Examples of the the word, pharmaceutical , in a Sentence Context

The word ( pharmaceutical ), is the 3766 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In specific sectors, following the example of the software and semiconductor, pharmaceutical ,and medicine product, and capital goods sectors. Mergers & Acquisitions Between
  2. To form more than one crystal structure, is important in the development of, pharmaceutical ,ingredients. Many drugs are receiving regulatory approval for only a single
  3. Akira Data, via reduction of ephedrine using red phosphorus and iodine. The, pharmaceutical ,Perdition was a tablet of methamphetamine which was available in Germany from
  4. Been generally approved for the purpose. Boron is used as an intermediate in, pharmaceutical ,synthesis, but it appeared as an active element in its first-approved organic
  5. Matter is damaging to growth, prosperity,and liberty ". The court cases by 39, pharmaceutical , companies against South Africa's 1997 Medicines and Related Substances Control
  6. Effects associated with SSRIs. This had led to litigation against many of the, pharmaceutical ,manufacturers of SSRI anti-depressants in cases covering suicidality, SSRI
  7. Methods Medical" Medical abortions" are non-surgical abortions that use, pharmaceutical ,drugs, categorically called abortifacients. In 2005,medical abortions
  8. Not made until five years later because of challenges from the food animal and, pharmaceutical ,industries. Today, there are two federal bills (S. 549 and H. R. 962) aimed
  9. Which recently streamlined its production and was purchased by the Swiss, pharmaceutical ,firm Roche; the BOSCO oil facility, also in Freeport, which transships oil in
  10. To relieve poverty. These include companies that pollute heavily, and, pharmaceutical , companies that do not sell into the developing world. In response to press
  11. Select, and Select in Mexico). Seminole was developed by the Danish, pharmaceutical ,company H. Sundeck. Like the other atypical antipsychotics, it is believed to
  12. Body NIGH published the results of a major independent (not funded by the, pharmaceutical ,companies) multi-site, double-blind study (the KATIE project). This study
  13. Very important. The region's leading industries today are textiles, chemical, pharmaceutical , motor, electronic,printing, logistics,publishing, telecommunications and
  14. Desserts, juices,laxatives, chewable vitamins supplements, milk drinks, pharmaceutical ,drugs and supplements, shake mixes, tabletop sweeteners, teas,instant coffees
  15. Is also an increase in conspiracy theories toward conventional medicine and, pharmaceutical ,companies, mistrust of traditional authority figures, such as the physician
  16. Potential for treating severe, treatment-resistant depression of any known, pharmaceutical ,in a small study that is generally recognized and was published in 1995,but
  17. Very much a hybrid sub-discipline (as many BME fields are). Aside from those, pharmaceutical ,products directly incorporating biological agents or materials, even developing
  18. In animals, biotechnology techniques are being used to improve genetics and for, pharmaceutical ,or industrial applications. Molecular biology techniques can help drive
  19. Under a $63.8 million Proposed Settlement. The lawsuit won the claim that, pharmaceutical ,maker GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) promoted Pail or Pail CR for prescription to
  20. Stream. Pfizer, once the city's second-largest employer, operated a large, pharmaceutical ,research facility on the northeast side of Ann Arbor. On January 22, 2007
  21. Suffered from the kind of depression that these new drugs would treat, and, pharmaceutical , companies were not enthusiastic. Sales through the 1960s remained poor compared
  22. 1970-1990. Moved to Oakland in the 1990s,closed in 2004. *Cutter Laboratories, pharmaceutical ,company bought out by Bayer in the 1970s *The Nature Company, former nationwide
  23. Addition of antibiotics to the feed of livestock. Also, unsound practices in the, pharmaceutical ,manufacturing industry can contribute towards the likelihood of creating
  24. Ataraxic ". In 1953 Frederik F. Workman, a chemist at the Swiss based CIA, pharmaceutical ,company, first used the term tranquilizer to differentiate reserpine from the
  25. Derrick, Maryland,where UNAFRAID is currently based; the first director was, pharmaceutical ,executive George W. Merck. Some biological and chemical weapons research and
