Examples of the the word, chen , in a Sentence Context

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  1. To have short tails. According to Tibetan Buddhism and On, Dzog chen (Dogs, chen , or Arizona) is the natural, primordial state or natural condition of the mind
  2. Phu BKA' brayed) was established by Goal TSA Inches On (Royal TSA in, chen , mgon) (1118–1195) and Under Repay (run loan RAS pa) (1148–1217). The
  3. Lit. True word) is the Japanese pronunciation of the Chinese term for mantra, chen , yen. The word Guarani derives from a Sanskrit root DH. r which means to hold or
  4. Milarepa's many students were Tampa Sonar Inches (SGAM PO pa BSD name in, chen , ) (1079–1153),a great scholar, and the great yogi Rehung More Drama, also
  5. The lineage passed to Sense Sherab's brother Sense Inches (sent GE in, chen , ) 1258—1313 who was succeeded in turn by his son Sense Alpo (sent GE Royal
  6. S four most outstanding students were known as the" Four Great Pillars" ( key, chen , bzhi): #Milarepa (1040–1123),born in Gungthang province of western Tibet
  7. At least up to the time of the Second Drunken Gallant King Pallor ('drug, chen , kun DGA' deal 'boor) 1428-1476 who received this transmission, and 1476 when
  8. Continue to be practiced: Anti (Wylie: a third),Douches (Wylie: dogs, chen , here referring narrowly to the specific lineage within the On tradition)
  9. On this, describing the Andorran race as having four genders: than and, chen , ( roughly equivalent to male),plus she and then (female). The Andorran
  10. Before meeting Tampa, Dorje Alpo studied with Aa chen King Ningbo (SA, chen , kun DGA' saying PO) (1092–1158) from whom he received whole Leisure
  11. Pishavaran, in India as adhyaksha, mukhya, pamukkha or Jataka, in Tibet as DBU, chen , mo,in China as Hangzhou, hangtou or Anglo, in the West African Yoruba region
  12. Snying PO),and the" Fivefold Profound Path of Mahavira" ( lam lab mo flag, chen , lnga loan). Since the 15th Century the Driving Cayuga received influence from
  13. Of the Triumphant Ones' ( Tibetan: DGE loan BKA' brayed in PO Che'i flag, chen , rtsa BA Royal BA'i hung lam HES BYA BA). Sakha Mahavira According to
  14. Fit standard formatting. Mahavira (Sanskrit; Tibetan: Che chen , Wylie: flag, chen , contraction of Chary Cheapo, Wylie: flag RGA Chen PO) literally means "
  15. Phu BA BSD name single) and Trophy Henchmen Inches Sense (Karo ft Khan, chen , rin Chen single). Other notable teachers of this tradition include Chomp
  16. Land lost in earlier times. This quarrel displeased the Sakha ruler (upon, chen , ) Gala Anglo () who dismissed him as myriad. Following a split between
  17. Meticulous Observation of Gods and Humans by the Four Great Kings (Royal. Po., chen , Po. this. Lha. Dang. me. la. RNA. Par. Lta. Ba) 12. The Total Protection of
  18. Chen PO; Omniscient Great One): * Sunken Cheapo Drama Over (run then, chen , po DRI med 'OD her): * Sunken Choke (run then chose FYI Royal PO;
  19. To Love and Sex by Dr. Amanda Roberts * The Yin Passage of Roughen by Long, chen , of the Han dynasty Huston Road is an important thoroughfare in central London
  20. The doctrine of any creator god. An etymology of the Tibetan name Chenrezig is, chen , ( eye),re (continuity) and big (to look). This gives the meaning of one
  21. Transmitted to Maria include the" Essence Mahavira" ( saying PO'i flag, chen , ) where Mahavira is introduced directly without relying on philosophical
  22. Chen gym hung dang man gag),the verbal conventions of those texts (dogs, chen , gyi chose sad),the yogis who meditate according to those texts and
  23. Of the sects that practice the teachings centering around the Phage RGA, chen , po and the Na RO chose drug are properly referred to as the Drags PO BKA ’
  24. Rab 'beams; realization of vast knowledge): :* Long chen pa Drama Over (along, chen , pa DRI med 'OD her): * Sunken Long chen pa (run then along Chen pa; the
  25. Upadeśa, man gag) that indicate the nature of enlightened wisdom (dogs, chen , gyi hung dang man gag),the verbal conventions of those texts (dogs Chen
