Examples of the the word, mixed , in a Sentence Context

The word ( mixed ), is the 3770 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The Herero, the Finding and scattered residual groups of Khoisan. In addition, mixed ,race (European and African) people amount to about 2 %, with a small (1 %)
  2. Use of asphalt is in road construction, where it is used as the glue or binder, mixed ,with aggregate particles to create asphalt concrete. Its other main uses are
  3. Vary within a single encounter,e.g. moving from nearly pure MSA to a more, mixed ,language in the process of a radio interview, as the interviewee becomes more
  4. Anatolia, with its humid and mild climate, is home to temperate broadleaf, mixed ,and coniferous forests. The central and eastern plateau, with its drier
  5. Whole fried almonds are also used in sweet Marines. A drink made from almonds, mixed ,with milk is served in important ceremonies such as weddings and can also be
  6. Shrubland, montane forest, and valley forest. *Anatolian conifer and deciduous, mixed ,forests: These forests occupy the western, Mediterranean-climate portion of the
  7. The Rambo, the Angela and the Finding) as well as about 2 % mestizos (, mixed ,European and African) and 1 % European The Around and Ovimbundu nations
  8. With equal dimensions, in the same way as Chinese characters, to allow for, mixed ,script writing (one syllable always takes up one type-space no matter how many
  9. S shelf life. *In China, almonds are used in a popular dessert where they are, mixed ,with milk and then served hot. *In Greece, ground blanched almonds are used as
  10. S next eight films. Record of a Living Being opened in November 1955 to, mixed ,reviews and muted audience reaction, becoming the first Kurosawa film to lose
  11. Be used in order for it to be the person's property," for once his labor is, mixed ,with the natural resource, it remains his owned land. His labor has been
  12. Received far fewer reviews than We the Living, and reviewers' opinions were, mixed , There was a positive review in The New York Times that Rand greatly
  13. The French Revolution. The Dutch clearly lost on all points. The Spanish had a, mixed ,result; they did not achieve their primary war goal (recovery of Gibraltar)
  14. Mediterranean-climate portion of the Anatolian plateau. Pine forests and, mixed ,pine and oak woodlands and shrublands are predominant. *Aegean and Western
  15. Around 150 degrees Celsius (300 °F). Sometimes diesel oil or kerosene are, mixed ,in before shipping to retain liquidity; upon delivery, these lighter materials
  16. Weightie, but the black and Fowler is naught for it is adulterated with Pitch, mixed ,with it. It grows in Phoenix also, and in Simon, & in Babylon, & in Acanthus
  17. With stucco). Composition An adobe brick is a composite material made of clay, mixed ,with water and an organic material such as straw or dung. The soil composition
  18. Green),soot or charcoal (black),and limestone (white). Paints could be, mixed ,with gum Arabic as a binder and pressed into cakes, which could be moistened
  19. Descent. The ethnic distribution consists of 91 % Black or Mulatto,4.4 %, mixed ,race,1.7 % White, and 2.9 % other (primarily East Indian and Asian). Most
  20. A time, it ultimately proved unstable for use in oil painting, especially when, mixed ,with the most common diluents, such as linseed oil, varnish and turpentine.
