Examples of the the word, delight , in a Sentence Context

The word ( delight ), is the 3768 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In Paris when it was first exhibited. He said he wanted to create art to, delight ,; art as a decoration was his purpose, and it can be said that his use of bright
  2. Thomas Aquinas and Jonathan Edwards wrote that the saved in heaven will, delight ,in the suffering of the damned. Hell, however,does not fit modern
  3. First drawn to fungi because of their colors and evanescence in nature and her, delight ,in painting them, her interest deepened after meeting Charles McIntosh, a
  4. Lead by a score of fifteen to eight, to the great surprise of the crowd and the, delight ,of the Rockford's. The Nationals tried hard to recover the lost ground. The
  5. Praised the actor's acting—the hunger in his face when he saw the soup,the, delight ,in the child, and the grief when looking at the dead woman. Of course, the shot
  6. And the morality of slavery. During the censure debate, Adams said that he took, delight ,in the fact that southerners would forever remember him as" the acutest, the
  7. Infantry Division,1st Cavalry Division and“ Col. Voice” Detachment). To the, delight ,of the Soviet forces and the dismay of the Third Reich, the prisoners included
  8. And popular art are Sangs, dramas,ballads and songs in which they take great, delight , Regarding eating habits, there is an idiom that says, Hara-Bhara Haryana
  9. Which leads to renewed existence, accompanied by delight and lust, seeking, delight , here and there, that is, craving for sensual pleasures, craving for existence
  10. Is always there to harbor and nurture those who turn to him for help and take, delight ,in his presence ". The Middle Ages, between the 5th and 15th centuries, ushered
  11. Boorish, the food bad, and the monastic quarters" abominable ". Neither did he, delight ,in the pleasures of the" Eternal City ", finding the Italian opera of
  12. Is a confection made from starch and sugar, essentially similar to the Turkish, delight , A variation from Series is called Alkanes. Leukemia are flavored with various
  13. Of nightmarish career out of his enthusiasm for listenable records and his, delight ,in writing long and facetious essays. " In his posthumously published
  14. Works are distinguished by a facility of verbal invention and a poet's, delight ,in the sounds of words, both real and imaginary. A stuffed rhinoceros becomes a
  15. To blame for this turn of events. An observer reported in 1602 that" Her, delight ,is to sit in the dark, and sometimes with shedding tears to bewail Essex ".
  16. Has suffered a calamitous disaster" in a CBC interview, could not conceal his, delight ,at Stanfield's humiliation, and especially gloated at the defeat of Camp, who
  17. View to publishing. Allies confessed to being a science fiction author, to the, delight ,of the publishers, who had a number of science fiction fans in high places, and
  18. Only minutes before taking the stage, much to McCartney's astonishment and, delight , While on tour in Sweden in 1967,Hendrix jammed with the duo Hanson &
  19. Personal quest—a pathless journey of questioning, discovery,and ultimately of, delight ,and joy in a life to which he said," Yes" *Sukhavati: A Mythic Journey—This
  20. At the Audi, much to the shame of the Senate, whom he loathed, and the probable, delight ,of the populace at large. He fought as a sector, styling himself" Hercules
  21. There is also a long string of roadside kiosks selling the local Turkish, delight , Anyone is also an important railroad junction between Izmir, Konya, Ankara and
  22. The third movement of Op. 50 No. 1. Much of the music was written to please and, delight ,a prince, and its emotional tone is correspondingly upbeat. This tone also
  23. Trek: Deep Space Nine episode" The Siege of AR-558" ( November 1998). To his, delight , he played a human character who assists Ezra DAX in turning cloaked Dominion
  24. On some trails, not at Goose Rock or Coypus Point. The beaches are a, delight ,to explore. West Beach is the most popular, with a parking lot for over 200
  25. A book called De re anatomical in which he described the" seat of woman's, delight ,". Disregarding females' awareness of their own bodies, Colombo concluded,"
  26. Used in French.; ooh la la!:" Bowie! " Expression of exaggerated feminine, delight ,; variation of an expression more commonly used by the French," oh là! "
  27. Rebelled against British rule. The British public was outraged and took, delight ,in bloody vengeance, including mass-killings of civilians. Punch was no
  28. Names of the participants: Naomi, which means" my gracious one" or" my, delight ," later asks to be called Mara," the bitter one "; her two sons are Marlon,"
  29. 57 BC, landing at Brunssum. He was greeted by a cheering crowd, and,to his, delight , his beloved daughter Julia. Cicero tried to reintegrate himself into politics
  30. Here discovered an author exactly after my own heart, whom I am sure you would, delight ,in, W. B. Yeats. He writes plays and poems of rare spirit and beauty about our
  31. His brother and I were in the old time, of what we felt and thought; and their, delight ,in the Christmas-trees is not less than ours used to be ". A woodcut of the
  32. Clever as he. It is clear, even in his earliest works, he often took fiendish, delight ,in terrifying those who were either too lazy, too bigoted, or too slow-witted
  33. Suffering: it is this craving which leads to renewed existence, accompanied by, delight ,and lust, seeking delight here and there, that is, craving for sensual
  34. War’s dreadful and tumultuous roar. The human blood, and swords, and spears, delight , and the dire ruin of mad savage fight. Stay furious contests, and avenging
  35. In 2003,Chris Coleman was soon appointed as caretaker manager, much to the, delight ,of the fans. Having initially denied he wanted the post, Coleman accepted the
  36. Out the original from the copies, a feat Sir Thomas Roe could not do, to the, delight ,of Jahangir. Jahangir was also revolutionary in his adaptation of European
  37. A wood mouse, reflect her increasing participation in village life and her, delight ,in country living. Owning and managing these working farms required the routine
  38. 2005,Crystal Palace were relegated at The Valley after a 2-2 draw much to the, delight ,of Charlton fans, who revealed in Palace's misfortune, after the match there
  39. Queen to King George III. In 1832 a young Queen Victoria wrote about her, delight ,at having a Christmas tree, hung with lights, ornaments,and presents placed
  40. Include a multitude of unique exhibits, each promoting the understanding and, delight ,of the visual arts as well as attempt to incorporate a vast interaction between
  41. What many thoughtless people seem to believe, dandyism is not even an excessive, delight ,in clothes and material elegance. For the perfect dandy, these things are no
  42. Aquitanian messengers, upon their departure he became overjoyed, stammering in, delight , Rather than act as guardian to the Duchess and duchy, he decided, he would
  43. And the creatures of the warren were protected by the king 'for his princely, delight ,and pleasure '. The subject of warning on Dartmoor was addressed in Eden
  44. Pleasure minus pain). Etymology The name derives from the Greek word for ", delight ," (hedonism from redone" pleasure ", a cognate of English sweet + suffix
  45. With them various books, engravings,and paintings and, when they saw the, delight ,Akbar held for them, sent for more and more of the same to be given to the
  46. S purr,telephone's ring,telephone's buzz, a baby's moans, a shout of, delight , a screech from a 'flat wheel ', hoarse honks, a hoarse voice, a tinkle, a
  47. To buy a wide body of disinterested experts. Second, he notes that human beings, delight ,in a sense of wonder, and this provides a villain with an opportunity to
  48. To see his young grandsons, the children of Matilda and Geoffrey. He took great, delight ,in his grandchildren, but soon quarrelled with his daughter and son-in-law and
  49. Sunday format that would permit more panel flexibility. To my surprise and, delight , Universal responded with an offer to market the strip as an unbreakable half
  50. Force. They are: #Peace, love and friendship to all. #Appreciation, respect and, delight ,for the achievements of others. #Compassion to souls who are suffering.

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