Examples of the the word, trajectory , in a Sentence Context
The word ( trajectory ), is the 8871 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Imperial conquest is hard to say; he did, however,set in motion a historical, trajectory ,that in just a few short decades would lead to one of the largest empires in
- Carbines may suffer from a shorter effective range, more pronounced, trajectory , less power, and less effectiveness against body armor. Recently, kits have
- Homing torpedo or a Nuclear Depth Bomb (NDB) onto an unguided ballistic, trajectory ,toward the target. At a pre-determined point on the missile's trajectory , the
- Made out of pure gravitational fields, like a black hole, would move on a, trajectory ,which is determined by the Einstein equations themselves, not by a new law. So
- The photon sphere, any light that crosses the photon sphere on an inbound, trajectory ,will be captured by the black hole. Hence, any light reaching an outside
- Future trajectories. Thus, an arbitrarily small perturbation of the current, trajectory ,may lead to significantly different future behavior. However, it has been
- In the direction of and) and/or retracted; studies actually disagree on the, trajectory ,of the shift. For example, Labov and others. (2006) noted a backward and
- Ship about from the coast. It rose to a height of and as it began its downward, trajectory , the interceptor was launched and successfully achieved a kill. On July 26
- The Moon rising above the Earth's horizon, just as had been predicted by the, trajectory ,specialists. As they hit the thin outer atmosphere they noticed it was becoming
- It. This marked the first time humans could view the whole Earth at once. Lunar, trajectory ,Jim Lovell's main job as Command Module Pilot was as navigator. Although
- Path is almost planar with a constant climbing during the first half of the, trajectory ,and then a rather constant descent during the second half. From theoretical
- Time, a remarkable achievement in its own right. He set in motion a historical, trajectory ,that in few decades would lead to one of the largest empires in history.
- Despite mission replanning necessitated by Challenger's abort to orbit, trajectory , the Space lab mission was declared a success. The flight marked the first time
- Put a steady backspin on the ball to deaden its impact with the rim. The ideal, trajectory ,of the shot is somewhat arguable, but generally coaches recommend a proper arch
- And fan circuits. Mission notes Because Apollo 13 followed the free return, trajectory , its altitude over the lunar far side was approximately greater than the
- Acceleration is the time derivative of velocity or second time derivative of, trajectory ,or spatial position. Starting from knowing how an object is accelerating, we
- The turn, handle,or curl is the rotation of the stone, which gives it a curved, trajectory , * The line is the direction of the throw ignoring the effect of the turn. The
- Trajectory. If this area is compact,i.e. both closed and bounded, then the, trajectory ,either becomes stationary, or it approaches a limit cycle. Poincaré went
- Location. After being jettisoned, the Apollo 10 LM ascent stage flew on a, trajectory ,past the moon and into heliocentric orbit, making it the sole intact lunar
- Tract infection because of insufficient water intake. To avoid altering the, trajectory ,of the spacecraft, the crew had been instructed to temporarily stop urine dumps
- Atom to bend when it passes through a magnetic field. The radius by which the, trajectory ,of a moving ion is turned by the magnetic field is determined by the mass of
- Of archery; Emerge (Ἑκαέργη),represented distancing, Loxo (Λοξώ), trajectory , and Louis (Οὖπις),aim. In East Asia, Yi the archer features in several
- Nuclear, chemical,biological or conventional warheads in a ballistic flight, trajectory , The term" anti-ballistic missile" describes any antimissile system designed
- Of thousand, or millions of years before being perturbed onto an ejection, trajectory , Only a few hundred comets have been seen to achieve a hyperbolic orbit when
- Are self-navigating, and can fly on a non-ballistic, extremely low altitude, trajectory , They are distinct from unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) in that they are used
- Eastern Roman Empire (Byzantine Empire) and thus set in motion a historical, trajectory ,The Campaign of the Apostasy was fought and completed during the eleventh year
- Tabulated data),computers use a different approach. They simulate a shell's, trajectory ,by 'flying' it in short steps and applying data about the conditions affecting
- Therefore, the first order of business was to re-establish the free return, trajectory ,with a small burn of the LM descent propulsion system. The descent engine was
- Can land on the target with no warning. With traditional volleys along the same, trajectory , anybody at the target point will have a certain amount of time (however long
- Leading to large-scale phenomena. Had the butterfly not flapped its wings,the, trajectory ,of the system might have been vastly different. A consequence of sensitivity to
- Solar wind than is dust, following magnetic field lines rather than an orbital, trajectory , On occasions a short tail pointing in the opposite direction to the ion and
- To help speed the return. However, Apollo 13 had left its initial free return, trajectory ,earlier in the mission, as required for the planned lunar landing at Frey Mauro.
- Punch not found in every boxer's arsenal. Unlike the right cross, which has a, trajectory ,parallel to the ground, the overhand right has a looping circular arc as it is
- Of the vehicle and crew. The failed SOME resulted in an Abort To Orbit (ATO), trajectory , whereby the shuttle achieved a lower-than-planned orbital altitude. Mission
- Plans, first drawn up in 1966,were evaluated; the quickest was a Direct Abort, trajectory , which required using the Service Module engine to achieve a large change in
- Can be ionized by removing one of its electrons. The electric charge causes the, trajectory ,of an atom to bend when it passes through a magnetic field. The radius by which
- Landing site 2 (the Apollo 11 landing site). The lowest measured point in the, trajectory ,was above the lunar surface at 21:29:43 UTC. Mission highlights This dress
- Trajectory toward the target. At a pre-determined point on the missile's, trajectory , the payload separates from the missile and deploys a parachute to permit
- Found in what we now call the topological properties in the area containing the, trajectory , If this area is compact,i.e. both closed and bounded, then the trajectory
- Crater, it forms an expanding curtain in the shape of an inverted cone; the, trajectory ,of individual particles within the curtain is thought to be largely ballistic.
- It in short steps and applying data about the conditions affecting the, trajectory ,at each step. This simulation is repeated until it produces a quadrant
- Include power series and Fourier series. Calculus can be used to compute the, trajectory ,of a shuttle docking at a space station or the amount of snow in a driveway.
- Equations. As Galileo showed, the net result is parabolic motion, as in the, trajectory ,of a cannonball, neglecting air resistance. Circular motion An example of a
- To expand this time-horizon over which clinical engineers can influence the, trajectory ,of biomedical innovation. In their various roles, they form a" bridge "
- Events (compare: domino effect). Had the butterfly not flapped its wings,the, trajectory ,of the system might have been vastly different. While the butterfly does not "
- Occur, because the aiming of the arrow takes gravity into account to gauge the, trajectory , Consequently, with perfect aim, if the bow rotates on release, the effect will
- Of infilling matter) will grow over time, either setting it on an outward, trajectory ,escaping the black hole or on an inward spiral eventually crossing the event
- Because any dirt on the bottom of a stone or in its path can alter the, trajectory ,and ruin the shot. This is called a pickup or pick. The thrower throws from
- End where UN is the unit (inward) normal vector to the particle's, trajectory , and R is its instantaneous radius of curvature based upon the osculating
- Multiple Rounds Simultaneous Impact). This is because there is more than one, trajectory ,for the rounds to fly to any given target: typically one is below 45 degrees
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