  26. Gseb BKA' brayed) was established by Germ Cheapo Hönne Drama (Dyer SGM, chen , po Zion nu grass pa) (1090–1171) who founded the Huge monastery in
  27. The yogis who meditate according to those texts and instructions (dogs, chen , gyi real 'boor pa),a famous monastery where the Great Perfection was
  28. Expanse "," Vast Space ", or " Immense Knowledge ":: * Lengthen Abram (along, chen , rab 'beams; realization of vast knowledge): :* Long chen pa Drama Over (along
  29. Total Protection of the Country and Region by the Four Great Kings (Royal. Po., chen , Po. this. Yul. ‘ Khor. Yongs. Su. skying. Ba) 13. The Guarani of
  30. Klong Chen RAB 'beams): * Gala Lengthen Abram Drama Over (Royal BA along, chen , rab 'beams DRI med 'OD her) Biography A reincarnation of Pea Led rel TSA, as
  31. The most renowned adherent of this lineage was Button Inches Drub (by ston in, chen , grub ) (1290–1364) of Half who was a student of Trophy Sonar Sense (Karo
  32. The form of the living rainbow body of the Great Transference (Wylie 'pho BA, chen , po, pronounced Phooey Cheapo) which is completely different and much rarer than
  33. Che chen , Wylie: flag Chen, contraction of Chary Cheapo, Wylie: flag RGA, chen , po) literally means" great seal" or" great symbol. " It" is a multiagent
  34. Pa; the omniscient Long chen pa): * Sunken Lengthen Abram (run then along, chen , rab 'beams): * Sunken Cheapo (run then Chen PO; Omniscient Great One): *
  35. Monastery where the Great Perfection was practiced by monks and yogis (dogs, chen , dgon SDE),and the philosophical system (Siddhartha, grub MTA' ) or vision (
  36. Abram (run then along Chen RAB 'beams): * Sunken Cheapo (run then, chen , po; Omniscient Great One): * Sunken Cheapo Drama Over (run then Chen PO
  37. Visits to each other's country. One of his wives was a Tunguska Urchin (Nu, chen , ) princess, which resulted in many of the eunuchs serving him being of Urchin
  38. Klong Chen pa DRI med 'OD her): * Sunken Long chen pa (run then along, chen , pa; the omniscient Long chen pa): * Sunken Lengthen Abram (run then along
  39. Contextual usages and implications of the term" Douches" ( Wylie: dogs, chen , ) that are often conflated and mentions Asama, siddhanta and Mariana:" Great
  40. Development stemming from a Sino-Tibetan influence on SGAM PO pa BSD name in, chen , ( 1079–1153). Later BKA´ brayed pas defended their not specifically Tactic or
  41. Rgyal PO; All-knowing Dharma King): * Gala Lengthen Abram (Royal BA along, chen , rab 'beams): * Gala Lengthen Abram Drama Over (Royal BA along Chen RAB
  42. Ship),... Kat or ... hat (-hood) are feminine, while nouns ending in ..., chen , or ... can (diminutive forms) are neuter and nouns ending in ... Imus (
  43. Bsod name single) and Trophy Henchmen Inches Sense (Karo ft Khan Chen in, chen , sengge). Other notable teachers of this tradition include Chomp Wherein
  44. As the four yoga of Mahavira (S. Atari Mahavira yoga, Tib. Phyag RGA, chen , po'i real 'boor BHI). They are as follows: # one-pointedness (S. Agra, T.
  45. Rgyal, for example, starts (! ) the presentation of Hinayana in his Phage RGA, chen , po’i third big Chen mo with the following pith-instructions:: Assume the same
  46. Intention" ( gongs gig),the" The Essence of Mahayana Teachings" ( the, chen , bstan pa'i saying PO),and the" Fivefold Profound Path of Mahavira" ( lam
  47. To send periodic tribute. One of Yongle's consorts was a Tunguska Urchin (Nu, chen , ) princess, which resulted in some eunuchs serving him being of Urchin
  48. Chose grass RGA tho (1454–1506) called“ Indian mahāmudrā-Works” ( flag, chen , rgya hung).... Dr. Matches investigated the practice described in these
  49. Starts (! ) the presentation of Hinayana in his Phage RGA Chen PO’i third big, chen , mo with the following pith-instructions:: Assume the same body posture as
  50. On the throne of Ra lung by his elder brother Ye she Inches (ye she's in, chen , ) 1364—1413 and he buy his sons Yamaha Padang (Nam mph' deal bang)

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