proposed by Anarchism and outlined in the
  48. Saw interest and profit as a form of exploitation made possible by the banking, monopoly , which was in turn maintained through coercion and invasion. Any such interest
  49. Over fixed line and internet services, and CCT Boat phone keeping a de facto, monopoly ,over cellular telephones. In 2007 the Government abolished the previously
  50. Anarchists such as Tucker and Lysander Spooner have long argued that, monopoly ,on credit and land interferes with the functioning of a free market economy.

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