Examples of the the word, nominate , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Mendozae (Shiva OA and Nahuatl, Marquesas,late 1970s) – Marquesas Monarch, nominate ,subspecies * Many'a Shrike bill, Clytorhynchus vitiensis Powell (Many'a
  2. To be used for transatlantic flights and gave each government the authority to, nominate ,carriers to operate routes. Bilateral agreements are based on the" freedoms of
  3. With a range of, while females average, with a range of. Subspecies Besides the, nominate , Rules lagopus, there are four subspecies of this fox: *Bering Islands
  4. More prestigious) group elected. Neither was compulsory; individuals had to, nominate ,themselves for both selection methods. By and large the power exercised by
  5. Two subspecies’T. c. minor from Stephens Island (extinct c. 1897) and the, nominate ’T. c. census from the South Island mainland (last specimen taken in 1902
  6. Tachypnea euchrysea (Jamaica, West Indies, c. 1990? ): The, nominate ,subspecies of the Golden Swallow, endemic to Jamaica. The last major roost-site
  7. A painting and descriptions; if it is accepted as valid, it would become the, nominate ,subspecies of the Echo Parakeet, extant on Mauritius, which would then have to
  8. Subspecies of Bald Eagle: *H. l. leucocephalus (Linnaeus,1766) is the, nominate ,subspecies. It is separated from H. l. Washingtonians at approximately
  9. Troughtoni (Null arbor Plain, Australia,1960s): Doubtfully distinct from, nominate ,subspecies, but differed behaviorally. * Burn Masked Owl, Tyto scrofula
  10. Melanchthon, a supporter of Luther. Acting as her confessor, he was able to, nominate ,her as a" Defender of the Faith" for denying Luther's arguments. Appearance
  11. Familiaris, and many subspecies of wolf throughout the Northern Hemisphere. The, nominate ,subspecies is Cans lupus. Cans lupus is assessed as Least Concern by
  12. Nominee, the party bosses had also made a decision on whom they would, nominate ,: Senator Irvine Len root of Wisconsin. A delegate from Oregon, Wallace McCain
  13. Cancellata (Kiribati, Kiribati,19th century? ): The doubtfully distinct, nominate ,subspecies of the Tuamotu Sandpiper, sometimes considered a distinct species
  14. Are available, and some publishers favor sizes not listed here which they might, nominate ,as“ standard” as well, such as 6” × 9 ”,8” × 10 ”. In Britain the
  15. Islands, late 19th century): Only known from a single 1844 specimen,the, nominate ,subspecies of the Tuamotu Kingfisher was not found anymore when it was next
  16. And appointed Viceroy and Governor of all the new lands. He had the right to, nominate ,three persons, from whom the sovereigns would choose one, for any office in the
  17. Kingfisher, Alcedo euryzona (Java, Indonesia,mid-20th century): The, nominate ,subspecies of the Blue-banded Kingfisher; the last specimen was taken in 1937
  18. Collocated whiteheadi (Luzon, Philippines,20th century? ): The, nominate ,subspecies of Whitehead's Swift let is only known from four specimens collected
  19. Informs an incredulous character from 2003 that the Democratic Party will, nominate ,an African-American (Barack Obama, who eventually won the presidency) as its
  20. Limited specific powers, most importantly to return laws to the parliament, nominate ,Constitutional Court judges for Senate's approval, and dissolve the parliament
  21. Barber, Capito hypoleucus (Colombia,mid-20th century): The, nominate ,subspecies of the White-mantled Barber has not been seen since the late 1940s
  22. Kodak, Callaeas cinerea (South Island, New Zealand,1960s? ): The, nominate ,subspecies of the Kodak is usually considered extinct, as it has not been
  23. Northern White-winged Paris, Apalis chariessa (Kenya,1960s? ): The, nominate ,subspecies of the White-winged Paris remains known only from the Taney River, a
  24. Buzzard is sometimes split as a separate species, B. Vulpinus. Compared to the, nominate ,form, it is slightly smaller (45–50 cm long),longer winged and longer tailed
  25. Jerdon's Babbler, Chrysomma altirostre (Myanmar,1940s): The, nominate ,subspecies of Jerdon's Babbler was last seen in 1941,but due to the lack of
