Examples of the the word, misconduct , in a Sentence Context

The word ( misconduct ), is the 9122 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. France and had worked there as a secretary. According to Vermont he found, misconduct , and continued to find it, from Amsterdam to the International office. Vermont
  2. Appendage" to the Yugoslav economy. Honda then began to accuse Yugoslavia of, misconduct ,: Joseph Stalin gave advice to Honda and stated that Yugoslavia was attempting
  3. Precepts are" To refrain from committing sexual misconduct . " However," sexual, misconduct ," (is not a religious matter as far as Buddhism is concerned. Buddhism teaches
  4. Upon the expiration of the two or five minutes, at which point the ten-minute, misconduct ,begins. In addition, game misconduct s are assessed for deliberate intent to
  5. Judiciary Council () — oversees the conduct of courts and judges, including, misconduct , and ethical violations In October 2011,Bolivia will hold its first judicial
  6. Be imposed by authority (in England supposedly by the Court of Chivalry) for, misconduct ,* Bird abatement, driving or removing undesired birds from an area * Dust
  7. Commons to expel a Member, but this power is exercised only in cases of serious, misconduct ,or criminal activity. In each case, a vacancy may be filled by a by-election in
  8. Jurisdiction, injecting bias into the proceeding or appearing to do so, juror, misconduct , etc. The failure to formally object at the time, to what one views as improper
  9. Unavailable to a party for some very significant reason such as prosecutorial, misconduct , In some systems, an appellate court will only consider the written decision of
  10. In the Duroc marijuana case. Bailey was found guilty of 7 counts of attorney, misconduct ,by the Florida Supreme Court. Bailey had transferred a large portion of Duroc
  11. Over the 2006 Duke University lacrosse case, was disbarred for prosecutorial, misconduct ,related to his handling of the case. Jack Thompson, the Florida lawyer noted
  12. Due to advantage being played, the offender may still be sanctioned for, misconduct ,at the next stoppage of play. Governing bodies The recognized international
  13. And ordinances, usually after a public hearing. They can also call for, misconduct ,investigations of Denver's departmental officials. Denver has a strong
  14. Was his belief in the plurality of worlds, as well as accusations of personal, misconduct , Bruno defended himself skillfully, stressing the philosophical character of
  15. He wrote many letters, pleading his innocence. In one, he apologized for his, misconduct , writing,“ I am prevented from returning to my atelier, which,alas, I should
  16. News reports appeared in the Los Angeles Times recounting allegations of sexual, misconduct ,from several individual women, six of whom eventually came forward with their
  17. The equestrian class would get to control a court that tried senators for, misconduct ,in provincial administration. In effect, the equestrians replaced senators
  18. Which made the magistrates the licensing authority, increased the penalties for, misconduct ,in public-houses and shortened the number of hours for the sale of drink. In
  19. In a fight with an opposing player who retaliates, and then receiving a game, misconduct ,after the fight. In this case, the player is ejected and two teammates must
  20. Unlike office holders (magistrates) who could be impeached and prosecuted for, misconduct , the jurors could not be censured, for they, in effect, were the people and no
  21. Which heard oral arguments in the case on September 30, 2010. Foreman and jury, misconduct ,(2008) In July 2008,it was revealed that Kent Arnold, the jury foreman on
  22. Cancellation of results in three constituencies (seven seats). Based on the, misconduct ,of these elections, the opposition boycotted the October 1997 presidential
  23. The conviction was set aside in April 2009 after evidence of prosecutorial, misconduct ,emerged. Republican Frank Murkowski held the state's other senatorial position
  24. 26,000 dangerous criminals and rapists ". Allegations of sexual and personal, misconduct ,During his initial campaign for governor, allegations of sexual and personal
  25. In the NHL, a team always has at least three skaters on the ice. Ten-minute, misconduct ,penalties are served in full by the penalized player, but his team may
  26. As a player who receives a fighting major is also assessed at least a 10 minute, misconduct ,penalty (NCAA and some Junior league) or a game misconduct penalty and
  27. Into Yuma and Shark. Other recent corruption issues include the sexual, misconduct ,and criminal charges of Beaufort West municipal manager Truman Prince, and the
  28. Activism against video games, was permanently disbarred for various charges of, misconduct , The action was the result of several grievances claiming that Thompson had
  29. James' handbook was that of a father's relation to his children. " Just as no, misconduct ,on the part of a father can free his children from obedience to the fifth
  30. The offender may still be sanctioned (see below) for any associated, misconduct ,at the next stoppage of play. If a defender violently attacks an opponent
  31. And David Tredinnick in the" cash for questions" scandal, the contemporaneous, misconduct ,as a minister by Neil Hamilton (who lost a consequent libel action against The
  32. During his initial campaign for governor, allegations of sexual and personal, misconduct ,were raised against Schwarzenegger, dubbed " Grope gate ". Within the last five
  33. The stereotyping and double standards that blacks typically endure. For alleged, misconduct ,during his governorship, Paula Jones brought a sexual harassment lawsuit
  34. A division called right action. For laymen this involves abstaining from sexual, misconduct , and for monks strict chastity.:" CMB" and" Cosmic background radiation "
  35. Awards. Umpires may also advance a free-hit by up to 10 m for dissent or other, misconduct ,after a penalty has been awarded; or, if the free-hit had been in the
  36. Entity in February 1978. Berg reorganized the movement amid reports of serious, misconduct , financial mismanagement, and established leaders having abused their positions
  37. Application of law, but it may also be possible to appeal on the basis of court, misconduct , or that a finding of fact was entirely unreasonable to make on the evidence.
  38. Was agreed on in advance. Failure to honor a safe word is considered serious, misconduct ,and could even change the sexual consent situation into a crime, depending on
  39. This was a crime in England. * In admiralty law, barratry is an act of gross, misconduct ,committed by a master or crew of a vessel which damages the vessel or its cargo
  40. Instruction. The third of the Precepts is" To refrain from committing sexual, misconduct , " However," sexual misconduct " ( is not a religious matter as far as
  41. Laptop during working hours. He was cleared of racism but found guilty of, misconduct ,by the General Teaching Council. His brother, Mark Walker, was suspended from
  42. Of lawsuits from RKO's minority shareholders, charging him with financial, misconduct ,and corporate mismanagement, became an increasing nuisance, especially because
  43. An injured person. Admiralty law In admiralty law, barratry is an act of gross, misconduct ,committed by a master or crew of a vessel which damages the vessel or its cargo
  44. Between Frontline and ABC's Media Watch. Much of the real life journalistic, misconduct ,reported on Media Watch later appeared on Frontline in fictionalized form. One
  45. Behavior, a player may receive a 10-minute penalty or even a match, misconduct , Forms Freebandy is a sport that developed in the 2000s from
  46. The trial was a spectacle, and was not centered around Hastings’ alleged, misconduct ,and crimes as had been Burke’s intent. Burke's indictment, fuelled by
  47. On the ice unless a minor or major penalty is assessed in conjunction with the, misconduct ,(a two-and-ten or five-and-ten). In that case, the team designates another
  48. Included" the right to choose our own governors, to cashier them for, misconduct , and to frame a government for ourselves ". Immediately after reading Price's
  49. Of documentary evidence, the panel accused Rosenthal of 13 separate acts of, misconduct ,and urged his disbarment in a 34-page unsigned opinion. The panel's findings
  50. From behind, many leagues, including the NHL have made this a major and gross, misconduct ,penalty. Another type of check that accounts for many of the player to player

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