Examples of the the word, annotate , in a Sentence Context

The word ( annotate ), is the 8869 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. To enter the amount when it becomes known. In many cases, it is possible to, annotate ,a check with a notional limit with a statement such as" amount not to exceed
  2. 5&ved=0CDsQqgIwBA Union Gettysburg veteran Error Cope was detailed to, annotate ,the battlefield's troop positions and his" Map of the Battlefield of
  3. Chesterton, was one of Gardner's favorite quotes. Felt that someone ought to, annotate ,them and suggested to a publisher that Bertrand Russell be asked; when the
  4. History, held an endowed chair. The Center launched a project to transcribe and, annotate ,the previously secret tapes made during the Kennedy, Nixon and Johnson
  5. Will require extensions to the Web Ontology Language (OWL) for example to, annotate ,conditional probabilities. This is an area of active research. Relationship to
  6. Of fantasy might hold some promise for his talents, and immediately began to, annotate ,his previously forgotten doodle. On January 26, 2007 it was reported that
  7. Salazar, Armenian-American musician Harold Hawaiian spent three years to mix, annotate , and package the four volume series, causing the ensemble to increase their
  8. Of Counting is less important in practice than the convenience of not having to, annotate ,variables known to have natural number values (or related kinds of values)
  9. It also declares another notation for a vendor-specific application, to, annotate , the " SGML" root element in the document. In both cases, the declared notation
  10. Maps at scales of 1:250,000 and 1:625,000,because of the overriding need to, annotate ,the features. Map projections The Earth being spherical, any flat
  11. Current name. However, some military records as late as the 1950s continued to, annotate ,the decoration by its previous name, and the medal was often referred to as “
  12. The metadata 1.0 specification is used to, annotate ,models with a variety of information; relevant references, authorship
  13. Scope of the currently executing context. For example, in C# or Java, one would, annotate ,these variables as 'volatile '. Note however that the C/C++" volatile "
  14. Depending on the vehemence of the technique, Hovhaness’s published scores, annotate ,these sections variously, for example as“ Free tempo / humming effect” (
  15. The results of protein X-ray crystallography, which helps researchers not only, annotate ,unknown parts of the human proteome, but importantly improves their
  16. Of markup in various contexts, see: * Markup language, a notation used to, annotate ,a document's content to give information regarding the structure of the text
  17. Core specifications as well as additional specifications for metadata, used to, annotate ,models and specify simulations. Cell ML 1.0
  18. In Japan, by law, newspapers using kanji outside the joy kanji list must, annotate ,them with fumigant. Names Japanese names are usually written in kanji. Because
  19. Metadata specifications Cell ML has several metadata specifications, used to, annotate ,models or provide information for running and/or visualizing simulations of
  20. Telemedicine conferences, where it can be used by both the near and far ends to, annotate ,precise details of microscopic images or other medical images that are under
  21. Surfaces and folds, e. g.; L1,L2. For convenience some geologists prefer to, annotate ,them with a subscript S, for example Ls1 to differentiate them from
  22. In GIS. Services such as Google Maps and Bing Maps allow users to access and, annotate ,maps and share the maps with others. Service-oriented architecture Recently GIS
  23. A plant, a fungus, a bacterium, an archaean, a protist or a virus) and to, annotate ,protein-coding genes and other important genome-encoded features. The genome
  24. Dactyl – one stressed syllable followed by two unstressed syllables (e.g., annotate , annotate ) * anapest – two unstressed syllables followed by one stressed
  25. Of the annotations. There are also web annotation systems which allow to, annotate ,PDF and other documents formats,e.g. A. annotate , crocodoc, WebNotes. In cases
  26. Sets. In order to test one's algorithm, developers should spend their time to, annotate ,all word occurrences. And comparing methods even on the same corpus is not
  27. Only under the thirty-year rule, the fact that government ministers now do not, annotate ,and sign documents creates the concerns that while government is open it is not
  28. LookS mart in exchange for equity. Features Furl enabled members to bookmark, annotate , and share web pages. Topics were used to categorize saved sites, similar to
  29. Since its introduction, it is still used in modern ATC as a quick way to, annotate ,a flight, to keep a legal record of the instructions that were issued, to allow
  30. T" - is a code frequently used by a customer service representative (CSR) to, annotate ,their notes and identify the source of a problem as the person who is reporting
  31. In a high level language program as an input and then transform the code and, annotate ,it with parallel code annotations (e.g. Open MP) or language constructs (e.
  32. Trademarks. JSML is primarily an XML text format used by Java applications to, annotate ,text input to speech synthesizers. Elements of JSML provide speech synthesizer
  33. To journalists and historians is that traditionally government ministers would, annotate ,and sign any major policy or report documents which they had seen. However this
  34. Listing and then convert sections from code to data and vice versa, rename, annotate , and otherwise add information to the listing, until it becomes clear what it
  35. May be used to reference non-XML data in an XML 1.1 document. For example, to, annotate , SVG images, in order to associate them with a specific renderer:
  36. For the Midget classes must therefore be pre-verified by using a verifier to, annotate ,the class files to enable the Mobile VM to then run the resulting byte codes.
  37. The above example into could also have the type EX. The simplest solution is to, annotate ,every module with its intended type, e. g.: Although abstract data types and
  38. Adobe Acrobat is one example of proprietary software that allows the user to, annotate , highlight, and add notes to already created PDF files. One UNIX application
  39. They define difficult words, draw attention to unusual facts, and otherwise, annotate ,the magazine's content. On the last page of each issue is the" Old Cricket
  40. On the display and allow him/her to approve/reject the proof and eventually, annotate ,it's using digital signature. All the ordering consideration are still valid.
  41. System (ARMS) processes navigational, altitude,time and camera signals to, annotate ,each picture with correct position, altitude,time, roll angle and other
  42. Or measure of success is imposed by the game: it simply allows cataloguing and, annotate ,the player's discoveries in a common database of stellar bodies called the
  43. To view their tracks, project their tracks on satellite images or other maps, annotate ,maps, and tag photographs with the geolocation in the EXIF metadata. Data types
  44. Which is a code frequently used by a customer service representative (CSR) to, annotate ,their notes and identify the source of a problem as the person who is reporting
  45. After many deliberations we have finally decided and resolved to apostille, annotate ,upon a certain petition presented by said Portuguese Jews that these people may
  46. Culminated in the book of the Persian scholar. Recent efforts aim to, annotate ,the entire Arabic Grammar of the Quran, using traditional syntax: Phonology
  47. Cryptozoic * Support" Reader enabling ", allowing Adobe Reader to save, sign or, annotate ,PDF files if the PDF file allowed Version 6 of the application was criticized
  48. Templates; i.e. plastic covers with holes for the keys, so the user could, annotate ,customized keys. Hewlett-Packard even sold a version of the calculator where
  49. Entirely on the content of the images to process queries, so you needn't, annotate ,images before querying the collection. It comes with a tool which lets you
  50. Allows the tablet pen to be used to select a portion of the screen and then, annotate ,it and save as a file or send in an email. * Ink Art: a painting application

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