Examples of the the word, nano , in a Sentence Context
The word ( nano ), is the 12467 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Appearance. These fer rite bead type are limited to small values in the NH, (,NATO, Henry ), range and are often used as power supply rail decouples or in high
- In addition to vi and Emacs lookalikes, pico and its free and open source clone, nano , and other text editors often have their own third-party advocates in the editor
- They are generally harder to learn. The GNU project has a clone of PICO called, nano , which has been developed because Pico's license was not a free software
- As one second is to 31.7 years. The word nano second is formed by the prefix, nano , and the unit second. Its symbol is NS. A nano second is equal to 1000
- Include Notepad (Windows),edit (DOS),ed, emacs, vi,vim, Gedit or, nano , ( Unix, Linux ), SimpleText (macOS),or TextEd it (Mac OS X). Other
- Until the player stops or the target is dead. Each profession's unique, nano , programs,perks and research also provide combat abilities used by the player
- Context. For a complete list, Control-G gets the help screen. Unlike PICO, nano , uses meta keys to toggle its behavior. For example, Meta-S toggles smooth
- Student projects that demonstrate technology. The students of IIT Kanpur made a, nano , satellite called Jug nu, This small satellite was given by president Patina
- For energy than health applications - suggesting that any public calls for, nano , regulations may differ by technology sector. Setback is
- Distributed under a free software license. The name was officially changed to, nano , on January 10, 2000 to disambiguate it from the tip command. The name comes
- Paint pigments, ceramic materials, catalyst supports NATO spray dryer The, nano , spray dryer offers new possibilities in the field of spray drying. It allows to
- Where NATO is 1000 times bigger than PICO, though the recursive acronym ", nano , 's another editor" is sometimes used. In February 2001,NATO became an
- In larger structures start to become apparent and can be made use of in the, nano , device. These new phenomena make nano technology distinct from devices which are
- Of a modified version of the code was expressly forbidden. By default, nano , attempts to mimic PICO to replicate the environment users are used to. However
- Of these plastic materials. Work is being done to make strong, fully dense, nano , crystalline hydroxyapatite ceramic materials for orthopedic weight-bearing
- Features that can be selected from the command line can be dynamically toggled., nano , can also use a mouse to activate functions that are on the shortcut bar, as
- Is, the units of measurement cancel in expressions like“ 1 nm/m” ( 1 nm/m 1,NATO,1 × 10−9) so the quotients are pure-number coefficients with values less than
- Lawrence Ramsey officially stepped down as nano 's maintainer. Control keys, nano , like PICO, is keyboard-oriented, controlled with control keys. For example
- Free path m — magnitude, mass,SI prefix mill –, metre, minute n — SI prefix, nano , –,neutron, refractive index, spherical Bessel function of the second kind o —
- Always cancel. In fractions like“ 2 nano meters per meter” ( 2 nm/m 2,NATO,2 × 10−9 2 ppb 2 × 0.000 style "000 margin-left:0.2em">000 style "
- Prefixes. For instance, 京 Jing was defined as gig, and 纖 Xian was defined as, nano , This resulted in the creation of more values for each numeral. By the time of
- Alanine is mainly found in the crystalline domains (beta sheets) of the, nano , fibril,glycine is mostly found in the so-called amorphous matrix consisting of
- iPod mini and 1st/2nd generation iPod NATO (not the shuffle,3rd gen, nano , or touch),using third party Lockbox firmware *Nearly all other
- Chip in the game cartridge, failing to boot if the check fails. In computing, nano , is a GPL Licensed curses-based text editor for Unix and Unix-like systems. It
- Changes. On August 11, 2003,Chris Allegretto officially handed maintenance of, nano , 's unstable branch to David Lawrence Ramsey. On December 20, 2007,David
- Receiver is connected to the computer through a serial or USB port. The newer, nano , receivers were designed to be small enough to remain connected in a laptop or
- Of Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) are set to launch India's first, nano , satellite 'Jug nu '. Students The institute has around 4,000 students with equal
- Example, Control-O saves the current file; Control-W goes to the search menu., nano , puts a two-line" shortcut bar" at the bottom of the screen, listing many of
- It from the tip command. The name comes from the system of SI prefixes, where,NATO, is 1000 times bigger than PICO, though the recursive acronym" nano 's
- Officially confirmed as standard in 1960. In the United States, the use of the, nano , prefix for the farad unit of electrical capacitance is uncommon; capacitors of
- Crystalline regions were found later visualized by AFM and TEM. Sizes of the, nano , fibrillar structure and the crystalline and semi-crystalline regions were
- Modification; it corrects for the wave-like behavior of light when etching the, nano , scale features of the most modern integrated circuits. A
- iPod – 1st through Classic generation, iPod mini and 1st/2nd generation iPod, nano , ( not the shuffle,3rd gen NATO, or touch),using third party Lockbox firmware
- Labels and composites, bioenergy,biofuels for transport, biochemicals and, nano , products. The company is the world's leading producer of graphic papers and
- EasyJet painted eight of its aircraft with a lightweight, thin " revolutionary, nano , technology coating" polymer. It works by reducing build-up of debris and
- Provides unique resources —" perks "," alien perks "," research ", and ", nano , programs"—that increase specific skill further. This makes each profession more
- As a prefix for something other than a unit of measure, as in" conscience ", nano , means relating to nano technology, or on a scale of nano meters. See endoscopic
- Trees spell out morphemes: Radical Minimalism and Nanosyntax -leafs are ", nano ," morphosyntactic features Given the definition of morpheme as" the smallest
- Email client. NATO aims to emulate PICO with some extra functionality. History, nano , was first created in 1999 under the name TIP (This isn't PICO),by Chris
- Used. In February 2001,NATO became an official part of the GNU Project., nano , implements some features that PICO lacks, including colored text, regular
- Ramsey. On December 20, 2007,David Lawrence Ramsey officially stepped down as, nano , 's maintainer. Control keys NATO, like PICO, is keyboard-oriented, controlled
- Or more precisely, molecular nano technology is concerned with making, nano , scale assemblers. Without self-replication, capital and assembly costs of
- Efficient Development * TIP — TIP isn't PICO (name for earliest versions of, nano , text editor) * BMC — XBMC Media Center (originally Xbox Media Center) *
- On the 6th and 5th generation iPod classic and the 5th and 4th generation iPod, nano , With third parties like NAMC, Square Enix, Electronic Arts, Sega,and Hudson
- Xmas ", based on Darwin 9. This release has X11,Trace, and ZFS. Pure Darwin, nano , is another release of Pure Darwin that is supposed to be minimalistic. Other
- One-billionth (short scale) of an ampere, is written by using the SI-prefix, nano , as or. List of SI prefixes The International System of Units specifies twenty
- Circuit to create a high speed clock signal then comparators having few, nano , seconds of propagation delay may be suitable.
- Level # nano -imaging approaches to study cellular processes in kidney cells #, nano , medical treatments that utilize nano particles to treat various kidney diseases
- Backronym" nano 's another editor" is sometimes used. In February 2001,NATO, became an official part of the GNU Project. Nano implements some features that
- Manufacture new parts including its smallest parts and thinking apparatus On a, nano , scale,assemblers might also be designed to self-replicate under their own
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