Examples of the the word, hunter , in a Sentence Context

The word ( hunter ), is the 3772 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Would pursue the wolf, attack its neck from both sides, and hold it until the, hunter ,arrived. The classic kill was by the human hunter with a knife. Wolf trials are
  2. Differs markedly from hunting with firearms as the distances between the, hunter ,and the game are much shorter in order to ensure a humane kill. The skills and
  3. Later sent a bear to hurt Atalanta because people said Atalanta was a better, hunter , This is in some stories. Among other adventures, Atalanta participated in the
  4. Of flint scatters being discovered by archaeologists, indicating that these, hunter ,gatherers practiced flint snapping in the region. During the Neolithic era
  5. In most of these cases, the Beagle is employed as a gun dog, flushing game for, hunter ,'s guns. They are also used for this purpose in a number of other countries
  6. Grow as tall as 17 hands. There are two main body types: the stock type and the, hunter ,or racing type. The stock horse type is shorter, more compact, stocky and well
  7. Alicante has been inhabited for over 7000 years, with the first tribes of, hunter ,gatherers moving down gradually from Central Europe between 5000 and 3000 BC.
  8. Her constant doting on Adonis. Although boars are dangerous and will charge a, hunter ,if provoked, Adonis disregards Aphrodite's warning and pursues the giant
  9. The Battle of Britain (d. 1970) *1887 – Deny's Finch Patton, English big-game, hunter ,(d. 1931) *1889 – Stafford Crimps, British politician (d. 1952) * 1889 –
  10. As Diodorus Siculus noted, and was punished, in part for transgressing the, hunter ,'s" ritually enforced deference to Artemis" ( Lacy 1990:42). Names of the
  11. Has earned them the nickname," the world's the fastest athlete. " The show, hunter ,type is slimmer, even more closely resembling a Thoroughbred, usually
  12. S sister, whereas in Euripides' Bacchus he has boasted that he is a better, hunter ,than Artemis: Further materials, including fragments that belong with the
  13. Knew the star as Totyerguil. The Murray River was formed when Totyerguil the, hunter ,speared Trout, a giant Murray Cod, who,when wounded, churned a channel across
  14. He killed a sacred stag in a sacred grove and boasted that he was a better, hunter ,than the goddess. When the Greek fleet was preparing at Rules to depart for
  15. The story of where the Bodhisattva was born as son of two blind parents,a, hunter ,and his wife. CAVE 11 TRANSITION FROM HINAYANA TO MAHAYANA: The Buddha in
  16. Of the Leech Lake Band * Buffalo Bill (1845–1917),American soldier, buffalo, hunter , and showman * Buffalo Bob Smith (1917–1998),host of the children's show
  17. Sides present various arguments to substantiate their viewpoints. Moreover,a, hunter ,defends his profession in a long discourse. Most of the arguments proposed in
  18. And photographer (b. 1818) *1883 – John" Jack" Russell, English parson, hunter ,and dog breeder (b. 1795) *1905 – Fitzhugh Lee, American Confederate general
  19. Whiskers worn in male’s ears represented a trophy, which meant he was a good, hunter , Worn for decorative reasons, and sometimes to signify social standing
  20. Others, John Heath has observed," The unalterable kernel of the tale was a, hunter ,'s transformation into a deer and his death in the jaws of his hunting dogs.