  21. Part of Alberta is given over either to grain or to dairy farming, with, mixed , farming more common in the north and center, while ranching and irrigated
  22. As artistically successful. The film premiered in September 1957,receiving a, mixed ,response similar to that of Throne of Blood. However, some critics rank it
  23. Right to a writ in any pure or continental civil law legal systems, though some, mixed ,systems such as Quebec recognize these prerogative writs. Direct Appeal After
  24. The intimate anion. Dehydrating metal salts containing this anion yields, mixed ,oxides. Several thioantimonides are known such as and. Hal ides Antimony forms
  25. Stumbling into a temple to Demeter, where the floor was covered with piles of, mixed ,grains. She started sorting the grains into organized piles and, when she
  26. By Billie Jean King); Kournikova and Rodrick won. The exhibition included a, mixed ,doubles match of McEnroe and Austin against Courier and Kournikova. In 2008
  27. Natural resource, it remains his owned land. His labor has been irretrievably, mixed ,with the land, and the land is therefore his or his assigns’ in perpetuity. "
  28. Catchphrase. His next film, One Wonderful Sunday premiered in July 1947 to, mixed ,reviews. It is a relatively uncomplicated and sentimental love story dealing
  29. With state monopoly capitalism, crony capitalism, corporatism,or contemporary, mixed ,economies, wherein market incentives and disincentives may be altered by state
  30. Production systems can be defined based on feed source, as grassland - based, mixed , and landless. Grassland based livestock production relies upon plant material
  31. Of compounds are known with both Sb (III) and Sb (V) centers including, mixed ,chloro-organic derivatives, anions,and cations. Examples include Sb (C6H5)3 (
  32. Waters fresh and marine, the atmosphere, free-floating and in precipitation or, mixed ,with dust, the humus and in other organisms, such as humans. Whether a spore is
  33. Testing is done on the soil content first. To do so, a sample of the soil is, mixed ,into a clear container with some water, creating an almost completely saturated
  34. Attention for many months. They concluded that there was another gas in the air, mixed ,in with the nitrogen. Argon was also encountered in 1882 through independent
  35. Which it comes into contact. The use of bitumen as a glaze to set in shadow or, mixed ,with other colors to render a darker tone resulted in the eventual
  36. With a highly elastic material called Septum, with bits of steel wool, mixed ,in for added strength. Other technical features reveal a shaft driven behind
  37. Tournament, ahead of Kirchner and Audit Polar. Karol and Kasparov played a, mixed ,12-game match from September 21–24, 2009,in Valencia, Spain. It consisted of
  38. WWF, the territory of Andorra belongs to the ecoregion of the Pyrenees conifer and, mixed ,forests. Climate Andorra has an alpine climate and continental climate. Its
  39. The reactions are normally tested with dilute solutions of astatine, mixed ,with larger amounts of iodine. The iodine acts as a carrier, ensuring that
  40. Was developed in 1886. This is done in a Downs Cell in which the NaCl is, mixed ,with calcium chloride to lower the melting point below 700 °C. As calcium is
  41. Premièred 8 December 1983 at The Lyric Hammersmith Theatre in London, to, mixed , reviews and full houses for eight weeks, closing on 21 January 1984. Gangsta
  42. Through the fatty acid degradation pathway. Hazards Methane is explosive when, mixed ,with air (1 – 8 % CH4). Other lower alkanes can also form explosive mixtures
  43. But in the cities, where slightly more than half of the population now lives,a, mixed ,culture has been emerging since colonial times - in Luanda since its foundation
  44. Initial versions (Newton OS 1. x) the handwriting recognition gave extremely, mixed ,results for users and was sometimes inaccurate. The original handwriting
  45. In the Victorian era," arsenic" (" white arsenic" trioxide) was, mixed ,with vinegar and chalk and eaten by women to improve the complexion of their
  46. Iron, carbon and chromium, is called a ternary system. When a molten metal is, mixed ,with another substance, there are two mechanisms that can cause an alloy to
  47. Ecoregions. *Euxine-Colchic deciduous forests: These temperate broadleaf and, mixed ,forests extend across northern Anatolia, lying between the mountains of
  48. Samoan Ethnic groups Pacific Islander 91.6 %, Asian 2.8 %, white 1.1 %, mixed ,4.2 %, other 0.3 % (2000 census) Religions Congregationalist 50 %, Roman
  49. Is prairie, ranging from short grass prairie in the southeastern corner to, mixed ,grass prairie in an arc to the west and north of it. The central aspen parkland
  50. And shrublands are predominant. *Aegean and Western Turkey sclerophyllous and, mixed ,forests: These Mediterranean-climate forests occupy the coastal lowlands and

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