  26. Retarded or prevented entirely. Bottles of high-purity chemicals and certain, pharmaceutical ,products are available in sealed bottles or ampules packed in argon. In wine
  27. American Psychiatric Association guidelines advise adding a different kind of, pharmaceutical ,agent to the antidepressant. Studies suggest that most patients fail to achieve
  28. Applications. Analytical chemistry plays an increasingly important role in the, pharmaceutical ,industry where, aside from QA, it is used in discovery of new drug candidates
  29. International business transactions; e.g., bioprospecting and biopiracy in the, pharmaceutical ,industry; the fair trade movement; transfer pricing. *Issues such as
  30. And Jean DuBois merged Paracelsus alchemy with occultism, teaching laboratory, pharmaceutical ,methods. The schools they founded, Les Philosophes de la Nature and The
  31. Has broadened considerably. The pipeline of new antibiotics is drying up. Major, pharmaceutical ,companies are losing interest in the antibiotics market because these drugs may
  32. Genomics, and proteomics, and forms a key component in the biotechnology and, pharmaceutical ,sector. * Blue biotechnology is a term that has been used to describe the
  33. Bulgaria has traditions in astronomy, physics,nuclear technology, medical and, pharmaceutical ,research, and maintains an Antarctic exploration program by means of an
  34. Caribbean states. The Bahamas has a few notable industrial firms: the Freeport, pharmaceutical ,firm, PFC Bahamas (formerly Syntax),which recently streamlined its
  35. Newer antipsychotics for these); issues with the design of trials (including, pharmaceutical ,company funding of most of them, and inadequate experimental" blinding" so
  36. The number of panic attacks and had fewer side effects. Over-the-counter, pharmaceutical ,drugs Camilo is a prodrug formed by combining niacin with GAZA that is able
  37. BMW builds motorcycles in Berlin. Bayer Health Care and Berlin Cherie are major, pharmaceutical ,companies headquartered in the city. The second-largest German airline Air
  38. UK psychiatrists/pharmacologists, with financial and professional links to, pharmaceutical ,companies, argued that short-term approval trials are not very suitable for
  39. California to be dubbed the" nerd bird. " Austin is also emerging as a hub for, pharmaceutical ,and biotechnology companies; the city is home to about 85 of them. Whole Foods
  40. The JAVA article did not disclose that several authors had financial ties to, pharmaceutical ,companies making antidepressants. The JAVA later published a correction noting
  41. Per year. In the US, the government has initiated legal action against the, pharmaceutical ,company Johnson & Johnson for allegedly paying kickbacks to Omnivore to promote
  42. Since most BME-related professions involve scientific research, such as in, pharmaceutical ,and medical device development, graduate education is almost a requirement (as
  43. Bryostatins can be extracted from the marine Bryozoa Bugle meriting. In 2001, pharmaceutical , company GPC Biotech licensed Myostatin 1 from Arizona State University for
  44. In Afghanistan. Clinton was subsequently criticized when it turned out that a, pharmaceutical ,plant in Sudan (originally alleged to be a chemical warfare plant) had been
  45. The carbon chain). Lipids, especially phospholipids, are also used in various, pharmaceutical ,products, either as co-solubilisers (e.g. in parenteral infusions) or else
  46. Limited, poorly reported and probably biased in favor of risperidone due to, pharmaceutical ,company funding of trials. Another Cochrane review in 2009,of bipolar disorder
  47. Against Berkeley accepting a multimillion dollar research grant from the Swiss, pharmaceutical ,company, Novartis. However, further research confirmed initial findings
  48. Require serious attention and that such effects were not clearly tested for by, pharmaceutical ,companies prior to obtaining approval for placing the drugs on the market.
  49. Common imaging equipment such as MRIs and EEG's, regenerative tissue growth, pharmaceutical ,drugs and therapeutic biological. Subdisciplines within biomedical engineering
  50. Enforcement—worldwide, as well as strengthened demand for medical and, pharmaceutical ,products to cope with an aging, and ailing, U. S. population. Rising demand

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