Examples of the the word, pages , in a Sentence Context

The word ( pages ), is the 3773 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Then to read the drafts of her new novel, Atlas Shrugged, as the manuscript, pages ,were written. In 1954 Rand's close relationship with the much younger
  2. And immediately before years labeled post Chris tum (AD) on the mean motion, pages ,in his Tabulæ Astronomicæ, thus adding the designation 0 to Kepler's Christi.
  3. With Disabilities Act. Journal of Political Economy, volume 109 (2001), pages ,915–957. * Bush, George H. W., Remarks of President George Bush at the Signing
  4. Situation to Speer, who responded by suggesting to Walters that the relevant, pages ,of the original Chronicle should" cease to exist ". Walters did not destroy
  5. Young men. A Gold Book is so named because of the gold leaf that decorates its, pages , * Sculpture: Warhol's the most famous sculpture is probably his Brillo Boxes
  6. Permits easy display of presentations created in Abi Word on" screen-sized ", pages , is another feature not often found in word processors. However, due to the
  7. While his one-time acolytes The Rolling Stones and Cream made the front, pages ,of music magazines all over the world, Korner was relegated to the role of
  8. That had been necessary in 7-bit codes. For example, IBM developed 8-bit code, pages , such as code page 437,which replaced the control-characters with graphic
  9. Mode under DOS they are used to giving 256 glyphs from one of the IBM PC code, pages ,(Code page 437 by default),16 foreground colors,8 background colors, and a
  10. By Sun Microsystems. The format was common on Next systems and on early Web, pages , Originally it was headerless, being simply 8-bit µ-law-encoded data at an 8000
  11. Or family members with the same first names, and (in lower case) to number, pages ,in prefatory material in books. Adoption in Russia Cyrillic numerals were a
  12. College students, particularly those of the left wing, some of whom set up fan, pages ,on the web to document DiFranco's career as early as 1994. DiFranco's rapid
  13. The Weissmuller theory. In 1983, he wrote a huge extended manuscript (about 600, pages , ) entitled Pursuing Stacks, stimulated by correspondence with Ronald Brown, (
  14. Became a twice-monthly title with Dan Scott as sole writer. Eight additional, pages ,were added per issue. These were initially published under the banner of" "
  15. Connected through ACS DMA port, used ST's memory and processor to build, pages ,for printing * SLM605 - Laser printer, connected through ACS DMA port, smaller
  16. Sholokhov was indeed the likely author of Don. And in 1987,several thousand, pages ,of notes and drafts of the work were discovered and authenticated. During the
  17. Benefits of Exercise Once the purpose of medicine has been set forth, then from, pages ,377-455,In Sing divides the way of achieving health as: Exercise itself is
  18. Runner),with full conversational capabilities that incorporated thousands of, pages ,of the author's works. In 2005,the PKD android won a first place artificial
  19. Of pictures that vary gradually from one page to the next, so that when the, pages ,are turned rapidly, the pictures appear to animate by simulating motion or some
  20. Works, Les Derivates. Written in 1991,this latter opus of about 2000, pages , further developed the homo topical ideas begun in Pursuing Stacks. Much of this
  21. If this method is used then the art becomes known as ANSI art. The IBM PC code, pages ,also include characters intended for simple drawing which often made this art
  22. Reich, and which Walters arranged to have transcribed onto 1,100 typewritten, pages , He was also able to send letters and financial instructions, and to obtain
  23. Et al. (2003); the correspondence table of these clusters spans almost 7, pages , in their book (83–89),and most clusters are only found in one or a few of
  24. Of this group, divided by profession. This information is derived from the IMDB, pages ,for Kurosawa’s films and Stuart Galbraith’s IV’s filmography: Composers: Audio
  25. Mod_GZIP, implemented to help with reduction of the size (weight) of web, pages ,served over HTTP. Security is an open source intrusion detection and
  26. Into the slave-master's devilish clutches" as" belonging to the blackest, pages ,of mankind's criminal record ". Schopenhauer additionally maintained a marked
  27. Of rivers. *. The chasing a light beam thought experiment is described on, pages ,48–51. * Collected Papers: Further information about the volumes published so
  28. Unrelated secrets along the way, sometimes over the course of thirty or so, pages , The murders are often extremely ingenious, involving some convoluted piece of
  29. AMIS, a 60 pages comic book made up of various short stories (from one to four, pages ,). It was a tribute to Albert Uderzo on the occasion of his 80th birthday by 34
  30. While the Chicago Tribune concluded:" It's as though he turned back the, pages ,of an old diary and told, with rekindled emotion, of the pangs of pain and the
  31. About 100 treatises were ascribed to In Sing. Some of them are tracts of a few, pages , Others are works extending through several volumes. His 14-volume The Canon of
  32. Ministry after his mission. Also, at the back of Conrad's checklist were two, pages ,of pre-prepared complex geological terminology, added as a joke to give him the
  33. Knowledge and Research Center for Alternative Medicines) home page, see the, pages ,on Statistics: http://www.vifab.dk/uk/alternative+medicine/statistics Use among
  34. AA drew its name. Informally known as" The Big Book" ( with its first 164, pages , virtually unchanged since the 1939 edition),it suggests a twelve-step program
  35. Exist an infinite number of times on the" preceding" and the" following ", pages ,of the Book of the Universe. Yet this should not minimize our sacred endeavors
  36. University's Albert Einstein Archives, told the BBC that there are about 3,500, pages , of private correspondence written between 1912 and 1955. Einstein bequeathed
  37. As a popular philosopher. After completing the novel of more than one thousand, pages , however, Rand fell into a severe depression that may have been aggravated by
  38. Online services with Mobile Me (formerly. Mac) that bundles personal web, pages , email, Groups,disk, backup,sync, and Learning Center online tutorials.
  39. Increasingly paranoid and would sequester himself to his palaces. In the final, pages ,of his account of the life of ABD Brahman, writer Al-Jazari mentions that
  40. Editions Albert René released a tribute volume titled Asterix et SES AMIS, a 60, pages , comic book made up of various short stories (from one to four pages ). It was
  41. Proved Sholokhov's authorship. The writing paper dates back to the 1920s: 605, pages , are in Sholokhov's own hand, and 285 are transcribed by his wife Maria and
  42. Also play media in formats that are not natively supported by the browser HTML, pages ,may embed parameters that are passed to the applet. Hence, the same applet may
  43. Panorama even stated that the king was cured of an illness when a few, pages ,of Quintus Curtis Rufus' history of Alexander the Great were read to him.
  44. Relating to age of consent can be found, organized by region, on the following, pages ,: There are no specific age of consent laws in the Antarctic. In the unlikely
  45. Themselves are divided into 'strenuous, mild,vigorous and brisk '. On, pages ,379-381; In Sing states the types of exercises under each type: There are
  46. Show so much interest in a Vietnam veteran, forwarded more than a thousand, pages ,of information on Agent Orange and the effects of dioxin on animals and humans
  47. Based on several sources including bibliographic of In Khan, provides,on, pages ,26 and 29 of his book, information on the geographical distribution of Sahara
  48. All (except Gun, who acted as“ referee” ) would work on exactly the same, pages ,of the script, and Kurosawa would choose the best-written version from the
  49. In Microsoft Windows, the phrase" ANSI" refers to the Windows ANSI code, pages ,(even though they are not ANSI standards). Most of these are fixed width
  50. May was not interested initially but agreed to try. " They want a book of 200, pages , or more ", Alcott told his daughter. The result was Little Women, published

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