Examples of the the word, monument , in a Sentence Context

The word ( monument ), is the 5846 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The first time. His remains were later transferred to the Zentralfriedhof. His, monument ,is adorned by a poem written by Joseph Wall, one of his pupils: Rest in peace!
  2. Erected by his men, admirers,and the state of New York. There is an obelisk, monument ,at Arlington National Cemetery where he is buried, located about behind the Lee
  3. Rifle and attracts 10,000 monthly visitors. The museum serves as Russia's, monument ,to this world-renowned infantry weapon. Nadella Vechtomova, the museum
  4. Came about in 1634,when Cardinal Balding (Medici) contracted for a funeral, monument ,for his great-uncle, Pope Leo XI, the third of the Medici popes, who had
  5. The Society DES Gens DES Letters, a Parisian organization of writers, planned a, monument ,to French novelist Honor de Balzac immediately after his death in 1850. The
  6. Cygnet to Fredericksburg, Virginia,where he was to lay the cornerstone on a, monument ,near the grave of Mary Ball Washington, George Washington's mother. During a
  7. Medullas for example. The poet Horace dedicated an ode to the victory, while the, monument ,Trophy of Augustus near Monaco was built to honor the occasion. The capture of
  8. Birth. The house of his birth still stands in the middle of town and there is a, monument ,to him on Front Street. Doubleday's purported invention of baseball was such a
  9. Built in 1890 a summer palace with Achilles as its central theme, and it is a, monument ,to Platonic romanticism. The palace, naturally,was named after Achilles:
  10. Information rather than treasure. The council also supervises museums and, monument ,reconstruction programs designed to preserve the historical legacy of Egypt.
  11. Name ():" Now Absalom in his lifetime had taken and reared up for himself a, monument , which is in the king's dale: for he said, I have no son to keep my name in
  12. 14&t m Alexander Graham Bell Memorial Park, which features a broad neoclassical, monument ,built in 1917 by public subscription. The monument graphically depicts mankind
  13. And struggling with his expected fate. Rodin soon proposed that the, monument ,'s high pedestal be eliminated, wanting to move the sculpture to ground level
  14. From NASA, Van Headlock withdrew the sale offer. NASA ultimately showed the, monument ,on its Apollo 15 mission documentary, with no mention that it was unauthorized.
  15. Belief in the late 19th century, that the legend was recorded on a Civil War, monument ,in Maryland in 1897. The Doubleday Hill Monument, erected in Williamsport
  16. From the Chinese government),Audi Pesci Park, Güven Park (see above for the, monument ,), Kurtuluş Park (has an ice-skating rink),Altınpark (also a prominent
  17. 1950–55). The third is the artist's only reference to music, created for a, monument ,at Saint-Germain-en-Laye, Claude Debussy's birthplace. Maillol“ spoke Catalan
  18. World War II. His important public commissions include a 1912 commission for a, monument ,to Cézanne, as well as numerous war memorials commissioned after World War I.
