Examples of the the word, nod , in a Sentence Context

The word ( nod ), is the 5112 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Bar Kochab decided to ask simple questions to which the dying man was able to, nod ,or shake his head with his last movements; the murderers were consequently
  2. Up at a party and people who have never read one thing he wrote will still, nod ,their heads knowingly and say,'Oh yes, John Updike. The writer. '" During
  3. Shake hands, as in Western societies, but **in the US, eye contact,a, nod ,of the head toward each other, and a smile, with no bowing; the palm of the
  4. An earlier Cincinnati Bengals team, which played from 1937 to 1941. It also was a, nod ,to Paul Brown's Rassilon, Ohio roots where he coached the high school team
  5. Of the university community are known to refer to the school as The Farm,a, nod ,to the fact that the university is located on the former site of Leland
  6. Official and Christian activist Alan Eyes had actively sought the Constitution, nod ,after ending a bid for the GOP nomination. The party has also attracted
  7. Of Gamma World was a supplement for the science-fiction game Alternate. (In a, nod ,to Gamma Worlds reputation for being repeatedly revised, the book's back cover
  8. To pitch down about 2 m at cockpit level. This motion was called the ", nod ,", or " twang" in NASA jargon. As the boosters flexed back into their original
  9. That the shaking and nod ding are not identical to the Western gestures. The ", nod ," for now is actually an upward movement of the head rather than a downward one
  10. The language of sportswriters, and used the pen name Ring Lardner, Jr. — a, nod ,to Ring Lardner of the Chicago Tribune whose byline was" Line O'Type ". Like
  11. In Padres uniforms since their inception were supplanted by navy blue,a, nod ,to the vintage 1940s PCL franchise colors. Shortly after the ownership change
  12. A respectful recognition of the Kansas City Monarchs of the Negro League and a, nod ,to the Kansas City Blues franchises of the Western League and American
  13. Are not generally considered part of the Cthulhu Mythos, either as a subtle, nod ,to Lovecraft or to create a connection to his world. In King's Quest VI, a
  14. Of the Unseen University and later Death's manservant Albert) is a sly, nod ,to Albert us Magnus in his more legendary and esoteric guise. Walter M. Miller
  15. Homer Stokes campaign. It has been suggested that the character's name is a, nod ,to novelist Howard Waldron, whose novella A Dozen Tough Jobs is one of the
  16. Gavin calls them children" Did 'Glen or Glenda' just call us children? ". A, nod ,to Xavin's often shapeshifting from a boy to a girl. The Golden Turkey Awards
  17. Then-New York City Mayor John Lindsay. The governor's name was Stone feller,a, nod ,to New York Governor Nelson Rockefeller. The George Washington Bridge was used
  18. Motion. What expands the qualities of further bodily response is a very subtle, nod ,forward to counteract a common backward startle pattern, coupled with an upward
  19. Named" Hemingway "; and the proliferation of bars called" Harry's" ( a, nod ,to the bar in Across the River and Into the Trees). A line of Hemingway
  20. Chapters. Burgess has stated that the total of 21 chapters was an intentional, nod ,to the age of 21 being recognized as a milestone in human maturation. The 21st
  21. Of two matching Doric-style stone gate-houses, like little temples (a, nod ,to Friedrich Gilly perhaps),facing each other across Leipziger Straße. The
  22. A democratically elected president—a pledge with mixed results. In a separate, nod ,to pressure to restore civilian rule, the government organized several
  23. Appearance in 1983. They were called" Saturday Night Specials ", in a derisive, nod ,to cheap handguns then called by that name and were worn for the first and last
  24. With umbrage will say of my work, ` He only wrote that to shock. ' I smile and, nod , Precisely. " Hearken Ahmed Celebs was a legendary Ottoman aviator of
  25. A Clockwork Orange, the protagonist of which is named Alex, but could also be a, nod ,to Plaster Crowley, whose original middle name was Alexander and who was