  21. Modern game archery owes much of its success to Fred Bear, an American bow, hunter ,and bow manufacturer. Eighteenth century revival At the end of the eighteenth
  22. Sides, and hold it until the hunter arrived. The classic kill was by the human, hunter ,with a knife. Wolf trials are still a regular part of the hunting diploma for
  23. And independence. Unlike some other sight hounds, the Arawak is more of a pack, hunter ,and they bump down the quarry with hindquarters when it has been tired out. In
  24. Of the gods and tombs. In legend, Amarynthus (a form of Amaranths) was a, hunter ,of Artemis and king of Europa; in a village of Amaranths, of which he was the
  25. Hunters especially loved to test their dogs on wolf. If a wolf was sighted,the, hunter ,would release a team of two or three borzois. The dogs would pursue the wolf
  26. Pitiful sight. He looked around to find out who had shot the bird. He saw a, hunter ,with a bow and arrows, nearby. Valid became very angry. His lips opened and
  27. At Bauhaus: Beowulf (; in Old English or, literally " bee wolf" i.e." bee, hunter ,", a kenning for" bear" ) is the conventional title of an Old English heroic
  28. Out. The bone tip is fastened to a length of braided twine meanwhile; the, hunter ,held the other end of the twine in his hand. The compound
  29. He had been given the royal military training knowledge. He was a fearsome, hunter , and according to a legend, he killed a lion with just a wooden rod. He was
  30. In some cases, an expedition could turn out to be fraud, with the treasure, hunter ,disappearing with large amounts of money extracted from sponsors. This
  31. Boar to kill Adonis as punishment for his hubris tic boast that he was a better, hunter ,than she. In other versions, Artemis killed Adonis for revenge. In later myths
  32. Actaeon Artemis was once bathing in a vale on Mount Citation, when the Theban, hunter ,Actaeon stumbled across her. Enraged, Artemis turned him into a stag and, not
  33. Is an Anglicized form of the German or Dutch name, Jäger (German: ", hunter ,"),and so is common among immigrants of those communities. He is the uncle of
  34. Boat and Carlton Use that ran for one season. He played a lawyer turned bounty, hunter ,who was trying to hunt down John BLY, the man who killed his father. He starred
  35. Has become the standard setting, Artemis was bathing in the woods when the, hunter ,Actaeon stumbled across her, thus seeing her naked. He stopped and stared
  36. b. 1886) *1955 – Jim Corbett, British-Indian conservationist, author and, hunter ,(b. 1875) *1960 – Beardsley Rum, American economist and tax plan author (b.
  37. Position inside the animal’s body so that it could not get away from the, hunter , The throwing-lance may be distinguished from a harpoon
  38. Plataea where Actaeon was a hero archetypes (" hero-founder" ) The righteous, hunter , the companion of Artemis, seeing her bathing naked at the spring, was moved to
  39. Certainty is in what Action suffered, his πάθος, and what Artemis did: the, hunter ,became the hunted; he was transformed into a stag, and his raging hounds
  40. Is shorter, more compact, stocky and well muscled, yet agile. The racing and, hunter ,type Quarter Horses are somewhat taller and smoother muscled than the stock
  41. Donetsk - better known as" Barbed wire" - is a bar owner and part-time bounty, hunter ,(in order to pay for her bar, The Hammerhead). She is skilled in many areas
  42. Attack the predator. The Slough, by comparison, is more of an independent lone, hunter ,and has a high hunting instinct. They are relatively uncommon in Europe and
  43. With numerous actresses auditioning. Paul was cast as Deckard's fellow bounty, hunter ,Holden based on his performances in the tests. Scott cast Bauer without having
  44. Massive build is also linked to HYPE. (See Genetic diseases below) Racing and, hunter ,type Quarter Horse race horses are bred to sprint short distances ranging from
  45. Vladimir Arsenyev's autobiographical work Versus UCLA. The book, about a Gold, hunter ,who lives in harmony with nature until destroyed by encroaching civilization
  46. That it was therefore common in" primitive" peoples such as those living in, hunter ,gatherer societies. Tylor's definition of animism has since largely been
  47. Royal Navy and on one occasion, at the Battle of the River Plate in 1939,the, hunter ,became the hunted. Admiral Graph See had been at sea at the start of World War
  48. Shot and also the grief of a baby elephant whose mother had been killed by a, hunter , He was very attached to his succession of pet poodles. Schopenhauer criticized
  49. Of his greatest passions is hunting, and although Aphrodite is not naturally a, hunter , she takes up the sport just so she can be with Adonis. They spend every waking
  50. Destroyed, and that a hunted animal has a fair chance to survive by killing the, hunter ,.; Quotes from Manumit: Those who permit slaying of animals; those who bring

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