  19. Around 1858. * Monument DES Martyrs (Manual E' Shahid): an iconic concrete, monument ,commemorating the Algerian war for independence. The monument was opened in
  20. Both locations and a Vivaldi" star" in the Viennese Musikmeile and a, monument ,at the Rooseveltplatz. Only three portraits of Vivaldi are known to survive: an
  21. Have ever lived. Many portraits and statues remain in Iran today. An impressive, monument ,to the life and works of the man who is known as the 'doctor of doctors' still
  22. The criminally insane for the rest of his life. Namesakes and honors There is a, monument ,to Doubleday at Gettysburg erected by his men, admirers,and the state of New
  23. In Kabul was named Great Massed Road, and just outside the US Embassy stands a, monument ,to Massed. The family has a great deal of prestige in the politics of
  24. Anatolia's earliest known civilization. The symbol derived from this, monument ,has been used as the logo of the city for a long time. Parks Ankara has many
  25. Yemen File: NORBERT, DERBYSHIRE Nicholas Fitzherbert. JPG|Alabaster tomb, monument ,to Sir Nicholas Fitzherbert Image: alabaster-satin spar. JPG|This brown
  26. S fascist forces during the Siege of Madrid in December 1936. There is a, monument ,to him in his native village. * English writer Honor Tracy lived there until
  27. Helen of Troy. Of the cenotaphs and funeral monument s the most splendid is the, monument ,to the archduchess Maria Christina, Duchess of Teacher, consisting of nine
  28. Theseus was regarded with fervent admiration. Canova's next undertaking was a, monument ,in honor of Clement XIV; but before he proceeded with it, he deemed it necessary
  29. Bathrobe, but even at the present day this statue impresses one as slang. " The, monument ,had its supporters in Rodin's day; a manifesto defending him was signed by
  30. Painter Titian in the church of Santa Maria Gloria DEI Far in Venice, now a, monument ,to the sculptor. Notable works Among Canova's heroic compositions, his Perseus
  31. Casey Museum Saudi) since 1963. In 1969, it was declared a historical artistic, monument ,of national interest. Municipal Garden It has since been converted into a
  32. Symbol of the Armada Shopping Mall is an anchor, and there's a large anchor, monument ,at its entrance, as a reference to the ancient Greek name of the city, Ἄγκυρα (
  33. And depicts Ataturk in uniform. Monument to a Secure, Confident Future This, monument , located in Given Park near Kızılay Square, was erected in 1935 and bears
  34. Alexander MacKenzie Housing Co-Operative Inc. in Narnia, Ontario. * A, monument ,is dedicated to his tomb in Lake view Cemetery, Sarnia, Ontario Supreme Court
  35. Among many others. Rather than try to convince skeptics of the merit of the, monument , Rodin repaid the Society his commission and moved the figure to his garden.
  36. 1939–1946. Haiti Monument Built in the 1970s on Shrine Square, this impressive, monument ,symbolizes the Haiti gods and commemorates Anatolia's earliest known
  37. Iconic concrete monument commemorating the Algerian war for independence. The, monument ,was opened in 1982 on the 20th anniversary of Algeria's independence. It is
  38. To the Asimov Institute of Cinematography in Moscow, Russia there is a, monument ,that includes statues of Tchaikovsky, Gennady Shpalikov and Vasily Shushing.
  39. Major written work on the subject. He is commemorated in the Valhalla temple,a, monument ,near Regensburg to the distinguished figures of German history. Until 1800
  40. Hanged by the British in Newport for his part in the 1798 rebellion. There is a, monument ,to him at the eastern end of Keel beach. * The artist Paul Henry stayed on the
  41. The pillar after his own name: and it is called unto this day,Absalom's, monument , " Absalom in art Fiction * Absalom, Absalom! Is the title of a novel by
  42. After these were completed, other two years were employed in finishing the, monument , and it was finally opened to public inspection in 1787. The work, in the
  43. Without qualification. The Acropolis was formally proclaimed as the preeminent, monument ,on the European Cultural Heritage list of monument s on 26 March 2007. The
  44. A broad neoclassical monument built in 1917 by public subscription. The, monument ,graphically depicts mankind's ability to span the globe through
  45. 2001 – Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore has a Ten Commandments, monument ,installed in the judiciary building, leading to a lawsuit to have it removed
  46. Form. The Burghers of Calais The town of Calais had contemplated an historical, monument ,for decades when Rodin learned of the project. He pursued the commission
  47. Third of the Medici popes, who had reigned for less than a month in 1605. The, monument ,was started in 1640,and mostly completed by 1644. The arrangement mirrors the
  48. In 1867. Forty years later, the state appointed Elisabeth Na to design a, monument ,and sculpture of him to be erected at his graveside. The Texas Historical
  49. Swordsmen, an act that caused David great sorrow. Memorial to Absalom Another, monument ,near Jerusalem (not the modern" Absalom Tomb" -" Had Avshalom" which is of
  50. To his people:" Turk! Be proud, work hard, and believe in yourself. " The, monument ,was depicted on the reverse of the Turkish 5 lira banknote of 1937–1952 and of

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