  26. To Renaissance in Italy was signalled by a trend toward naturalism with a, nod ,to classical sculpture. One of the most important sculptors in the classical
  27. Such as texting and internet blogging, to solve the crimes, and in a, nod ,towards changing social attitudes and broadcasting regulations, he has replaced
  28. Other stories in Mr. Ellison's book are not so dusty, either. " Her favorable, nod ,gave Ellison a foothold with both mainstream publishers and film producers, and
  29. The line" Houston,we've had a problem ". This 'replacement' astronaut was a, nod ,to Jack Swinger, who replaced Ken Mat tingly shortly before the actual launch in
  30. Of posts in Internet newsgroups about Doom led to the SPISPOPD joke, to which a, nod ,was given in the game in the form of a cheat code. In addition to news, rumors
  31. The Incas. The character was originally named" Indiana Smith" ( perhaps in a, nod ,to the 1966 Western film Nevada Smith),after an Alaskan Malamute Lucas owned
  32. By wearing throwback uniforms of the era for selected games. The uniforms are a, nod ,to the 1940s when the Bears won four NFL titles with Hall of Famers Danny
  33. Sabers, goes a step further and performs both anthems before every game,a, nod ,to Buffalo's location near the Canadian border and the team's substantial
  34. That God could work through scientific laws as much as through miracles, in a, nod ,to the religious concerns of his oldest friends. The Introduction establishes
  35. The right hand in a fist with the left hand open covering it with a slight, nod ,of the head. In India, it is common to see the greeting (" Namaste" or" Sat
  36. An insurance policy against Clark himself. Also, it is worth noting that, as a, nod ,to some Superman comics, Clark on rare occasions has displayed some resistance
  37. Years. When paired, they are often referred to as the" World's Finest" in a, nod ,to the name of the comic book series that features many team-up stories. In
  38. View that the world was filled with wonders. So the title itself is Davies ', nod ,to Oswald. *Some also argue that he was a major influence on Samuel P.
  39. Bull; Sharon Stone's white minidress in Casino). This may be a, nod ,to director Alfred Hitchcock. * Often uses long tracking shots. Example:
  40. Include Elton John's" Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word ", which makes," a, nod ,to the common practice ... by the use of F the leading-tone in G minor as the
  41. Played by London Wainwright III) was named Captain Calvin Spalding in a, nod ,towards Groucho's character in Animal Crackers, Captain Geoffrey T. Spaulding.
  42. To have Nicaraguan tourist cards or visas as Nicaragua alleged, but,in a, nod ,to the Nicaraguans, ruled Costa Rican boats and passengers have to stop at the
  43. Barbara Stanwyck's unforgettable femme fatale, Phyllis Dietrichson—an apparent, nod ,to Marlene Dietrich, who had built her extraordinary career playing such
  44. Africa, and to the streams of Michigan. The American West is given a symbolic, nod ,with the naming of the" Hotel Montana" in The Sun Also Rises and For Whom the
  45. Played with the aid of a bottleneck, coupled with singing that owed more than a, nod ,to the field hollers of the chain gangs. Describing House's 1967 appearance at
  46. Kansas City. " The eleven individual lines comprising the state line are a, nod ,to the number of players a team places on the field during a soccer match. The
  47. Louis, Billie,and Ella. The main character, Louis,plays a trumpet, an obvious, nod ,to Armstrong. In the original E. B. White book, he is referred to by name, by a
  48. The use of the drug is often referred to by characters as" reconning ". The, nod ,to retroactive continuity is a joke meant to be shared between the writers and
  49. Of Senators, instead of their appointment by the State Legislature. In a, nod ,to the less populist nature of the Senate, the Amendment tracks the vacancy
  50. In the tradition of Clint Eastwood's Unforgiven character, William Funny, is a, nod ,to the classic Western notion of nemesis, straight and true and terrible. The

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