Examples of the the word, mess , in a Sentence Context

The word ( mess ), is the 3715 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. A tough mob-connected wheeler-dealer, who began to straighten out his legal, mess , his mob troubles, and his debts. Armstrong also began to experience problems
  2. Anderson assisted in nailing the Red flag to the roof of the Junior Officers, mess ,in Anna Par bat, in August 1945,after the victory of the Labour Party in the
  3. Their own business here. People might disapprove, but they won't try to, mess ,up your life. In America, they might call social services. " Philosophical
  4. With her classes, only for her dedicated note-taking to be replaced by a, mess ,of drawings in her notebooks by year's end. She eventually failed the twelfth
  5. S wrath. Pseudos offers to impersonate Locus and talk his way out of the, mess ,but, his ingenuity flagging, he ends up merely telling the Captain that Philip
  6. Layout of Buskins' flat looks like the Bundies' house. The apartment is in a, mess ,from some fixes in the house which were never finished, and in the show's
  7. Eye, he joined the United States Merchant Marine, and served as a cook and, mess ,boy. " There they don't care if you're blind or not ", Falk said in 1997. "
  8. Brooke that at his age he signs his yearly contract immediately and doesn't, mess ,about negotiating. Producers * Emma Ward (Alison White) is the Line Producer
  9. Then with army officers. AFUB called his regime a" revolution to clean up the, mess ,of black marketing and corruption. 1960-1966 era: years of neglecting During
  10. Even by the standards of pop-cultural feminist studies,'The Beauty Myth' is a, mess , " In a comparatively positive review, The Washington Post called the book "
  11. For ceremonial parades, office duties, less formal parades, walking out, mess ,dinners, and classroom instruction/band practice. Ceremonial kilts have also
  12. Stations with generating units, independent ventilating systems, barracks and, mess ,halls, kitchens,water storage and distribution systems, hoists,ammunition
  13. Chancery cases on group litigation after 1700 were a totally incoherent, mess , which Yearly has explained by pointing to the trends towards fragmentation
  14. Arm that prompted hope of early retirement. Besides his face looked a proper, mess , helmet-scarred, a great wart on his nose, an unpleasant discharge always
  15. Make-ready is the time taken to mount the plate onto the machine, clean up any, mess ,from the previous job, and get the press up to speed. The main part of
  16. Tough, but this guy is the boss—the chairman of boss ... I'm not going to, mess ,with him, are you? " Sinatra called it" the best welcome ... I ever had ", but
  17. It /Kuhn/ but use the wider American meaning! Some observers consider this, mess ,appropriate in view of the word's meaning. Other suggested folk etymologies or
  18. In military usage in Spanish and German, a casino or casino is an officer ', mess ,; a confusing linguistic false friend for translators. History of gambling
  19. For 50 enrolled each, officer/technical staff quarters, medical dispensary, mess ,hall, recreation hall, educational building, lavatory and showers
  20. But despite his wealth, he lived very simply, with a modest apartment – a, mess ,of music papers and books – and a single housekeeper who cleaned and cooked for
  21. On the U. S. chart. The St. Louis Post-Dispatch dismissed it as" an absolute, mess ,that'll go down as an annoying blemish on a career that, while not always
  22. Let him speak. ): Ni IRU. (Let's go. ): Ben CI tin domain (Bless this, mess , ): Mia filing belt! (May my daughter be beautiful!) Aspect Verbal aspect is
  23. Investment and stimulate economic growth. Callers inherited an economic, mess , The economy had deteriorated rapidly, starting in 1989,as the United States
  24. To devote itself to building up its own defenses, and to wash its hands of the, mess ,in Europe. He called for a" Fortress America" concept, in which the United
  25. For wear on military service uniform, a miniature medal pendant for wear on a, mess ,dress, and a lapel badge for wear on civilian clothes (all shown in the
  26. The instruction decode is not shown, because it is usually a, mess , very particular # to the exact processor being emulated. Even this example is
  27. And Brent Decrescendo of Pitchfork Media described it as" an utter, mess ,". However, Blender magazine called it the" grimiest and grimmest of the band
  28. Around: If you hadn't gotten up so late, you might not have gotten into this, mess , Interestingly, AmE, but not BRE, has forgotten as a less common alternative to
  29. Baker's School at Fort Benning, Georgia. He was sent overseas to Germany as a, mess ,sergeant and was responsible for the daily meals of 2000 soldiers, rising to
  30. Individual central office, which tends to perpetuate the current situation of a, mess ,of overlapping and/or spotty areas of coverage. Under the North American
  31. Brought all his newly streamlined authority to bear on cleaning up the Navajo, mess , With a focus that bordered on obsession, he was determined finally to make
  32. Instability and conflicts, without a sense of national identity, but rather a, mess ,of historical cultural influences, tribal and clan loyalties, and religious
  33. Even released his own" Fragment of a Novel" in an attempt to clear up the, mess , but, for better or worse," The Vampire" continued to be attributed to him.
  34. As a permanent canteen or snack bar, called a dunk bar, in addition to the, mess , The bar was open for longer hours than the mess and sold several flavors of
  35. Picture; it doesn't have a lot of classy polish and its structure is a total, mess , But of course! What does that matter while Alex Arras is knocking a horse
  36. Audit of Lucasarts infrastructure, describing the company's state as" quite a, mess , " In 2003,Lucasarts had reportedly grossed just over $100 million according
  37. For the Peloponnesian War, Aristophanes naturally concludes that this whole, mess ,happened because of" three cunts ". It can be argued that the most important
  38. Czech. Some words like actor (an unruly boy or child),barrel (slang for, mess ,), belfer (slang for teacher),Cauchy (slang for clothing),comes (slang
  39. For" rated" positions to help with camp administration: senior leader, mess ,steward,storekeeper and two cooks; assistant leader, company clerk, assistant
  40. Roam ", peaked at number two on the Mainstream Rock Tracks but was a commercial, mess ,at the Hot 100 chart, failing to reach the Top 80. Tours Metallica went on the
  41. And the text had been butchered by printers, leaving a somewhat admirable, mess , It was not until the late 19th century that the official Caucasian canon
  42. Student protests at the University of California at Berkeley," to clean up the, mess ,at Berkeley. " He was elected, defeating two-term governor Edmund G." Pat "
  43. Him one way and the uppers were pulling him another way, and he was kind of a, mess , There were so many pharmaceuticals around—so many pills. I'd never seen
  44. They are simply puns. Examples include controlled chaos, open secret, organized, mess , alone in a crowd, and accidentally on purpose. There are also examples in
  45. Gedunk bar, in addition to the mess . The bar was open for longer hours than the, mess ,and sold several flavors of ice cream, along with cigarettes and other
  46. Very close, and he trusted them completely. Then in the end ... they made a, mess ,of everything .... They would tell him things that were not true, that
  47. Buried facilities, such as barracks, electric generators, ventilation systems, mess ,halls, infirmaries,and supply caches. Their crew consisted of between 100 and
  48. Was impressed by Alexander's calm and style, conducting dinners in his, mess ,like those at an Oxbridge high table, discussing architecture and the campaigns
  49. Through. It is only when I lose contact with the painting that the result is a, mess , Otherwise, there is pure harmony, an easy give and take, and the painting comes
  50. Dr. Band at the Port of Liverpool (on his way from Ghana) to sort out the, mess ,in his private life over the former Mrs. French. Band agreed to return to

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