  26. Conspicillatus conspicillatus (Guam, Marianas,1983): Bridled White-eye, nominate ,subspecies or possibly monotypic species. * Seychelles Chestnut-sided White-eye
  27. Previously disfranchised firms (and other organizations) are entitled to, nominate ,voters, in addition to those already represented, and all such bodies are now
  28. Amaurolimnas concolor (Jamaica, West Indies,1890) – Uniform Brake, nominate ,subspecies * Intact Rail, Gymnocrex plumbeiventris intact us (Melanesia,20th
  29. The" nomination" rule is unique to New Zealand: A player on the 8-ball may, nominate ,one of the opponent's balls (if any remain) to hit as an alternative, legal
  30. Daughter Hausa bit Umar, who was one of the wives of Muhammad. Umar did not, nominate ,his successor on his deathbed, and thus preferred to leave this copy with Hausa
  31. For in Article II of the Constitution, which states that the President" shall, nominate , and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint ... Judges
  32. Ali had also done it for the Prophet Muhammad. Abu Bakr felt that he should, nominate ,his successor so that the issue should not be a cause of dissension among the
  33. Familiaris (Layman Island, Hawaiian Islands, late 1910s): Miller bird, nominate ,subspecies * Hushing Polynesian Warbler, Acrocephalus coffer Garrett (Hushing
  34. Woodpecker, Meiglyptes tristis (Java, Indonesia,c. 1920): The, nominate ,subspecies of the Buff-rumped Woodpecker became rare during the 19th century
  35. Undulata (Norfolk Island, Southwest Pacific,1996): Individuals of the, nominate ,subspecies were introduced in a last-ditch effort to save the local owl
  36. Accepted butleri (Car Nicobar, Nicobar Islands,20th century? ): The, nominate ,subspecies of the Nicobar Sparrowhawk – which is currently listed as vulnerable
  37. Special edition to celebrate ten years of show. Enemy ex-housemates compete, nominate ,and will be evicted in pairs. There are also" test runs" with a group of
  38. Turnip sylvatica (Mediterranean region, late 20th century? ): The, nominate ,subspecies of the Small Button quail, last recorded in Spain in 1981. A few
  39. Mendeni Mendel (Belong, Indonesia,mid-20th century? ): Red-and-black Thrush, nominate ,subspecies * Kibble Black-eared Ground-thrush, Zoothera camaronensis kibalensis
  40. And lack of respect generated in his Italian allies. The belated expedient to, nominate ,Field Marshall Bestselling as Supreme Commander Mediterranean, to act as a
  41. Of Heads of State or Government and acting by a qualified majority, shall, nominate , the person it intends to appoint as President of the Commission’ ( emphasis
  42. For" fox" ), and a dark gray form. The tail of vulpine is paler than the, nominate ,form, and often quite rufous, recalling North American Red-tailed Hawk. The
  43. Of clergy. The aim was to deprive emperors and their under-lords the right to, nominate ,and invest bishops. The effect was to deprive lay kings power over the Church
  44. Migrants. They are: * B. b. charter: Madeira, doubtfully distinct from, nominate ,But The eastern vulpine group includes * B. b. vulpine (Steppe Buzzard):
  45. Southwest Texas to northern Mexico ** C. v. Virginians (Linnaeus,1758) -, nominate ,- Atlantic coast from Virginia to northern Florida and southeast Alabama ** C.
  46. Food and other essentials. At regular intervals, the housemates each privately, nominate ,a number of fellow housemates that they wish to see evicted from the house. The
  47. Blue Lord, Eos histrio (Sanger Archipelago, Indonesia,c. 1997): The, nominate ,subspecies of the Red and Blue Lord was hybridized out of existence by escaped
  48. To use as account names in place of actual user's names, and allowing users to, nominate ,their preferred word sequence within an acceptable use policy. Because
  49. Hall of Fame In 2002,professional gamblers around the world were invited to, nominate ,great blackjack players for admission into the Blackjack Hall of Fame. Seven
  50. Country can only submit one film per year. The members of the various branches, nominate ,those in their respective fields while all members may submit nominees for Best

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