Examples of the the word, colonial , in a Sentence Context

The word ( colonial ), is the 5113 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of April 18, 1775,General Gage sent 700 men to seize munitions stored by the, colonial ,militia at Concord, Massachusetts. Riders including Paul Revere alerted the
  2. Like Anthropology and the Colonial Encounter pondered anthropology's ties to, colonial ,inequality, while the immense popularity of theorists such as Antonio Gram sci
  3. To place Labor closer, intellectually and historically, to the 19th century, colonial ,liberals as the forerunners to the Labor Party over the conservatives of the
  4. From 1641 to 1648,where they allied with local peoples, consolidating their, colonial ,rule against the remaining Portuguese resistance. In 1648,a fleet under the
  5. What islands of the Malay Archipelago are Asian has been the location of the, colonial ,possessions of the various empires there (not all European). Lewis and Widen
  6. Of the British Empire brought Anglicanism along with it. At first all these, colonial ,churches were under the jurisdiction of the Bishop of London. After the
  7. 3,1959. The name" Alaska" ( Аляска) was already introduced in the Russian, colonial ,period, when it was used only for the peninsula and is derived from the Aleut
  8. The Alabama Claims. The U. S. experienced tense relations with Britain and its, colonial ,government in Canada in the aftermath of the war. Lingering resentment over the
  9. Missions, resulting in the creation, by the end of the century, of over ninety, colonial ,bishoprics; which gradually coalesced into new self-governing churches on the
  10. In the mid-1920s,schooling in Portuguese was slowly developed by the, colonial ,state as well as by Catholic and Protestant missions. The rhythm of this
  11. Their subjects so emigrating is one of the usual and recognized means of, colonial ,expansion. United States The doctrine that no man can cast off his native
  12. Had entered the war, British military forces moved quickly to capture French, colonial ,outposts there, capturing Pondicherry after two months of siege. The capture of
  13. Roads and other basic infrastructure for the nation. In the last decade of the, colonial ,period, Angola was a major African food exporter but now imports almost all its
  14. Newly appointed General Washington arrived outside Boston to take charge of the, colonial ,forces and to organize the Continental Army. Realizing his army's desperate
  15. During the late colonial period,1961–1974,so that by the end of the, colonial ,period children all over the territory (with relatively few exceptions) had
  16. Had at least some access to the Portuguese language. #In the same late, colonial ,period, the legal discrimination of the black population was abolished, and the
  17. While about a quarter adhere to the protestant churches introduced during the, colonial ,period: the Congregationalists mainly among the Ovimbundu of the Central
  18. But under the Treaty of Breda it was returned to English control. In this early, colonial ,period Anguilla sometimes served as a place of refuge. A Major John Scott who
  19. The latter being noted for its production of foodstuffs and rubber. The, colonial ,power, Portugal,becoming ever richer and more powerful, would not tolerate the
  20. Church of England had just the same legal position as any other church. Thus, a, colonial ,bishop and colonial diocese was by nature quite a different thing from their
  21. Newspapers) and education (taught from primary school),due to Algeria's, colonial ,history and can be regarded as being the de facto co-official language of
  22. Muslim nation in the north-west regions of South Asia, then under British, colonial ,rule, and later established the country of Pakistan in 1947. In 1934,he was
  23. 2002. The transformation industry that had come into existence in the late, colonial ,period collapsed at independence, because of the exodus of most of the ethnic
  24. Which remained linked to the crown, the Church of England began to appoint, colonial ,bishops. In 1787 a bishop of Nova Scotia was appointed with a jurisdiction over
  25. On one or more of these domains. Anthropology as it emerged amongst the Western, colonial ,powers (mentioned above) has generally taken a different path than that in
  26. In the world. Etymology The name" Angola" comes from the Portuguese, colonial ,name Rein ode Angola, appearing as early as Dias de Novais's 1571 charter. The
  27. A relief column is able to reach the British garrison in the Malakand region of, colonial ,India's North West Frontier Province. *1903 – Fall of the Ottoman Empire: an
  28. Then half of the population now lives, a mixed culture has been emerging since, colonial ,times - in Luanda since its foundation in the With century. In this urban
  29. War. *1715 – Pocotaligo Massacre triggers the start of the Damassé War in, colonial ,South Carolina. *1738 – Premiere in London, England,Great Britain of Serve, an
  30. 1930s,the architect Le Cor busier drew up plans for a complete redesign of the, colonial ,city. Le Cor busier was highly critical of the urban style of Algiers
  31. Trading with the Americans, exchanging Dutch arms and munitions for American, colonial ,wares (in contravention of the British Navigation Acts),primarily through
  32. Is located on a deep,semicircular bay and has been a port since the early, colonial ,period of Mexico’s history. It is a port of call for shipping and cruising
  33. Homelands of some of Anguilla's early African population. During the early, colonial ,period, Anguilla was administered by the British through Antigua, but in 1824
  34. New Guinea. As a subject of the Austro-Hungarian Empire resident on a British, colonial ,possession, he was effectively confined to New Guinea for several years. He
  35. With only temporary success before being abandoned due to disease. The Spanish, colonial ,leaders, in turn, could not completely eliminate British influences along the
  36. To the West Indies and in 1836 to Australia. By 1840 there were still only ten, colonial ,bishops for the Church of England; but even this small beginning greatly
  37. The rhythm of this expansion was considerably accelerated during the late, colonial ,period,1961–1974,so that by the end of the colonial period children all over
  38. d. 1561) *1605 – Cecilius Calvert,2nd Baron Baltimore, British, colonial , Governor of Maryland (d. 1675) *1646 – Godfrey Keller, German-born painter (
  39. By a profound, or Alan and became Negroes or Blacks. In the 20th century,the, colonial ,social structure gradually started to be phased out with the introduction of
  40. Driscoll, British automobile fatality *1897 – Sir William Nervous, British, colonial , administrator,Governor-General of New Zealand (b. 1821) *1901 – Edmond
  41. Purchased, or were given many important antiquities. Although the European, colonial ,occupation of Egypt destroyed a significant portion of the country's
  42. Just the same legal position as any other church. Thus, a colonial bishop and, colonial ,diocese was by nature quite a different thing from their counterparts back home
  43. Although since the beginning of the anti- colonial fight in 1961 the Portuguese, colonial ,authorities expelled a series of Protestant missionaries and closed mission
  44. Of Uniformity and was in standard use until the mid 20th century. With British, colonial ,expansion from the 17th century onwards, the Anglican church was planted around
  45. Family in pre- colonial times, and of Emir Abdelkader and Sheikh Ben Basis in, colonial ,times, are widely noted. The Latin author Apuleius was born in Madras (
  46. Creation of Pakistan. Early life He was born in Karachi (then under British, colonial ,rule),to Aga Khan II and his third wife, Nawab A'LIA Shamsul-Muluk, who was a
  47. Of racial/ethnic tensions which systematically excluded non-Whites. Within the, colonial ,framework established by the British soon after their initial settlement of
  48. Originated in this era as the study of the" human primitives" overseen by, colonial ,administrations. There was a tendency in late 18th century Enlightenment
  49. As second governor of Portuguese India conquered and established the Portuguese, colonial ,empire in the Indian Ocean. He is generally considered a world conquest
  50. Almost exclusively the largest metropolitan areas. However, during the, colonial ,period there was a large (15.2 percent in 1962) European population

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